"Yeah, I've been busy these days, I really forgot about them, alas——those three boys are probably scolding us behind our backs now?" Chen Yu said with a wry smile.

"Hehe, just scold if you scold, treat them to a good meal later, and forget about everything!" Lin Xuan said with a smile.

In Lin Xuan's original dormitory at Binhai University, Zhang Wei, Li Kun, and Cao Yang all stayed in the dormitory because there was no class in the afternoon.

At this time, Zhang Wei was lying on the bed playing games on his mobile phone, while Li Kun and Cao Yang were together, watching "The Legend of Miyue" on the computer, making complaints from time to time.

After playing for a while, Zhang Wei felt bored, so he quit the game and entered WeChat to browse Moments, but he saw a news that almost swiped the screen in Moments, which was about the charging of smart voice butler.

He clicked in and took a look, and the whole person suddenly jumped up from the bed like a spring, and exclaimed: "I'm going, the smart voice butler was actually developed by the third brother! Nima, it's real or not, look at it quickly , this is the third brother, right?"

Hearing Zhang Wei's exclamation, Li Kun and Cao Yang on the side looked astonished, and immediately came over curiously, took Chen Yu's mobile phone, read the news, and immediately widened their eyes.

"Damn it, it's really the third brother, Xuanyu Technology, isn't this the company that the eldest brother and the third brother want to jointly open? The intelligent voice butler was originally developed by the third brother. No wonder he wants to start a company with the boss Zhang Luo!" Li Kun was also full of enthusiasm. said with a shocked face.

"Yeah, the third brother is so awesome, even Cook and Paige were pulled into the shares by him, what happened in the past two months, the third brother is going against the sky!" Zhang Wei said with admiration.

"Hey - so what, no matter how awesome, we still remember that he is our third brother, but he may not remember us!" After the shock, Li Kun's complexion sank, and he said with a wry smile, his words were full of sourness!

Hearing Li Kun's words, Cao Yang and Zhang Wei's expressions darkened, they smiled wryly and said nothing.

In fact, they also felt that Chen Yu and Lin Xuan might have forgotten them a long time ago, otherwise why didn't they even tell them about the important event of the company's opening.

"Hey - people leave tea, forget it, forget it, after all, he started a company, and we didn't help at all!" Zhang Wei sighed, and it was also a psychological comfort for himself.

Just when the atmosphere in the dormitory became a little dignified, Li Kun's cell phone rang suddenly. He picked it up and saw that it was Lin Xuan calling, and he was stunned.

"Who is it?" Seeing Li Kun's expression was wrong, Zhang Wei asked quickly.

"Yes, it's the third brother!" Li Kun said in a daze.

"Hurry up and pick it up!" Zhang Wei hurriedly urged.

Li Kun, who came back to his senses, nodded, quickly connected the phone, and immediately said angrily: "Hey, third brother, you still remember my phone number!"

"Nonsense, of course I remember!" Lin Xuan laughed on the other end of the phone, "Why, I haven't met you guys for a drink these days, so I thought I forgot about you!"

"That's right! I thought you really forgot about us when you became the big boss!" Li Kun said very bluntly.

Lin Xuan could naturally hear the sourness in Li Kun's words, so he couldn't help laughing and said, "Okay, I know I didn't invite you here for the opening of the company, so I'm angry, so my elder brother and I specially prepared a table of good wine in Shangri-La Good food, I will apologize to my brothers!"

"Shangri-La!" Li Kun frowned, and the unhappiness on his face just now seemed to have been swept away, "Third brother, you're quite interesting!"

"Hehe, hurry up, brother and I are waiting for you here!"

After hanging up the phone, Li Kun, Zhang Wei, and Cao Yang hurriedly cleaned up, took a taxi together to the Shangri-La Hotel, and called Lin Xuan when they were about to arrive.

Soon, the car stopped at the entrance of Shangri-La. As soon as the three got out of the car, they saw Lin Xuan and Chen Yu also coming out of the gate.

"Big Brother, Third Brother!" Zhang Wei beckoned and walked over quickly.

"Fuck, fifth brother, take a picture for me, I want to take a picture with my third brother!" Just as he walked up to Lin Xuan, Li Kun suddenly handed his phone to Zhang Wei, and said with a smile.

Zhang Wei didn't understand what Li Kun was going to do, but he did as he did, taking a few photos of Lin Xuan and Li Kun.

"Haha, the third brother is now a celebrity, and this photo will definitely be valuable in the future!!" Li Kun looked at the group photo just now, and smiled with satisfaction.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan smiled, and immediately looked at Li Kun with a look of disgust, and joked: "Just this little talent, don't say you know me in the future!"

"That's right!" Zhang Wei also looked at Li Kun with disgust, and then followed Lin Xuan into Shangri-La. Li Kun was not angry, and walked in with a few people with a playful smile.

When I came to the private room of the hotel, the food and drink were all ready, and the brothers didn't talk too much, and they even drank two glasses of beer before they started to move their chopsticks.

After the good wine and good food, everyone has long forgotten the unhappiness in their hearts, and began to ask questions, wanting to know what happened to Lin Xuan in the recent period.

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