The reason why Seven Snakes targeted Xia Xin was mainly because he received information from Tian Hongwei that his son Tian Siyuan was revenged by Lin Xuan because of the conflict between Xia Xincai and Lin Xuan.

Moreover, Qi Snake also asked his apprentice to find Tian Siyuan before and confirmed Tian Hongwei's words, so he always thought that Xia Xin was Lin Xuan's girlfriend.

However, he guessed that the previous assassination failed, and he had already startled the snake. Even if Lin Xuan didn't hide Xia Xin, he would definitely arrange bodyguards to protect her.

So this time he chose to go out in person, and the result was as he expected. After two days of observation, Xia Xin really had bodyguards by his side.

It just made him feel strange that the bodyguard seemed to be secretly protecting Xia Xin, and Xia Xin didn't know the existence of the bodyguard at all.

But this is not what he cares about. If he wants to catch Xia Xin, he can only deal with his bodyguards first.

In the woods of the school, Xia Xin bought food for the stray animals as usual, and then squatted next to the den of the big tabby cat family, stroking the five cubs that had almost grown into big cats.

But she didn't know that her every move was actually being watched by someone, and she didn't even know that there were two other people besides her in the woods.

After staying in the woods for a while, Xia Xin got up and walked out of the woods.

But just after her figure walked away, a figure walked out from behind a big tree not far away. This is a woman with short hair. Although she looks ordinary, she is tall, about the same as Xia Xin, with healthy skin. The color of wheat, there is a heroic spirit in his eyes.

The woman glanced at Xia Xin who was going away, and then walked out of the woods, her steps were vigorous, but she landed silently, but she had just walked a few steps, but was blocked by another figure that suddenly appeared.

This man was wearing a top hat and a Chinese tunic suit. He had triangular eyes, high cheekbones, and sunken cheeks. He looked very thin, but he gave off an inexplicable sense of danger.

Seeing this person who appeared suddenly, the woman's complexion changed, and a chill rose from the bottom of her heart instantly. She didn't even notice that someone was following him just now, which shows that this person is definitely a master, even stronger than her.

"Who are you?" The short-haired woman frowned and asked in a cold voice.

"The dead don't need to know!" Seven Snakes said expressionlessly, the hoarse voice made people feel uncomfortable.

The short-haired woman frowned even tighter, and the muscles all over her body tensed up. She knew that this person came with no kindness. Although she didn't know why this person wanted to kill her, it would be very difficult for her to get out of the body today, so she immediately touched him. A dagger at the waist.

But just as she was about to move, the eyes of the seven snakes flashed coldly, and the index finger of her right hand, like a sharp sword, stabbed straight at the short-haired woman's throat.

The face of the short-haired woman changed drastically. This person is really vicious because he wants to take someone's life.And the speed was so fast that she felt caught off guard and had no time to draw the dagger.

However, she is not an ordinary person. After more than ten years of hard training, she instinctively made a dodging movement, and her inner strength was transported to her right hand. She pierced through the air with one palm, and slashed at the arm of Seven Snakes, trying to block the opponent's attack. , and the other hand grabbed the dagger.

But Seven Snake's arm was weak and boneless. When the woman's palm hit it, it was like hitting cotton, and most of the strength was immediately removed.

At the same time, the arm of the seven snakes also coiled around the woman's arm, and immediately, like a poisonous snake, it followed the woman's arm and stabbed at her throat again.

This time, the woman had no time to evade, and was directly pierced into the softest part of the throat by the opponent's fingers.

The woman's eyes widened suddenly, she grabbed Qi Snake's arm with her right hand, grabbed the dagger with her left hand, and slashed at Qi Snake's neck, but the Qi Snake's reaction was very fast, before the dagger touched his neck, it Kicked the woman away with one kick.

At the same time, there was a scream from outside the woods, and it was Xia Xin's voice.

"Bang——" the short-haired woman fell heavily on the ground, covering her throat with her palms, and blood ran down her fingers. She opened her mouth but couldn't make a sound, and her face was extremely pale.

But just when she was about to die, her right hand suddenly moved down, stuck into her collar, and pressed a button on a black pendant on her chest.

"Hmph, there is an alarm!" Seven Snakes frowned, stepped forward immediately, and kicked the short-haired woman's cervical spine, and then disappeared into the woods after a few flashes.


Chapter 72 Xia Xin's Call

In the Huaxia Ministry of National Defense Building in Kyoto City, in the Office of the Minister of Defense, a middle-aged man with sharp eyebrows and star-eyed features and sharp features was on the phone anxiously: "We must find the murderer as soon as possible and rescue my daughter!"

"Yes, Minister, I will mobilize the entire city's police force to investigate and ensure that the task is completed!" A sonorous voice came from the phone.

After hanging up the phone, the middle-aged man still frowned, and immediately picked up the landline on the desk and said, "Xiao Xu, immediately book me a ticket to Binhai after four o'clock!"


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