Now it is not impossible for him to hack into the computer mainframe of the CIA without anyone noticing, but it may take a while, and it will take a lot of trouble.

It's just that Lin Xuan can't figure it out. It stands to reason that this system should know everything. If you want to find out where Bruce Lee is, it will be absolutely easy.

Why do you have to let yourself investigate? Is it to cultivate your ability to collect intelligence?

But it's okay, if I successfully invaded the CIA, then this intelligence agency will become my eyes, and I can know the world's affairs through him in the future, which will broaden my horizons extremely.


Chapter 84 Yang Shuke's Weird Reaction

Consciousness came out of the virtual space, Lin Xuan collected his mind, frowned slightly, and began to think about ways to invade the CIA.

Lin Xuan knew very well that the CIA must be using a confidential network similar to the military network. This kind of network is usually physically separated from the civilian network, but this physical separation is not absolute. Usually the military network will Some nodes are connected to the external network. As long as such nodes are found, it is not impossible to invade the military network or the internal network of the CIA.

And even if there is no connection node, Lin Xuan believes that they will inevitably use some computers or mobile storage devices as a medium to transmit data between the external network and the internal network.

So as long as he can find these devices, he can also use them to complete indirect intrusion.

Of course, it is not so easy to find the connection nodes between the civilian network and the secret network, or to find those devices that serve as media, so Lin Xuan needs a special Trojan horse virus to assist him.

This kind of virus must have a certain degree of intelligence, which can replace Lin Xuan and invade all possible target computer equipment and networks, automatically monitor and scan, and even independently determine the target network of the attack, launch an attack, steal data, and transmit it back to the computer. Lin Xuan's computer.

This virus is equivalent to Lin Xuan releasing an intelligent robot in the online world, and this robot can instantly replicate countless clones and complete tasks at the same time, so the efficiency will be very high.

Of course, it will take some effort to write such a Trojan horse virus, but Lin Xuan is not in a hurry, after all, the time limit for this task is 30 days, which is still enough.

silent night...

The next day, as the Spring Festival was approaching, the company was still in a hurry to hold the annual meeting, so Lin Xuan and Liu Haiyang didn't stay in the United States any longer, and returned to Binhai by plane early, just in time for the company's annual meeting.

Moreover, at the same time that Linxuan Company held the annual meeting, the advertisement of the intelligent voice manager was also fully rolled out in Europe, America, Japan and South Korea. With the strong influence of Apple and Google, within a few hours of the advertisement being launched, the number of downloads It broke [-] million, and almost all download users chose to pay directly, and the payment rate reached [-]%.

This result made Lin Xuan very happy, and he couldn't help but look forward to the final results of the foreign market.

This afternoon, Yang Shuke came to Xuanyu Technology to visit Lin Xuan because he was bored at home. Binhai University has already gone on winter vacation, but Yang Shuke did not rush home, but stayed at Lin Xuan's place all the time. home.

The relationship between Yang Shuke and Lin Xuan is well known now, so seeing Yang Shuke coming to the company, the employees of the company are not surprised, they just lament in their hearts that they are indeed beautiful women and heroes!

Yang Shuke stayed with Lin Xuan in the office until after seven o'clock in the evening before they left the company and went to a restaurant for dinner.

"Lin Xuan, I told my family that I won't be going back for the Spring Festival this year, and I want to accompany you home for the New Year!" Yang Shuke suddenly said while eating.

"That's great. It just so happens that we spend the Spring Festival with my mother and sister in Binhai. There are more people and it's more lively!" Lin Xuan smiled casually without thinking too much.

"Aren't you going home for the Spring Festival?" Yang Shuke asked a little surprised.

"My mother and sister are here, this is our home now, where do we go back?" Lin Xuan said with a smile.

"What about your father?" The astonishment on Yang Shuke's face grew even stronger.

"My father... oh——" Lin Xuan's complexion darkened, and every time he mentioned his father, he would poke a sore spot in his heart, "I disappeared a few years ago!"

"What, missing?" Yang Shuke's expression changed drastically.

"Well, back then, my father and a few fellow villagers went out to work with a contractor in the county and never came back. Later we called the police, but the police refused to file a case for investigation on the grounds that the missing place was not under their jurisdiction. Later, the family members of the fellow villagers who disappeared together with my father went to the county town to ask the contractor for an explanation, but they refused to admit it and were injured by the other party. Later, they called the police, but the police did not arrest the contractor. The family members were locked up for several days.

At that time, my mother also wanted to sue her, but people from the same village advised her not to make the matter worse. The other party's power is overshadowing the sky, and we ordinary people can't do anything about it.

At that time, my mother also considered that my sister and I were still young, and our family could no longer withstand the storm, so this matter ended up being nothing. My father's whereabouts are still unknown, and his life and death are uncertain! "Speaking of this, Lin Xuan's eye circles were slightly red, and there was a hint of resentment in his eyes.

But thinking of his father's disappearance, he was really powerless before, but now he is capable of investigating.

"After the Spring Festival, I will go back to my hometown sometime, and I must thoroughly investigate this matter!" Lin Xuan said in a deep voice, but this sentence was more like speaking for himself.

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