"Hey, even Xuanyu Technology will belong to your family in the future. Of course you think it's not expensive, but we are still poor students!" Ma Lin cried poorly.

"You're still a poor student!" Yang Shuke gave Ma Lin a blank look. This girl spends a lot of money every day, and can spend hundreds of dollars playing a game. How can there be such a small difference in money? She is clearly crying poor with herself here.

"Woo, I'm so poor that I'm almost out of control. You, a rich woman, should take pity on us!" Ma Lin continued to cry about being poor.

"Okay, okay, I'll just ask Lin Xuan for you later, but as my roommate, shouldn't you also support my boyfriend's work first, and pay for one month in advance!" Yang Shuke smiled helplessly road.

"Hey, of course, but you must help me get a permanent free account!" Ma Lin said with a smile.

In fact, she is not really short of this little money, but she thinks that she has a permanent free account, so she can show off.

"And me and me!" Zheng Xinyue rushed to raise her hand and said.

"Understood, don't worry!" Yang Shuke smiled and nodded.


In the office of the president of Xuanyu Technology, Lin Xuan was looking at the latest payment data report. After three days, the paying users of the smart voice butler had exceeded the [-] million mark, and about [-]% of them were selected. The annual fee, and the rest are monthly fees, and this has also brought more than one billion in revenue to Lin Xuan's company.

This result was even better than Lin Xuan expected, and this is just more than three days of data. Lin Xuan believes that paying users will continue to grow in the future.And his ultimate goal is [-] million. As long as the end users are stable at this value, he will be very satisfied.

However, Lin Xuan's expected goal was reached on the eighth day after the smart voice butler was upgraded. Although the growth rate of paying users began to decline from the fifth day onwards, the overall value has been rising.

By January 1th, the total paying users had reached 12 million. This is a value that makes the whole company very excited. [-] million paying users will bring their company at least once a month. Bring four or five billion in revenue.

Just imagine, which company in the same industry can have such an astonishing revenue, and this is strictly domestic paying users. When the foreign version is developed and launched, their company's revenue will at least double.

Lin Xuan was very happy, so he promised all the staff to have a dinner at the Shangri-La Hotel this weekend to celebrate.

During these twelve days, Xuanyu Technology has also completed the expansion and reorganization of its personnel. Most of the first batch of employees have been assigned to Xuanyu Intelligent Company. Liu Haiyang is the CEO of Xuanyu Intelligent. Version development and subsequent operation and maintenance.

The decoration of Xuanyu Smart Office has also been basically completed, which is located on the downstairs floor of Xuanyu Technology.

And just yesterday, Lin Xuan also talked with Cook and Page on the phone, and learned that the branch of Xuanyu Intelligence in the United States has basically been completed. He will hold a press conference immediately after the development of the foreign language version of the intelligent voice manager is completed. , officially started the global promotion of intelligent voice butler, and Lin Xuan will also attend the press conference at that time.

In the president's office, Lin Xuan and Chen Yu expressed their intention to buy land and build a factory to produce graphene materials, which surprised Chen Yu.

"Produce graphene materials?" Chen Yu stared at Lin Xuan incredulously.

But what surprised him was not Lin Xuan's bold idea, but he couldn't understand what Lin Xuan was going to do. They are a good software company. If they don't continue to develop software, how can they get involved in the material industry, not to mention that graphene is so good. Made it?

... [Thank you book friend Hei Xiaohe for the reward! 】

Chapter 81 Technical Confidentiality Issues

Although Chen Yu is not particularly aware of the current development of graphene, he is very clear that graphene has not been used commercially at present, indicating that its production technology must be imperfect, so he cannot understand why Lin Xuan wants to build a factory for production Graphene.

And now that Xuanyu Technology has just been built, and the smart voice butler has just become popular, they should take advantage of this craze to launch more mobile phone software, or the computer version of the smart voice butler that Lin Xuan said, or even mobile phone operations The system is also good.

There is no need to deal with fields they are not good at, and it is still a new material industry with immature technology.

As the saying goes, you can’t chew too much. Although the company’s current profit is very good, it can’t be squandered at will. Buying land and building a factory is not as simple as they are now, renting an office building to start a company. It is possible to go straight to the water.

Hearing Chen Yu's question, Lin Xuan smiled slightly. He could understand why Chen Yu had such a reaction, so he truthfully told Chen Yu his thoughts, as well as the future prospects of graphene and its impact on the entire industry. Yu also told Chen Yu that he has a complete set of graphene preparation technology.

"What? You still know the preparation technology of graphene?" Chen Yu was a little confused. How many secrets does Lin Xuan have in him? First, he developed a new computer language by himself, and then he developed software such as an intelligent voice steward. , Now he even told himself that he has mastered a preparation technology that can mass-produce and commercialize graphene.

At this time, Chen Yu even wondered whether Lin Xuan came from an alien, or came back from the future, otherwise, how could he have mastered so much cash technology.

But thinking about it, he naturally wouldn't believe in these Arabian Nights things.

"In fact, I accidentally hacked into the server of a scientific research institute in the United States and stole their technical information. At present, the American government is already using this preparation technology to secretly produce graphene materials, so our country can't lag behind!" Lin Xuan Knowing that he couldn't explain the origin of the black technology in his mind, he could only make it up again, even though he himself thought this excuse was a bit ridiculous.

"You hacked into the server of the American Research Institute and stole it? Let me go, Mr. Lin, your hacking skills are simply at the peak!" Chen Yu said with a look of surprise.

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