Who doesn't know that Apple has always liked to eat alone. Whether it is the IOS system or the appstore, it has never been authorized to any company. How did the sun come out this time?

And what made them even more puzzled was, what does Xuanyu Technology want the appstore authorization for? Does Xuanyu Technology want to enter the mobile operating system market?

Seeing the astonishment on the faces of the reporters at the scene, and even whispering discussions, Lin Xuan didn't care, but smiled slightly, and continued: "Everyone, be quiet!"

The scene became quiet again, and all the reporters pointed their cameras at Lin Xuan, and the shutter clicked continuously.

"Next, I will announce the second matter of today's press conference. Before the establishment of Xuanyu Smart, Xuanyu Technology, Google, and Apple, after many discussions, decided to launch the intelligent voice butler in the early morning of January 2016, 1. Automatic upgrade, the upgraded intelligent voice butler will also open the charging service.

Upgrade fees are charged in the form of annual or monthly fees. The monthly fee in China is 3 yuan per month, and the annual fee is 30 yuan per year.

As for the charges sent to countries such as Europe, America, Japan and South Korea, the monthly payment is 1 USD per month, and the annual payment is unified to 10 USD.

And the free version of Smart Voice Butler will stop serving!The upgraded Smart Voice Manager will gradually add more functions and services, and will also launch different language versions, so stay tuned! "


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Chapter 69 Famous


Lin Xuan's words made the scene commotion again.But this time they were not surprised that the smart voice butler was going to charge. After all, for such a popular product, it would be abnormal not to choose to charge.

What surprised everyone was the charging model and standard.

It should be known that there are very few paid apps in the Android app market, and most apps rely on advertising push to make profits.Although only 1% of Apple's appstore is free, the price is not high, and the price is generally around 3 to [-] US dollars.

However, the smart voice butler is charged according to the annual fee and monthly fee, and the price is not low. This charging model, let alone in China, may be difficult for users to accept even in developed countries.

As a result, the installed capacity of smart voice butlers will inevitably decrease sharply.

However, the reporters present were also smart people. They quickly thought of the interest relationship behind this pricing. This is obviously used by Apple to restrict Google. No wonder Apple would rather authorize the appstore to Xuanyu Technology, but also to get a smart voice steward Thirty percent of the shares.

As for the significance of the smart voice butler to Google Android, Google will not let Xuanyu Technology only cooperate with Apple anyway, so even if the smart voice butler asks for a higher price, Google will have to accept it, and Apple will make such a difference. It also allows Xuanyu Technology to have an absolute right to speak even in the face of a giant like Google.

After understanding this series of interests, many reporters looked at Lin Xuan with a little more admiration.

Although Lin Xuan is not very old, his scheming is not inferior to that of Page and Cook!

With the end of Lin Xuan's speech, the press conference entered the next part. Liu Haiyang, who was in charge of the host, got up and said: "Next, I invite Mr. Cook from Apple, Mr. Page from Google, and Lin from Xuanyu Technology. Mr. Xuan signed a tripartite cooperation agreement!"

The hostesses at the scene immediately put the contract in front of the three of them. Page, Cook and Lin Xuan represented Google, Apple and Xuanyu Technology respectively, and signed the relevant cooperation agreement under the witness of more than [-] media reporters at the scene .

Afterwards, the three smiled and shook hands with each other, and cooperated with the reporters present to take a group photo, and the press conference also entered the last link-reporter's question.

The reporters on the scene were extremely enthusiastic, scrambling to be the first, and each of them had a posture of complaining, but the first few questions were all about whether Xuanyu Technology will enter the mobile phone operating system market?

Lin Xuan's answer was naturally affirmative, which made the audience commotion again. Some reporters admired Lin Xuan's courage and courage, but more reporters laughed at Lin Xuan's overthinking.

After all, everyone knows that mobile apps and mobile operating systems are not the same thing, not to mention that the mobile operating system market is suppressed by two giants, Google and Apple, and even Microsoft is struggling on the mobile phone side. Like fighting with the world's biggest giants, isn't it hitting a stone with an egg?

Sure enough, the reporter who asked the question immediately raised this question?

However, the answer Lin Xuan gave made everyone present silent: "The reason is very simple, Huaxia people should have our own mobile phone operating system! This is also the goal that countless IT professionals should strive for!"

Chinese people should have our own mobile phone operating system!

From a commercial point of view, Lin Xuan's answer is completely irresponsible, but if it rises to national justice, this seems to be the best reason.

Huaxia really needs something of its own. It used to be a great country, and it used to have a ceramic firing technology that was painstakingly studied and imitated by countries all over the world.

At that time, Huaxia ceramics were a symbol of status and wealth, and were the favorite commodity of countless nobles. Its popularity seemed to be higher than that of any commodity today.

But today's Huaxia can only use things invented by others and look at other people's faces. Although it cannot be said that this is a shame, all Huaxia people with a little patriotism seem to hope that Huaxia, the oriental dragon, will take off again , Huaxia can create another glories in the past.

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