
The other party didn't speak any more, but hung up the phone directly.

Putting down the phone, Lin Xuan's face was serious. He couldn't figure it out. How could the Seven Snakes think of arresting Xia Xin to threaten him, and what did the other party just say about his girlfriend? Did he think Xia Xin was his girlfriend? How did the misunderstanding arise?

Who was he instructed by?Why kill yourself?

Lin Xuan had too many puzzles in his heart, but right now was not the time to think about it. He turned off the computer, took his mobile phone in his hand, left the office, and went downstairs to take a taxi to the logistics park in Xining District.


[The new week still needs everyone's recommendation tickets to support, brothers are awesome! 】

Chapter 73 Meeting 【Favorites and Recommendations】

The logistics park in Xining District is the largest logistics distribution center in Binhai. There are a lot of vehicles coming and going there every day, and the people are relatively mixed. It is a good place to hide.

Lin Xuan knew very well that the other party asked him to go there so that they could hide their identities and secretly observe whether he had brought a helper or called the police.

Arriving at the logistics park in Xining District, Lin Xuan walked straight in. The logistics park covers a very large area, surrounded by large warehouses, piled up goods, and the large trucks transporting goods .

Lin Xuan took out his mobile phone and called Xia Xin's mobile phone, but Xia Xin's mobile phone was turned off. Lin Xuan had no choice but to look around, but he didn't see any suspicious people. goods workers.

Lin Xuan knew that the other party was probably observing him secretly, so he couldn't be in a hurry, so he wandered around the logistics park, waiting for the other party to take the initiative to call.

Sure enough, not long after, Lin Xuan's cell phone rang, it was an unfamiliar phone number, Lin Xuan quickly connected the phone, and the voice of the man from before came again.

"You are very obedient, then do as I say, you go to the south exit of the logistics park immediately, there is a white van there, the license plate is Bin A172**, just get on the car after that, our people Will bring you here!"

"Okay!" Lin Xuan replied without any hesitation, and immediately walked quickly to the east exit of the logistics park. When he got there, he saw a white van parked by the side of the road, and the license plate number was the same as That person said the same.

Lin Xuan walked to the passenger side of the truck, opened the door and got into the car. Seeing Lin Xuan coming up, the driver looked at him and asked, "You are Lin Xuan!"

"En!" Lin Xuan nodded.

The man also nodded, started the car immediately, and left the logistics park.


In the eastern suburbs of Binhai City near the Haihe River, there is a patch of unfinished buildings. These unfinished buildings have been here for seven or eight years.At that time, the developer was caught in a debt dispute and the capital chain was broken, which caused the entire project to be shelved after half of the completion, and this shelving lasted for seven or eight years.

Moreover, several years have passed, and there has been no development here. Except for a few factories not far away, there are no other residential areas, so this place feels deserted.

And because this community has been left unused for many years, weeds are overgrown, and all kinds of construction waste are scattered everywhere, making it even more desolate and lifeless.More than a dozen buildings have been basically completed, and there are several ordinary buildings that have just been built. After seven or eight years of wind and rain, as well as man-made damage, they are dilapidated. The desolate smell makes people feel like they are in a doomsday movie when they are in it, as if zombies will emerge from the empty and dark windows and doorways at any time.

On the third floor of a building near the Haihe River in this community, Seven Snakes was sitting on a plastic bucket with a bluetooth earphone on his ear, looking gloomyly at Xia Xin whose hands and feet were tied up.

There were two stern men holding pistols with silencers in their hands, looking around blankly.

"Little girl, I really didn't expect you to have such a big background. I really stepped on a landmine this time!" Qi Snake narrowed her eyes slightly and said hoarsely.

Before he asked his apprentice to call Lin Xuan, he had already received a report from the eyeliner in the city, saying that almost all the police force in Binhai had been mobilized to investigate Xia Xin's disappearance.

So he speculated that this Xia Xin must have a lot of background, and when he thought of the bodyguard next to Xia Xin before, he concluded that Xia Xin was probably the daughter of a high-ranking official, so he asked about it just now, and only then did he know that Xia Xin His father turned out to be the current Defense Minister Xia Weiguo.

Fortunately, he had made careful preparations before implementing the plan, and his many years of killer career had given him a strong sense of anti-reconnaissance.

On the way to transport Xia Xin away, he went through several turns and set up some decoy vehicles to confuse the police, so he knew that the police would not be able to find it for a while.

Moreover, he has also placed eyeliners near all the intersections leading here, and arranged speedboats on the Haihe River. As long as he solves Lin Xuan, or finds a suspicious vehicle coming, he will know immediately, and then take the The speedboat escaped smoothly through the Haihe River.

"So you'd better let me go quickly, or the police will come back here soon, and none of you will be able to escape by then!" Xia Xin shouted coldly. Although she was very afraid of the middle-aged man in front of her, she was not cowardly. He was a human being, and he grew up in a military family, so he was naturally nurtured with a kind of backbone, so even though he was afraid in his heart, he didn't show it on his face.

"Hmph, little girl, you overestimate those idiots!" Qi Snake said with a sneer, but at this moment, his mobile phone vibrated, and he immediately connected it with a Bluetooth headset: "Master, Lin Xuan is here!"

"Well, there is no vehicle following behind, right?"

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