The anger during the whole meal is also harmonious!


Chapter 68 Opening Ceremony

On December 2015, 12, the huge banquet hall of the Shangri-La Hotel was full of voices. Reporters from well-known domestic paper media, TV stations, portal websites, new media big V, and well-known foreign media reporters stationed in China All of them were invited to the scene, as well as the managers of the major mobile application markets and the same industry that Lin Xuan had contacted before.

In addition, under Liu Haiyang's strong suggestion, Xuanyu Technology also invited some leading cadres from Binhai City.

At this time, Lin Xuan and Chen Yu were accompanying Page, Cook, Zhao Qingshan, Qiu Chunliang, and several leaders of Binhai City in the reception room, as well as Li Yanhong, Director Wang, Zhang Qisheng, Chen Guohua and others who had just come here not long ago. .

Liu Haiyang and the company's main executives greeted the guests at the door.

This banquet hall is large enough to accommodate thousands of people. It is spacious and bright. The hall is covered with a red carpet and surrounded by independent dining tables. The welcoming lady wears corsages for every guest.

The innermost stage of the banquet hall is also covered with a red carpet, flower baskets are placed, and a large screen in the background is playing Xuanyu Technology's company promotional video. There is a banner hanging on the screen with a big letter: Binhai City Xuanyu Technology Co., Ltd. The opening ceremony of the company and the press conference for the establishment of Xuanyu Intelligent Joint Venture Company.

There is a podium on the left side of the stage, with beautiful flower baskets lined up on both sides, and a row of rostrum under the right side of the stage, on which are placed city leaders and important guest name cards.

After seeing the names of Page and Cook on the name card, all the reporters present were shocked. They couldn't help thinking of the previous news, and they confirmed that the last time Cook and Page came to Binhai was for the smart voice steward. Looking at the press conference on the establishment of the Xuanyu Intelligent Joint Venture Company on the banner, they basically understood, and couldn't help being even more surprised.

They didn't expect that Xuanyu Technology would bring together two giants in the world's IT industry to form a new joint venture company!

And the reporters on the scene also paid attention to the name on the middle name card of the rostrum——Lin Xuan. Everyone knows that in Huaxia, whether it is a company or an official, this ranking usually represents the person's status in the enterprise or institution. position in.

So Lin Xuan, who is in the middle, must be the real boss of Xuanyu Technology, and may even be the developer of the intelligent voice butler.

Today, the developer of the smart voice butler made its debut, and Page and Cook are here in person. They may announce the establishment of the three joint ventures. This news will definitely cause a huge sensation, and the reporters present can't help but look forward to it.

In fact, as early as a day ago, the major media received the invitation letter from Xuanyu Technology, and after learning that the company behind the smart voice butler——Xuanyu Technology was about to open, they immediately rushed to report the matter.

In addition, the news that the presidents of Apple and Google came to Binhai some time ago caused a lot of noise, so once the news came out, it attracted the attention of all parties, and it also caused a huge upsurge on the Internet. We are waiting for their follow-up reports today. !


At ten o'clock in the morning, the opening ceremony was officially held. The appearance of Lin Xuan, Cook, Page, Li Yanhong and others immediately detonated the banquet hall.

Especially when they identified Lin Xuan through the name tags worn on their chests, they immediately focused on Lin Xuan, and even Cook and Paige were left out in the cold.

Moreover, the reporters present were very surprised. They never expected that the boss of Xuanyu Technology was a young man in his early twenties, but the more so, the more topical he would be.

Today's host is Liu Haiyang. He first represented Xuanyu Technology on stage, thanked the guests present, and then introduced the leading cadres and main guests present.

Afterwards, the leaders gave speeches one after another, as well as Lin Xuan's speech of thanks. This is basically the most boring but necessary process for every company's opening ceremony.

After the speeches, there was a ribbon-cutting ceremony. Lin Xuan, Cook, Page, Chen Yu, Li Yanhong, Director Wang, and several Binhai city leaders took the stage to cut the ribbon.

After the follow-up ribbon-cutting was completed, the opening ceremony of Xuanyu Technology Co., Ltd. also ended. Under the guidance of the hostess, all the guests present went to the banquet restaurant downstairs for dinner. Chen Yu replaced Lin Xuan to entertain the guests.

And Lin Xuan, Page, Cook, Liu Haiyang, and reporters from major media all stayed behind, preparing to hold the next press conference.

With the cooperation of the on-site staff, the original rostrum was moved to the center of the stage, leaving only four seats, and the large background screen was also switched to a simple picture. The title of the letter was: Xuanyu Technology, Google, Apple's tripartite cooperation signing ceremony and intelligent voice butler upgrade service press conference.

"Hello, friends from the media!" After sitting on the rostrum, Lin Xuan said loudly with a smile on his face, "Let's start today's press conference. Today, our company holds this press conference. There are two main things to announce.

The first thing: From now on, our company will cooperate with Apple and Google to establish Xuanyu Smart Co., Ltd. to independently operate our company's APP—Smart Voice Manager.

In this cooperation, Google will invest [-] million US dollars to purchase [-]% of the shares of Xuanyu Intelligent Co., Ltd., and Apple will authorize Xuanyu Technology Co., Ltd. to obtain the appstore service, and obtain [-]% of Xuanyu Intelligent Co., Ltd. ten shares. "

As soon as Lin Xuan's words fell, there was an uproar at the scene. All the reporters widened their eyes, obviously shocked by Lin Xuan's words.

Although it was rumored that both Google and Apple offered a huge purchase price to acquire the smart voice butler, they did not expect that the two giants would finally reach such a cooperation with Xuanyu Technology.

Not to mention that Google suddenly paid a sky-high price of [-] million US dollars to buy [-]% of the shares of an APP, and they thought it was extremely incredible that Apple used the authorization of the appstore in exchange for the shares of Xuanyu Smart!

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