Although he was dubious about Lin Xuan's explanation, compared to Lin Xuan's coming from an alien or the future, he definitely felt that this reason seemed more plausible, so he could only believe it.

"But I don't think we need to buy land and build a factory right away. After all, we haven't verified this preparation technology. I think we can go to the foundry to find them to manufacture a device to see if this method is true. Graphene can be produced, and if it is possible, it will not be too late for us to buy land and build a factory!" Chen Yu said after a little thought.

"Well, that's good!" Lin Xuan nodded. Although he has absolute confidence in his preparation technology, he can only do so in order to convince Chen Yu right now.

After all, Chen Yu still needed Chen Yu's assistance to complete the various procedures for land approval from the government and the bidding of some projects for the construction of the factory, so he naturally had to convince Chen Yu.

Not long after Chen Yu left the office, Lin Xuan's cell phone rang suddenly. He picked up the phone and found that it was actually Director Wang calling. He suddenly thought of something, smiled slightly, and answered the call.

"Hello, Director Wang!"

"Haha, congratulations to Comrade Xiaolin. I heard that the payment results of the smart voice housekeeper are very impressive. Your company has really created a miracle in the industry!" Director Wang's hearty laughter came from the receiver.

Lin Xuan smiled slightly. He was not surprised that Director Wang would know the situation of his company, because the engineers in the scientific research institute were still receiving training from him, so they naturally knew their company well.

However, Lin Xuan also knew that Director Wang was definitely not just here to congratulate him when he called him.

"Director Wang has won the award. In fact, I was about to call you just now. Now our company's team has basically been formed. In the next month, we are going to start developing the computer version of the intelligent voice manager. When the development is completed, Let Director Wang check and accept it as soon as possible!" Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"Haha, no hurry, no hurry, but I can also promise now that as long as your smart voice steward can really solve the information security problem, I will take the initiative to recommend you to the leader. I believe the government will definitely bring a batch of information to your company. Huge order!"

"Hehe, then there will be Director Lao Wang. How about this? Before the Spring Festival, I will try my best to develop the computer version of the intelligent voice butler. After the Spring Festival holiday, Director Wang can check and accept it!"

"Haha, okay, then I'll wait for your good news!"


After finishing the call with Director Wang, Lin Xuan smiled wryly. It seems that he is busy again. Although he has a technical team now, after all, only he can master the core technology. The computer version of the intelligent voice manager opens the main core The program still needs to be completed by him alone.

This made Lin Xuan want to develop the Jarvis system as soon as possible. Once the Jarvis system is completed, he can ask Jarvis to help him write various program modules, which can save him a lot of time.

It's a pity that writing the Jarvis system is really a huge project. Even a preliminary version will require him to write for several months before it can be completed.

However, Lin Xuan can also understand why Director Wang is so anxious. Since the exposure of the Prism Gate incident, the higher authorities have paid more and more attention to information security. Therefore, if the problem of the back door of the computer system is not completely resolved, they will be stuck in their throats every day.

Moreover, Lin Xuan also saw some reports on the Internet that some government departments have banned the use of Windows systems, but several self-developed systems have serious software ecological problems, which puts the government in an extremely embarrassing situation.

But if there is a piece of software that can truly guarantee information security, then there is no need for the government to ban the use of Windows systems, and it will solve the current dilemma.

Of course, the country will not give up independent system research and development!

But thinking of information security, Lin Xuan suddenly thought of an extremely serious problem.

If the construction of our own graphene production plant is completed, the confidentiality of the technology is also the top priority. How to solve this problem?

You must know that graphene is a material that may change the times. Although this technology is nothing to Lin Xuan, it is a big piece of fat to the capitalistic countries in the world today.

Once this technology comes out, all major countries will definitely use all means to obtain this technology, and his factory will definitely become the target of spies from all countries.

Although he has many more advanced material preparation technologies in his mind, he cannot allow the graphene preparation technology to be stolen casually.

It doesn't matter if the technology is stolen by the country, it's just a contribution to national defense.

But it would be no fun if it was stolen by the spies of the United States and the island countries, given the scientific research achievements of these two countries in the field of graphene.

As long as the graphene preparation technology is solved, it will soon develop and grow in the field of derivatives. This is not what Lin Xuan wants to see.

So between the pros and cons, Lin Xuan naturally wanted to find a backer who could give him security.

And the best backing is naturally - throwing yourself into the embrace of the motherland.

First of all, China is his home country, and Lin Xuan also hopes that the country will be strong, no longer subject to others, and even realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation!

Moreover, if the country knows that it has mastered the graphene preparation technology, it will definitely protect itself as a key protection for scientific research talents. Of course, Lin Xuan does not need protection, but his family does. The spies are eyeing him as a bargaining chip to hijack himself.

On the other hand, if there is the help of the state, he does not need to worry about the technical confidentiality work, and he does not need to worry about whether there are spies from a certain country among the employees of his factory every day.

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