"Boss Lin, I love you!"

"Thank you Mr. Lin!"

"Haha, I grabbed [-], my character exploded, thank you Mr. Lin!"

All kinds of messages swiped the screen in an instant, but Lin Xuan didn't say much, and after sending out a few more red envelopes, he disappeared.

But those employees in the group are still sending New Year greetings and red envelopes to each other, which is very lively.

After distributing the red envelopes, Lin Xuan wanted to call Yang Shuke, but the other party's cell phone was turned off. Lin Xuan had no choice but to go to the kitchen and help her sister pick vegetables and get busy.

In fact, Lin Xuan had hired a nanny for the family before, but during the Spring Festival, she was given a holiday these days, and Lin Xuan felt that during the Spring Festival, it was a kind of happiness for the family to cook New Year's Eve dinner together. He didn't want to ruin it just because of money. This sense of well-being.

At [-]:[-] in the evening, when Lin Xuan, his mother and sister gathered together for the New Year’s Eve dinner as in previous years, he couldn’t help but think of Lin Xuan’s father, Lin Guowei. Although Lin Guowei had been missing for many years, he always arrived During this kind of reunion festival, the whole family will inevitably think of Lin Guowei, whose whereabouts are still unknown.

Although many people say that Lin Guowei is definitely gone, the family still wants to believe that Lin Guowei is still alive, but somewhere in the world, and maybe they are missing their family at this time.

"Father, I wish you a happy new year and good health. Remember to come back early!" When the clock struck midnight, Lin Xuan sent his father a blessing in his heart as he did every year.


It seems to be like this every year during the Spring Festival. Once the New Year’s Eve and the first day of the new year are over, the time seems to become very fast. After the Spring Festival holiday is over, the office workers have returned to their respective positions and started working. Still on vacation.

In the past few days during the Spring Festival, Lin Xuan basically didn't rest much. While he was busy writing the Jarvis system, he monitored the virus feedback data released by himself, hoping to find the network node that invaded the CIA, which would be much easier for him.

On the first day of Xuanyu Technology's work, everyone was extremely busy, especially the technical staff. Now the development of the company's official website is still going on, and the smart security master is also in a hurry to finish the work, so they have been working overtime until nine in the evening I don't go home until after.

But everyone didn't complain too much. After all, they worked overtime in their previous company. What's more, at that time, they didn't have such high wages and overtime pay, nor did they have such a good working environment.

In this way, after working overtime for three consecutive days, Lin Xuan finally led the technical team to complete the development of Smart Security Master and entered the stage of software testing.

And Lin Xuan can finally breathe a sigh of relief!

This afternoon, Lin Xuan was busy writing the Jarvis system, when the smart virus software he wrote suddenly popped up a prompt message, and found that the encrypted network of the CIA was connected to the external network through one day's computer equipment.

This made Lin Xuan very happy, and it was much easier for him. He immediately used hacking software to invade the encrypted network, and successfully found the server of the CIA's intranet.

There is a lot of intelligence information on this server, including monitoring information in various languages, analysis reports of radars from various countries, and other intelligence information.

Generally speaking, if the CIA's internal server is invaded by foreign spies, it is equivalent to pirates discovering a treasure, and they will definitely try their best to remove the information first.

But Lin Xuan is not interested in those information now, his first task is to find the information about Bruce Lee.

"CIA intelligence personnel file! Haha, found it!"

Lin Xuan's English grades were not bad when he was in school, so he still knew some English words, and soon found the file storing the files of intelligence personnel among the various data files composed of English letters, and immediately clicked to view it for a moment.

This file is divided into three categories: those who are performing tasks, those who have completed tasks, and those who have been sacrificed and captured. Lin Xuan enters the category of completed tasks, and here it is further divided according to the time of completion of tasks.

Lin Xuan immediately searched through the names, and soon found the files of Bruce Lee. There were three people with the same name. In case that computer is disconnected from the intranet for a while, it will be a bit troublesome to intrude again.

The data transmission process was very fast. Lin Xuan did not check the data immediately, but immediately retrieved all the data of the CIA's intelligence personnel who are currently performing missions, and planted a Trojan horse virus in the server.

In the future, as long as the internal network is connected to the external network, the Trojan horse virus will automatically transmit the intelligence data in the server back.

Moreover, Lin Xuan is confident that the virus he implanted will not be discovered by CIA personnel for at least the next five to ten years.

After copying these file data, Lin Xuan wanted to copy some more intelligence data, but just after copying 0.2%, the computer connected to the CIA intranet was suddenly disconnected, so Lin Xuan could only give up temporarily.

He opened the three Bruce Lee file folders he just copied to check, and it was easy to find that one of them was once undercover in Huaxia.

He is a middle-aged man with a righteous face. It is hard to tell from his appearance that this person is a spy. He is originally a Chinese. When he was studying in the United States, he secretly received three years of spy training. A scientific research institution, now 42 years old, was discovered by colleagues when he stole confidential documents in 05. After killing his colleagues, he fled back to the United States and now lives in Seattle...

The information about this person on this information can be said to be meticulous, and his gene sequence is all recorded in the record, and there are also photos of him at different times, as well as his current detailed residential address, work address, etc.

Obviously, the CIA has strict control over every intelligence officer.

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