If you use your hands to knead the pictures into balls, the pictures on the computer will also be kneaded into balls. If you continue to make throwing gestures, the software will automatically prompt whether to delete them.

In addition, if you are playing a video, just slide your finger to the left or right quickly, and the video will automatically rewind or fast forward. .

However, in addition to these conventional gesture operations, this software can also recognize some simple sign languages ​​that are commonly used.

"What does this gesture mean?" Shen Xinhua asked, stretching out his index and middle fingers in a scissors-hands gesture.

"It's the number 2, and it's also the scissorhands! But I think the master has a serious expression, so he probably wants to express the number 2!" the software replied.

Hearing this, Shen Xinhua showed a slight look of surprise on his face. He didn't expect that the software's recognition of hand gestures would also be judged in combination with facial expressions, and the recognition was also very accurate.

If this software is developed in depth, it will be possible for the computer to automatically read the sign language of deaf-mute people. Of course, this is just a random idea of ​​his. After all, deaf-mute people are still a minority in the world. This kind of commercial software will not Huge sign language recognition engine specially developed for the deaf.

"What does this mean?" Shen Xinhua waved his hand again and asked with a smile.

"It means no, or it means goodbye! But from the owner's expression, it seems more like saying goodbye!"

"What about this gesture?" Shen Xinhua nodded in satisfaction, and then changed to an OK gesture.

"Most of the time this means OK, and some people use this gesture to indicate the number three!"

"What about this gesture?" After speaking, Shen Xinhua made another silent gesture.

But the software didn't answer.

"Why didn't you answer me?" Shen Xinhua asked in surprise.

"The master just silenced me!" the software replied again.

Hearing this, Shen Xinhua smiled happily. Although the addition of gesture recognition to this software does not seem to be very useful, this novel human-computer interaction is still very interesting, making people feel that their computer has instantly transformed into an intelligent robot.

Moreover, the gesture recognition function of this software should also be mainly used to cooperate with the facial recognition function to more accurately judge the meaning and emotion that the user wants to express.

"No wonder Director Wang said that Lin Xuan wanted to develop three operating systems in the future, maybe he will really bring a big surprise to the world!" Shen Xinhua said to himself with a smile.

You know, if the gesture recognition engine is applied to a touch computer or a holographic projection computer, the effect will definitely be different.

And judging from the software's gesture, voice, and face recognition capabilities, Shen Xinhua believes that in the near future, this Lin Xuan can really develop a more powerful gesture recognition, face recognition, and eye tracking engine, and apply it to [-]D in the operating system.

... [Thank you for the reward of 200 coins if you have a way to the brothel, and thank you book friend 160105224031718 for the reward, thank you for your encouragement and support, there will be more exciting content in the future, I hope everyone will support you! 】

Chapter 89 Government Orders

Although Shen Xinhua is very satisfied with the human-computer interaction operation of the intelligent security master, he is more concerned about the security performance of this software, whether it can really block all system backdoors and automatically update information Transmission encryption to achieve real information security.

So he immediately tested the safety performance of the software,

But the test results are almost the same as the software description.

With Shen Xinhua's hacking skills, knowing the real IP, it is impossible to hack at all, and even planting a Trojan horse in the computer is still useless.

You know, if he knows the IP, even if he hacks into the server of the American White House website, it only takes half an hour.

But he spent a full two hours using all the methods he knew, and it was almost noon, but he still couldn't do anything about this software.

"This Lin Xuan is really a genius. The technology he uses no longer belongs to this era. It's like the waves of the Yangtze River push forward the waves of the past. If I don't continue to study, I'm afraid I will be eliminated!" Shen Xinhua leaned on the chair and said He breathed a sigh of relief and said with emotion.

He is very clear that the computer technology used in this software has completely surpassed the existing computer technology. If all the technologies used in this software are popularized, it will definitely bring about earth-shaking changes in the IT world.

After sitting on the chair for a while, Shen Xinhua stood up, holding the laptop computer installed with Smart Security Master, and came to the office hall, asking other engineers from the research institute to try to hack into the computer.

But after a whole afternoon, almost the top computer technicians in the entire research institute were helpless in the face of this software.

And this result also thoroughly proves that the security performance of this software is worthy of its name.

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