If you can marry Lin Xuan, ten or twenty years later, you will be half of the head of the Lin family. At that time, wouldn't it be easy for you to use the power of the Lin family to take revenge! "

"Sister... I understand, I understand, but..." Yang Shuke's expression was hesitant and extremely heavy.

"But what, what happened between you and Lin Xuan?" Su Qingmei asked sternly.

"I..." Yang Shuke hesitated to speak, she didn't know how to tell her aunt, but when she thought of Lin Xuan, she still gritted her teeth and said, "Aunt, the Lin Xuan I'm dating now and the Lin Xuan you mentioned It's not the same person, it's me... I got the wrong person!"

"What!" Su Qingmei's complexion changed drastically, and she jumped up from her chair, "How could you recognize the wrong person? There are still a few Lin Xuans in Binhai University, and you didn't mean to say that you saw Lin Xuan's skill, so you were sure it was the right person." His?"

"It is true that he also knows martial arts, but there is such a coincidence in this world that he is also called Lin Xuan, but he is not that Lin Xuan..." Yang Shuke showed a sad look on his face.

At this time, she couldn't explain why she saw Lin Xuan for the first time, and took him as the Lin Xuan she was looking for.

Is it because he really looks like him, or because deep down in his heart he is willing to believe that he is the Lin Xuan from the Lin family.

Maybe it's more of the latter, because I am willing to believe, so I never doubted it, and I never asked or thought about it. I didn't realize that I was really wrong until today!

But Yang Shu knew that she did recognize the wrong person, but she didn't love the wrong person. Lin Xuan is a good person, and her feelings for Lin Xuan have long been purposeful from the beginning, and now they are sincere and sincere .

It was also like this, when she found out that she had made a mistake, she would be so sad, so sad!

On the one hand, she didn't want to live up to her aunt's expectations, on the other hand, she didn't want to hurt Lin Xuan, and she didn't want to leave Lin Xuan. She didn't even know how to tell Lin Xuan all this. collapsed.

"Then you end your relationship with him immediately, and then go find out where the real Lin Xuan is, and start all over again!" Su Qingmei said decisively, her eyes seemed to have lost the gentleness of a loving mother before. callous.

Thinking that she was going to sever ties with Lin Xuan, Yang Shuke felt as if someone had pinched her heart hard, and her eyes were red again. She came back this time, in fact, hoping to persuade her aunt to give up revenge , or another way.

Because she really didn't want to give up Lin Xuan, didn't want to leave him.

Thinking of this, Yang Shuke's tears flowed down again: "But sister... I really like Lin Xuan, I don't want to hurt him, and I don't want to leave him, sister, can we not take revenge, I really don't want to Leave Lin Xuan!"

As she spoke, Yang Shuke seemed to lose control of her emotions, and cried even harder. She was optimistic and strong since she was a child, and she cried again, for the love in her heart!

Seeing Yang Shuke crying, Su Qingmei's icy cheeks showed a hint of distress, and immediately walked over, hugged Yang Shuke, and comforted: "Xiao Ke, aunt knows this is unfair to you, but you I am destined to shoulder the burden of revenge in this life, we can't just live for our own selfish desires, we have to live for the ancestors of the Su family, all the dead souls!"

"Sister-in-law, in fact Lin Xuan is also very powerful. He is also very good at martial arts, and now he has made a lot of money from starting a company. Maybe he will find a way to avenge our Su family in the future!" After crying for a while, Yang Shuke Choked up and said, trying to convince Su Qingmei again.

"Don't be wishful thinking. No matter how rich he is, he is just a businessman. What is the Song family? It is an ancient Chinese family that has been passed down for thousands of years. Do you know how many descendants their family has in the government and military? The senior leaders of China did not dare to touch their family easily, let alone an ordinary person, even if he is rich, he is still just an ordinary person in front of the Song family!

In China, apart from the Lin family who dominates the north and the Yue family who dominates the south, no one can shake the Song family! "

"But sister, I..."

"Xiao Ke, my aunt is able to live in the world because she hopes that one day her revenge will be avenged. This is also the only belief in her life. My aunt has worked hard to train you for nineteen years, and all her hopes are pinned on you. Don't you have the heart to look at my aunt? Is hope shattered? Even if you don't think about your aunt, you still have to think about your parents who died tragically, as well as our relatives, the Su family's blood feud, how can we not report it!" Su Qingmei said with a sad face, her eyes Once again, there was a monstrous hatred projected in the middle.

Yang Shu didn't speak any more, but cried even more sadly. The tears kept falling like broken beads. From childhood to adulthood, it was the first time for her to realize what is real sadness and what is real heartache. !

"Xiao Ke, Auntie is sorry for you, but Auntie has nothing to do. Auntie must let the Lin family and the Song family pay our Su family blood! Even if they can't be brought down, they will have to pay a heavy price!" Su Qingmei He muttered to himself in his heart, his eyes were full of coldness!

... [Thank you book friend Inspirational Man ° for rewarding 588 coins, and thanks to Yuhua and Independence for rewarding 100 coins, it's great to have your encouragement!Thanks also to all those who voted for this book!I wish you all a happy new year! 】

Chapter 87 Hacking Success

Time flies, and it is New Year's Eve in a flash, and the annual Spring Festival Gala is also broadcast on TV.

Although Lin Xuan didn't like watching the Spring Festival Gala very much, he knew that he wanted to spend more time with his family at this time, so he put down his work and, as in previous years, helped his mother roll out dumpling wrappers and wrapped them with his sister and mother Dumplings, while watching the Spring Festival Gala, but this year's family, the mood is extraordinarily happy and relaxed.

You know, at this time last year, the family was still living in the dilapidated one-story house in the countryside, watching an old-fashioned color TV with a fluorescent screen. The mother was not in good health, and she didn't even have the money to buy medicine for her illness. Lin Xue was worried about tuition fees, and Lin Xuan and Lin Xue were also thinking about how to change the fate of the family. If they could share some burdens for their mothers, the family was talking and laughing on the surface, but in their hearts they were carrying the burden of ordinary people. No great pressure.

And this year, the family has already lived in this luxurious building, watching a [-]-inch LCD TV, and no longer have to worry about money.The great changes of this year made the family feel unreal like a dream, but they were full of joy in their hearts.

After making the dumplings, Lin Xuan sat on the sofa, picked up his mobile phone, entered the company's WeChat group, and sent a few waves of red envelopes to everyone, which immediately made the company group lively. After grabbing the red envelopes, everyone expressed their thanks to Lin Xuan, and some posted Take screenshots and share your personality.

"I'll go, Mr. Lin is here to help!"

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