
"The task is completed, and the reward is 2 points of merit! At present, the master is still 12 points away from being promoted to the next level." The voice of the system suddenly sounded in Lin Xuan's mind.

Lin Xuan smiled slightly, and didn't care too much about it. This time the task was completed smoothly, but he was curious about the use of the system to let him find out the person's location, so he asked: "I found out Where does this person go and then what?"

"Master, please save this person's information, it will be used in the next mission!" The system replied, and then there was no movement.

...【Thank you book friend Saint Era for your reward! 】

Chapter 88 Smart Security Master

After three days of testing, Smart Security Master did not find any major bugs, and all minor flaws were resolved after modification.

Moreover, the user experience of the software is also very good, coupled with its powerful functions, it can absolutely kill all the so-called security software and computer assistants currently on the market, and the novel experience of voice and gesture operation makes the computer with this software installed In an instant, he became much taller.

Even the technicians of Xuanyu Technology couldn't put it down, and they were full of information and expectations for its next market performance.

This morning, after listening to the technical director Wang Wei's report on the final test and modification results of the software, Lin Xuan called Director Wang, and then sent the installation package of the Smart Security Master to Director Wang.


In the capital city of Huaxia, in an office of a national computer science laboratory, a thin, ordinary-looking man in his thirties was sitting in front of the computer and checking the email that Director Wang had just sent him.

Although this man's appearance is not surprising, he is a god-level figure in the Huaxia IT circle, the president of the National Software Industry Association - Shen Xinhua.

The name Shen Xinhua may be familiar to some of the top bigwigs in the circle, but everyone else is unfamiliar.

However, his other name is well-known in Chinese hacker circles—Lion, the founder of Hong.Ke, who once led 2001 Hong.Ke to fight back against foreign hackers many times. [-]

March 4,

, The US military reconnaissance plane crashed the Huaxia fighter plane, causing the pilot to fall into the sea and die. Lion once organized 8 members of the Chinese Honker Alliance to respond to the attacks of American Lijian and its hacker organization, and successfully counterattacked and captured the White House website!

And he has also started the name of Lion and Red Hacker Alliance in many foreign wars, and Red Hacker has thus become a symbol representing the Chinese hacker community to the outside world.

Although he has retired now, he and his organization have written a glorious history, and still have a great deterrent effect in today's hacker world.

"The computer version of the smart voice steward?" Looking at the introduction of the smart security master in the email, Shen Xinhua couldn't help feeling a little excited and looking forward to it.

You know, the last time the smart voice manager has brought him a lot of shock and surprise, not to mention the powerful voice engine and real intelligence of that software.

Just the fact that it can automatically replace the original execution code of the operating system has amazed him, and he has studied it for a long time, but he still hasn't figured out how to do it.

If it wasn't for his special status and it was not convenient for him to go to Xuanyu Technology to receive training, he might have gone to Lin Xuan to ask for advice and learn that brand new intelligent language.

After roughly reading the introduction of the software, Shen Xinhua became even more excited. According to the introduction, although the software is developed on the basis of the intelligent voice manager, it has added a facial expression and gesture recognition engine, which can control the computer camera , to recognize some facial expressions and simple gestures of the user.

Not only that, this software also improves the system performance by replacing part of the operating system source code and part of the kernel program. At the same time, it also adds an independent firewall to the outer layer of the entire system program to completely block the system back door and Information that enters and exits the computer can be automatically encrypted.

Although Shen Xinhua couldn't imagine how this would be achieved technically, he was also full of expectations for the security performance of this software after seeing the smart voice manager's ability to optimize the Android system.

After quickly downloading the installation package, Shen Xinhua slightly suppressed his excitement and clicked Install. The installation interface is not so cool, it looks simple and elegant.Near the end of the installation, the computer automatically restarted.

Shen Xinhua is not surprised, this software is indeed the same as the smart voice butler, the installation process replaces the execution code of the Windows system, so it restarts.

After the computer was restarted, the software installation was completed, and a black metal frame interface appeared on the screen. There were only a few simple buttons in it, and the remaining blank area was an expression composed of simple lines similar to the smart voice manager. .

"Hi master, I am your smart security master. Before using it, please give me a name. This name will be used as your voiceprint password to wake me up in the future. Once the name is set successfully, I will Only recognize your voice, every time you just need to call my name, I will activate, now please give me a name!"

Shen Xinhua is very familiar with this opening line, so Shen Xinhua chose a name at random, and then tested his voice intelligence through a simple question and answer, and found that it was better than the mobile version, if not worse.

Afterwards, he began to test the facial expression recognition ability, and found that the recognition ability of this software was already at the current leading level.

Then he began to test the gesture recognition ability. According to some instructions in the software, he randomly found a picture and opened it, and then used one hand or both hands in front of the camera to make gestures such as zooming in, zooming out, or rotating. The software recognized it completely. And there is almost no lag.

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