And he didn't pay attention, Yang Shuke was not listening at all, but his face was ugly, his expression was in a trance, his eyes wandered, as if he had heard some bad news.

"Wrong, wrong, all wrong!" Yang Shuke murmured in his heart, and the expression on his face became even uglier.

"What's wrong with Xiao Ke?" Seeing that Yang Shuke didn't respond suddenly, Lin Xuan looked at her and found that she was in a daze and her complexion was not very good, so she asked quickly.

Hearing Lin Xuan's words, Yang Shuke came back to his senses slightly, but was speechless, looked at Lin Xuan with complicated eyes, and kept shaking his head.

"Xiao Ke, what's the matter?" Lin Xuan asked solemnly. He felt that something was wrong. Could it be that Yang Shuke minded that he didn't have a father?Or did his words touch some pain in her heart and bring back bad memories?

Lin Xuan couldn't help guessing wildly in his heart.

"No, it's okay, Lin Xuan, let's eat, don't worry about me!" Yang Shuke finally said a word, but her voice sounded extremely heavy. She lowered her head, stopped looking at Lin Xuan, and buried her head in the food In his mouth, he chewed a mouthful of food for a long time but did not swallow it.

Lin Xuan didn't know why Yang Shuke suddenly became like this, but seeing that she didn't want to say anything now, he didn't continue to ask.

This dinner was destined to be a bit boring. The two of them didn't talk until Lin Xuan finished paying the bill and took Yang Shuke to the parking lot. When he was about to get in the car and go home, Yang Shuke suddenly pushed Lin Xuan away. Xuan's hand, lowered his head and said: "Lin Xuan, you go home first, I want to be alone for a while!"

"Xiao Ke, what happened? Why are you suddenly unhappy? You can tell me if there is anything, no matter what it is, let's find a solution together, okay?" Lin Xuan was a little anxious, in his impression Yang Shu is not the kind of unreasonable, small-bellied girl who has always seemed to have nothing to worry her about. This also makes Lin Xuan feel very happy every time she is with her, but why did she suddenly get emotional today!

"Lin Xuan, I'm fine, I'm really fine, I just thought of something suddenly, can you just leave me alone tonight, please go back, don't worry about me, I'll be fine!" Yang Shu Ke tried hard to squeeze out a smile, but anyone could see how forced and bitter that smile was.

"How could I not worry about you!" Lin Xuan grabbed Yang Shuke's hand again.

"Lin Xuan, I beg you, can you let me be quiet?" Yang Shuke's eyes suddenly turned red, and then she shed tears, which immediately made Lin Xuan's heart ache, and he became even more worried, hugging her Staying with Yang Shuke, he comforted him: "Xiao Ke, tell me what happened, please, don't bear it alone! Tell me, let's find a solution together!"

Yang Shu didn't push Lin Xuan away, but buried his head in his chest, shaking his head while crying, but refused to speak.

After crying for a while, Yang Shuke took a step back, lowered her head and said with a choked voice: "Lin Xuan, I'm really fine, I just want to be alone for a while, please, let me stay by myself for a while! "

After speaking, Yang Shuke shed tears again, then turned around and ran to the side of the road, stopped a taxi, and quickly got into the car.

Only Lin Xuan was left standing there, his head a little dazed.


Chapter 85 Yang Shuke's Secret

Seeing Yang Shuke taking a taxi to leave, Lin Xuan was worried, so he immediately drove the car and followed the taxi all the way.

Finally seeing the car stop at the entrance of a hotel, Yang Shuke got out of the car and walked to the front desk to open a guest room.

Lin Xuan followed all the way. Seeing Yang Shuke walk into the guest room, he wanted to knock on the door and enter, but after a little hesitation, he put down his hand.

He knows that no matter how much comfort he says now, it seems to be scratching the surface, and he has no idea why Yang Shuke became like this. If he talks too much, it may make Yang Shuke even more sad, so it's better to let her be quiet by herself Jing, maybe tomorrow she will be that lively Yang Shuke again.

But leaving Yang Shuke here alone, Lin Xuan was really worried, so when he walked to the front desk, he wanted a room opposite or next to Yang Shuke, but found that they were already occupied.

In the end, I had no choice but to ask for a guest room diagonally opposite and live in it.


In the hotel room, Yang Shuke sat on the bed with her knees hugged, her whole head buried in her arms, and the big tears, like broken beads, kept falling, soaking a large area of ​​the white bed sheet.

"How could this be, why not him, why not!" Yang Shuke murmured in a low voice, tears pouring down like a rainstorm, almost forming a thread, and the crying sound became more and more intense.

In the end, she seemed to be afraid of being heard, so she fell directly on the bed, covered her head with the quilt, and cried bitterly.

After crying for an unknown amount of time, the room gradually became quiet, and finally became as deadly still.

Yang Shuke lifted the quilt, still curled up, her red and swollen eyes stared blankly ahead, unfocused, and her expression was a little numb, as if she had lost her soul!

Just like that, she stayed up all night!

And Lin Xuan, who lived diagonally opposite, hadn't slept almost all night, and didn't fall asleep until it was almost dawn.

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