In short, the advantages of cooperating with the state definitely outweigh the disadvantages.

"After the computer version of the intelligent voice manager is completed, I will let Director Wang know about my graphene preparation technology and see their reactions!" Lin Xuan secretly made up his mind.

... [Thank you for the reward from the book friends who just read it, thank you! 】

Chapter 82 The King of Materials

In the days that followed, Lin Xuan once again devoted himself to his work, staying in the company most of the time every day, leading the two technical teams of Jixuanyu Intelligence and Xuanyu Technology to complete the computer version of the intelligent voice housekeeper, and the intelligent Development of several major foreign language versions of Voice Manager.

Working overtime and staying up late has become their daily routine, and Lin Xuan even spends little time with his mother and girlfriend.

But hard work pays off. After nearly [-] days of hard work, Lin Xuan finally led the team to complete the development of English, Korean, Japanese, French, German, Russian and other major foreign language versions of the intelligent voice housekeeper.

The core module and various functional modules of the computer version of the intelligent voice housekeeper are also basically completed, and Lin Xuan expects to be completely completed by the eve of spring.

Lin Xuan named this software "Smart Security Master". Its general function is similar to that of the Smart Voice Butler APP, but on this basis, Lin Xuan has also improved the facial recognition and gesture recognition engines. Recognizing some facial expressions and simple gestures of the user is also the first step in human-computer interaction.

Not only that, but Lin Xuan also focused on the development of functional modules for information security. By replacing part of the operating system source code and even the kernel program, the system performance was improved, and a layer of security was added to the outer layer of the entire system program. Independent firewall.

This is equivalent to adding a wall outside the system that originally had a back door, and then opening a new door. This door will automatically encrypt the incoming and outgoing information, thus realizing the blocking of the system back door , the guarantee of information security, and the encryption algorithm used is also uncrackable by current computer technology.

So Lin Xuan is confident that as long as this software is installed, the information security of all current computers can be guaranteed.

After these [-] days of precipitation, the number of paying users of the smart voice butler has basically stabilized at [-] million, but there will still be a dozen or so increases every day.

As for the graphene preparation equipment that Lin Xuan mentioned to Chen Yu before, Chen Yu has also found different foundries according to Lin Xuan's requirements, and produced several different mechanisms that make up the final equipment according to some information provided by Lin Xuan. part.

Now it has been placed in a warehouse temporarily rented by Lin Xuan, waiting for Lin Xuan's final assembly and experiment.

Of course, the reason why Lin Xuan found different OEMs to customize different parts at the same time, and had to assemble them himself, was also to prevent technology leakage.

On this day, after completing the performance test of several foreign language versions of the smart voice manager, Lin Xuan drove Chen Yu to the warehouse he rented.

"It seems that assembling this equipment is not a small project!" Looking at the large machine parts placed on the warehouse floor, Lin Xuan felt a little headache, and secretly thought that if he had a mechanical arm from the "Iron Man" movie—— Duman, just be an assistant.

"Third brother, do you want someone to come over and help assemble it!" Chen Yu said.

"No, I just don't want people to know the principle and structure of this equipment, so I didn't let the foundry directly produce the finished product, but I will have to work hard for you to help me!" Lin Xuan said with a wry smile.

Chen Yu looked at the huge mechanical components, and the corners of his mouth twitched. It seemed that he was going to work hard these two days.

"Okay!" Chen Yu said helplessly.

The production equipment that Lin Xuan wanted to assemble was actually not complicated, and he had already asked the foundry to do the precise and complicated parts. He only needed to manually assemble and splice several large parts of the equipment.

But even so, Lin Xuan, with Chen Yu's help, spent nearly two days installing it before finally assembling the entire device.

Looking at the equipment in front of him, which seemed to have the same appearance as ordinary CNC machine tools, Lin Xuan nodded in satisfaction. Now that the equipment is assembled, the processing test can be carried out next!

With a trace of anticipation and nervousness, Lin Xuan took the graphite crystal that Chen Yu helped to prepare early in the morning and put it into the raw material inlet hatch, and connected the liquid nitrogen storage tank to the refrigeration system of the equipment.

Immediately after some debugging and setting on the control panel, the hatch was closed and the start button was pressed.

After the equipment was running, it didn't make too much noise, and soon the completion indicator light of the equipment came on. Lin Xuan immediately opened the discharge hatch, took out a piece of transparent film from inside, pinched it with two fingers, and took it out. In front of Chen Yu.

"See, this is the graphene material!" Lin Xuan said happily.

Chen Yu pulled over and took a closer look. The film is very thin, and if you don't look carefully, you can't even see its existence.

"The thickness of a single layer of graphene is only 0.335 nanometers, and 20 thin films are superimposed together, which is only as thick as a hair, and its light transmission is also very good. I estimate that there are thousands of these in my hand." Even tens of thousands of graphene!" Lin Xuan said again.

"This is graphene. It's unbelievable. It's so easy to prepare. This preparation technology is too awesome!" After a short period of shock, Chen Yu couldn't help showing an excited look on his face.

He is very clear that materials and energy are the two most profitable industries, because they are related to all aspects of the entire basic industry, and at this stage he also specifically consulted a lot of information about graphene, and thoroughly understood the impact of graphene on the entire industrial technology. Huge impact, but also know the value of this new material.

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