But now, a man who is just in his early twenties has shouldered the first heavy burden for this dream without hesitation.

So for a moment, everyone present felt a sense of awe towards Lin Xuan inexplicably!

Even the faces of Cook and Page on the side changed several times, although they never believed that Lin Xuan would develop a mobile phone operating system that could shake the status of the two of them.

But when they saw Lin Xuan's resolute eyes when he spoke just now, for some reason, the two felt a little uneasy in their hearts.

Perhaps it was Lin Xuan's answer that made the reporters present not know what to say for a while, so the next reporter's questions turned to Apple and Google, and asked some things about the two companies.

After the press conference, Lin Xuan accompanied Cook and Page to have lunch, and then sent someone to take them to Binhai International Airport.

At this time, Xuanyu Technology opened for business, Xuanyu Technology, Apple, and Google jointly established Xuanyu Smart, and the news that the intelligent voice butler was about to charge also began to sweep the country, causing a huge sensation for a while.

The smart voice butler will soon upgrade its charging, and the charging model is the first of its kind;

Xuanyu Smart takes the two big cars of Google and Apple and prepares to enter the mobile phone operating system market;

He is the father of intelligent voice butler, his name is Lin Xuan, a billionaire who is only 20 years old;

A series of eye-catching news headlines almost instantly occupy the most dazzling pages of traditional media and online media.

For a while, Lin Xuan's name became the most popular search term on Baidu, and his photo and name became popular all over the Internet in an instant.


In a certain classroom of Binhai University, Yang Shuke's roommates Ma Lin and Zheng Xinyue just came to the classroom together to prepare for class.

After sitting down in the back row of the classroom, Ma Lin's mobile phone suddenly received a WeChat message alert. She took out her mobile phone and saw that it was a message from her friend group, so she went in to check.

It turned out that it was a news about the upcoming charging of the intelligent voice butler.

"I hate it, there is a charge!" Ma Lin murmured in her heart, and clicked in half-believingly to check, and found that it was reported by Fujixun News, and it seemed that there was a charge.

But when she saw the following about Xuanyu Technology, Apple, and Google's joint venture company, and the introduction of the smart voice butler developer Lin Xuan, and his photos, her eyes widened suddenly, and she immediately pulled Zheng Xinyue, who was beside her, said, "Xiaoyue, look quickly, is this Xiaoke's boyfriend!"

Zheng Xinyue looked surprised, and stared at the photo of the man shaking hands with Cook on Ma Lin's large-screen mobile phone, her eyes widened, and she took Ma Lin's mobile phone and looked at the entire news report.

"It's really him—oh my god, he's the developer of the smart voice manager! It turns out that Xiao Ke's boyfriend is so amazing!" Zheng Xinxin exclaimed repeatedly when she saw the news report, especially when she saw that Google bid Buying equity for [-] million U.S. dollars, she felt like her heart was about to stop beating. [-] million U.S. dollars, that's more than [-] billion yuan!

At this time, Liu Yingying, who was sitting not far from the two of them, was also watching the news, and her face was also full of shock. Lin Xuan, who was demoted by him before, turned out to be the developer of the smart voice butler , and suddenly became the youngest billionaire businessman in China, a properly rich generation, this is really [-] years in Hedong and [-] years in Hexi, people can't be judged by their appearances and seas can't be measured!

But after the shock, her heart was full of jealousy!


In the library of Binhai University, Zhou Qingya looked at the screen of her mobile phone. Lin Xuan, who was being interviewed on the same stage as Cook and Page, was stunned.

The person she once thought had no future has transformed into the youngest billionaire businessman and a successful person who has attracted the attention of the world.

What could be more dramatic than this in this world!

Suddenly, she remembered the last text message Lin Xuan sent her: Why don't you hold on a little longer!

Thinking of this, Zhou Qingya smiled wryly, but there were mixed feelings in her heart...

... [Thank you for the rewards of the magician Fairy Heart and Memory Ruocheng book friends, thank you for your support! 】

Chapter 70 The Brothers in the Dorm

After seeing off all the guests, Lin Xuan arranged the follow-up matters, and called Chen Yu over: "Boss, the company's affairs can finally come to an end, and I've been exhausted recently, you can take a rest these days , go out and play!"

"Forget it, I'm afraid of being idle, and I'm not tired! Next, we will be busy upgrading the smart voice manager, adding different language versions, and there are still many things to be busy. How can I rest at this time? !” Chen Yu said with a smile.

"Okay, then I will give you a long vacation after the smart voice butler upgrade fee is completed—by the way, boss, I just suddenly remembered something. Call them over, I've been too busy these two days, I forgot to call them for the opening today!"

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