As a new type of nanomaterial, graphene has the advantages of extremely high mechanical strength, good electrical and thermal conductivity, specific surface area, very good chemical stability, etc., and can be applied to electronics, information, energy, materials, catalysis and biological Medicine and many other fields.

It can be said bluntly that the mass production of graphene will definitely cause a technological change, and even change an era, and the various products derived from it have unlimited prospects.

It's a pity that so far, countries all over the world are investing huge sums of money in the research and development of graphene preparation, but there has been no good way.

But now, Huaxia, no, to be precise, their company has mastered the graphene preparation technology, so will their company be short of money in the future?

Not to mention continuing to produce graphene composite materials or derivative products, just selling graphene materials is definitely like printing money.

At that time, I am afraid that even my father will take the initiative to find my company to buy materials, and I will finally be able to stand tall in front of that family in the future.

It's cool to think about it!

"Third brother, I will go to the government to buy land and build a factory these few days!" Chen Yu said excitedly.

"No need, boss, I've changed my mind temporarily!" Lin Xuan said with a wave of his hand.

"What do you mean?" Chen Yu's expression froze, and he looked at Lin Xuan in surprise.

"I want to tell Director Wang about the graphene directly after the Smart Security Master is finished, so that he can let him vent to the top!" Lin Xuan said in a deep voice.

"Are you going to cooperate with the government?" Chen Yu immediately guessed Lin Xuan's intentions, his face sank slightly, "Then our graphene may be banned from exporting!"

Chen Yu knew very well that although they could earn a lot of money if exports were prohibited, the domestic market was still limited after all, and the foreign market was infinite.

"Hey—even if we don't cooperate with the government, they will still ban it, and it will not be a matter of official documents by then!"

"Well, yes!" Chen Yu also thought of this and nodded slightly. No matter which country keeps high-tech materials strictly confidential, let alone graphene, the king of materials that is extremely important to national defense.


Chapter 83 Hacking the CIA Network?

"But it doesn't matter. In fact, graphene really makes money from its composite materials and derivative products. Although our graphene raw materials cannot be exported to make money abroad, if we make graphene batteries and graphene touch screens Graphene chips, graphene chips, and other electronic products applied to graphene technology can also be exported, and these are the most profitable!

Moreover, in cooperation with the country, we also rely on a big tree to enjoy the shade. First of all, we don’t have to worry about technology leaks. Secondly, we can directly find the support of the country for the production equipment we need in the future, which will save us a lot of trouble in factory construction!And the price we pay is just some low-cost graphene raw materials! "Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"Well, but we don't have the technology to apply graphene to other fields. We need to set up a special experimental research and development institution!"

"Don't worry, I have some mature graphene application technologies, such as graphene supercapacitor batteries and graphene touch screens, as well as graphene-applied CPUs and chips!"

"Really?" Chen Yu's eyes widened.

"Hmm! I got it together with the graphene preparation technology!" Lin Xuan started talking nonsense again.

"I'm going, third child, you stole all of Lao Mei's property!" Chen Yu didn't think too much, and said with a smirk, "But it's a good job, haha!"

"This matter must be kept strictly confidential!"

"Don't worry, even if I die, I will take him to the grave!"

After turning off the machine tool and locking the warehouse door, Lin Xuan and Chen Yu went back to the company.

Now that the Spring Festival is approaching, the company is getting more and more busy. In addition, the foreign language version of the smart voice manager will be officially launched, the company's official website also needs to be developed, and the annual meeting must be prepared, and the smart security master must be completed as soon as possible.

So when Lin Xuan returned to the company, he found a bunch of documents and receipts on his desk waiting for his signature.

And yesterday he already made an appointment with Cook and Page, and he will go to America tomorrow to participate in the establishment of Xuanyu Intelligent America Branch and the press conference for the launch of the foreign language version of the intelligent voice steward, so after returning to the company, He was busy without stopping.

Unknowingly, another busy day passed by. Lin Xuan didn't work overtime at the company because he was going to attend the press conference at Meilijian tomorrow.

After returning home at 8 o'clock in the evening, Lin Xuan simply packed up his luggage and went to the opposite door to chat with his sister and mother for a while.

Today, Chen Huilan has basically recovered. The kidney transplanted to her by Lin Xuan has hardly caused any rejection. She even does not need to take some drugs to prevent rejection. Even the doctors in the hospital said that this is a rare miracle. .

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