With this result, Shen Xinhua didn't know whether to be happy or sad!

Their scientific research institute specially set up a research and development team for an independent operating system to solve the problem of information security, but they have worked hard for more than two years, but still have not made good progress.

Now, this problem is solved by such a security software, and the developer of this software is only a young man in his early twenties.

That is to say, their entire team consists of dozens of IT engineers, but they are no match for a young man. This is really outrageous!


Lin Xuan finally had some free time these two days. Apart from continuing training for the technical department, he spent the rest of his time writing the Jarvis system. Now the core of the system has been completed more than half.

After Lin Xuan prepared for a period of time, he assigned the programs of several common functional modules to the technical department and asked them to write them for himself, which would save him a lot of time.

Moreover, the development of the company's official website has been completed in the past few days, and the top-level domain name has been successfully purchased before. The website will be officially launched after the test is completed in the past few days, and Lin Xuan also plans to hold a press conference after the official website is officially launched. Press conference to promote Smart Security Master.

In the office, Lin Xuan rested comfortably on the chair while drinking the coffee that Li Qin made for him not long ago.

But at this moment, Lin Xuan's cell phone rang. Seeing that it was Director Wang calling, he immediately connected: "Director Wang, how is the software testing going?"

"Sure enough, Comrade Xiao Lin did not disappoint me, but I did not disappoint you either. I have already finalized two large orders for you. The Ministry of National Defense will need at least two million sets. The Huaxia government is also planning to order one in advance. Tens of millions of sets. I just don’t know how Comrade Xiaolin’s software plans to charge?” Director Wang’s voice came from the phone, full of joy.

"Haha, thank you very much, Director Wang!" Lin Xuan was overjoyed. He did not expect to receive such a large order before his software started to be promoted. If the price he set with Chen Yu in advance, then this time only It was the state's order that brought him almost one billion in income.

Not only that, if the two transactions between him and the government are exposed by the media, it will greatly promote the sales and market development of Smart Security Master in the later stage.

After all, a piece of security software can be favored by the Ministry of National Defense and the government, which definitely shows the reliability of the software.

Moreover, these two orders are just the beginning. The information security issue caused by the Prism Gate incident has already attracted the country's great attention. In the future, the country will definitely allow all government agencies to purchase their software.

When the national government rolls out his security software, it will naturally drive all state-owned enterprises and large corporate groups to start using it.

As long as they make good use of this gimmick for publicity, it will definitely affect the choices of all individual users, which will greatly help the promotion of smart security masters.

"Hehe, we initially set the price of the software as a one-time charge of 100 yuan, but Director Wang brought me such a large order all of a sudden, and Xuanyu Technology has been grateful to the international and government since its opening. In order to thank the country , Thanks to Director Wang and all the leaders for their love, I temporarily decided to give this batch of orders a [-]% discount!" Lin Xuan said with a smile.

Although a [-]% discount will make him lose [-] million in one fell swoop, but he feels that it is definitely worthwhile to exchange [-] million for a favor from the country.

"[-]% off, haha, Comrade Xiao Lin is really generous!" Director Wang laughed.

"This is what I should do, and I guarantee that all subsequent upgrades will be free forever!"

"Then I will first thank Comrade Xiao Lin on behalf of the country and the government. In addition, can I discuss something with Comrade Xiao Lin!" Director Wang suddenly changed the subject.

"Director Wang just say it!"

"Considering the importance of national information security to the country, I have discussed with the Minister of Defense. If your company is willing to make this software free and open to individual users, the country is willing to exempt your company from income tax for the next ten years!"

Hearing Director Wang's words, Lin Xuan's heart skipped a beat. He could understand what Director Wang meant. The reason why the country wanted him to open it up to individual users for free was to make this software as popular as possible, so that the information security of all citizens could be guaranteed. .

However, the country is willing to use a ten-year tax exemption policy in exchange. It seems that the country's sincerity is also great.

"I understand what Director Wang means. Since the government shows such great sincerity, it would be too plausible for me, Lin Xuan, to pay the money!" After pondering for a while, Lin Xuan said with a smile.

In fact, he is very clear that currently domestic computer software is free, and if he chooses to charge for this software, it will indeed affect the popularity of the software.

And he is not short of funds like when he first established the company, so there is no need to charge.

If this software is completely free in China, it can quickly occupy the market, and in the future, it can completely rely on advertising to make money.

What's more, the state also gave him a ten-year tax exemption policy. You know, Lin Xuan's company is about to enter the field of graphene materials, and will enter the field of new energy in the future. Their company's income in the next ten years will definitely be astronomical. , and the ten-year income tax must be quite astonishing.

If the country knows that he will enter the field of materials and energy in the future, I am afraid that he will definitely regret today's decision.

...【Favorites please, friends, if you think you can please collect it! 】

Chapter 90 Cooperation Problems

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