Putting down the phone, the middle-aged man walked up and down the room, his face full of anxiety and uneasiness.

"Where did the master come out, even the apprentice of the old ghost is not his opponent!" Xia Weiguo thought anxiously in his heart, faces flashed in his mind, and the brows were clouded.

Just now, he received a call from Binhai, saying that Xia Xin's bodyguard Lian Xin was killed and Xia Xin was arrested by a mysterious person.

This made Xia Weiguo feel like a thunderbolt. If there was not an extremely important state affairs meeting, he would have flown directly to Binhai City by now.

Xia Weiguo's first wife died early and only left Xia Weiguo with a son. Xia Weiguo later married his current wife and gave him a son and a daughter.

And Xia Xin is Xia Weiguo's youngest daughter.

Xia Xin was born extremely beautiful since she was a child, and Xia Weiguo loved her daughter very much, so she loved Xia Xin very much. It was also like this that made him overprotect Xia Xin, making his love and care become Xia Xin's heart. constraints and shackles.

Xia Xin is a person who likes freedom in her bones, and hates others to restrict her and arrange her life, but her background determines that she cannot live freely and do whatever she wants like other children.

So since she was young, almost everything about Xia Xin was arranged by her father Xia Weiguo, which made Xia Xin gradually develop a rebellious mentality, especially after entering high school, this rebellious mentality became more serious, and Xia Xin made her father protect her , It was completely regarded as a cage that he wanted to break free from.

She wanted to escape from the city of Kyoto, escape from this family, and stay away from her father, so she did not follow her father's instructions to apply for Huaxia University during the college entrance examination, but applied for Fudan University in Mingzhu City.

After Xia Weiguo learned of this, he was very angry. Although he was reluctant to let his daughter be too far away from him, he didn't say that, and planned to force Xia Xin back to Huaxia University.

So the father and daughter fell out completely, and Xia Xin finally went to the old man to complain.

In the end, the old man came forward to mediate and gave their father and daughter a compromise, letting Xia Xin go to Binhai University, so that she would not be far from Kyoto, and Xia Xin's wish to leave Kyoto would be fulfilled.

Since the old man spoke, Xia Weiguo could only agree, but because of this matter, Xia Xin has been ignoring him all the time. If it wasn't because of the kid named Lin Xuan last time, Xia Xin might not be willing to talk to him until now.

But although Xia Xin went to Binhai University, Xia Weiguo did not let it go, and secretly asked Tian Hongwei to help take care of Xia Xin.

But he didn't expect that Tian Hongwei would allow his son to harass Xia Xin. If Xia Xin hadn't mentioned it when he called last time, he would still be in the dark.

So after Tian Hongwei's downfall, he felt that no one else could be trusted, so he sent a bodyguard - Lian Xin, to secretly protect Xia Xin.

Originally, he thought that Xia Xin was in college, almost no one knew his real identity, and there would be no danger if there were bodyguards secretly protecting him, but unexpectedly, something happened.

"Who would be the instigation?" Just as Xia Weiguo was thinking about who the murderer would be and what his purpose was.

The entire public security department in Binhai City has been completely blown away. Almost all police forces have been mobilized, and some of them are responsible for obtaining surveillance video and looking for traces of criminal suspects.

The other part is to search for suspicious people and vehicles all over the city, and even set up checkpoints at various intersections to prevent criminals from escaping from Binhai, and even the public security departments of several surrounding county-level cities have all linked up.


In Xuanyu Technology Company, Lin Xuan naturally didn't know that the police circle in Binhai City had fallen into chaos.He was sitting in front of the computer and writing the code when he was suddenly interrupted by a phone ringing. He picked up the phone and found that it was Xia Xin's number. He couldn't help being a little surprised.

Since the last time he brought Yang Shu to see Xia Xin, Xia Xin never called him again, and the two of them never met again. Why did Xia Xin suddenly think of calling herself today?

Thinking of Xia Xin, Lin Xuan couldn't help but think of the stray animals in the school, and secretly thought that he should find the Animal Protection Association of Binhai City in a few days and fund the establishment of more animal rescue stations.

Of course, these thoughts just flashed by. With a trace of curiosity, Lin Xuan quickly connected the phone, but the expected pleasant voice did not appear, but a man's cold voice came: "Lin Xuan is Bar!"

"Who are you?" Lin Xuan felt a little uncomfortable, frowned, and asked in a cold voice.

"It's not important. What I want to tell you is that Miss Xia Xin is visiting me here. She wants to meet you very much, so you should come over too!"

"You are the Seven Snakes?" Lin Xuan's heart trembled, and he immediately guessed who the other party was, but he couldn't figure out why the Seven Snakes arrested Xia Xin. Could it be because he and Xia Xin knew each other?

As soon as Lin Xuan's words came out, the other party obviously paused, but he didn't answer Lin Xuan, but said in a cold voice: "I'll give you an hour, immediately go to the logistics park in Xining District, Binhai City to find me, remember, thousand Don't play tricks with me, if you dare to call the police, I will let your little girlfriend go to see Hades first!"

"Okay, but how can I find you there?" Lin Xuan said in a deep voice. Naturally, he would not call the police. With his current ability, it is not difficult to rescue Xia Xin. Instead, calling the police has become a burden for him, and It will also put Xia Xin in a more dangerous situation.

"You don't need to worry about this. After you get there, someone will pick you up to see me!"

"I'm going to see you right now! Don't touch a single hair of Xia Xin!" Lin Xuan warned, but he didn't say too many harsh words. After all, Xia Xin was still in their hands, and he didn't want Xia Xin to be punished because of him. harm.

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