What's more, Baidu took the initiative to come to the door to cooperate, which is to send money to yourself!

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Li Yanhong brought two Baidu executives and the company's legal counsel to Xuanyu Technology. This battle was obviously aimed at finalizing the contract this afternoon! .

Lin Xuan took Li Yanhong and others to the living room and rested for a while. After a brief chat, he immediately held a company high-level meeting to discuss the cooperation with Li Yanhong and others.

The whole negotiation went smoothly and happily. After the final negotiation, Baidu agreed to invest [-] billion yuan to become the only permanent cooperative search engine of Smart Security Master.

As for the cooperation with the smart voice butler, Lin Xuan planned to ask Liu Haiyang to negotiate with Google first, and then make a decision.

After all, the smart voice manager owns part of Google’s equity, and Google will never let Baidu become the only cooperative search engine, but Lin Xuan’s plan is to leave the overseas market to Google, and take a sum of money from Google by the way. The largest market is reserved for Baidu.

After the negotiation, Li Yanhong was afraid that Lin Xuan would change his mind temporarily, so he drafted a contract with Lin Xuan and signed it directly.

"Mr. Lin, happy cooperation!" After signing the contract, Li Yanhong was in a good mood and got up to shake hands with Lin Xuan.

Although [-] billion yuan is not a small amount, today's cooperation is of great significance to Baidu's future.

First of all, Baidu has been working on a new voice search method, but the technology has been immature, but now the smart security master has helped them solve this problem.

Secondly, since Google withdrew from the Chinese search market, although Baidu has basically dominated the Chinese search engine market.But in recent years, some emerging search engines have also begun to grow. Of course, according to statistics, Baidu still occupies [-]% of China's search market, but Li Yanhong still feels the urgency of these rising stars.

Moreover, Li Yanhong is no longer satisfied with just dominating the Chinese market, but also wants to get a share of the foreign market.However, it is very difficult to take this step. Google and Yahoo basically dominate the search engine market share in most countries in the world abroad, and Baidu has been criticized for many technologies that originated from Google. This step is always difficult to take.

Today, however, his cooperation with the smart security master has given Baidu the opportunity to expand the market again, and even enter the foreign market. This is also the opportunity that Li Yanhong has been waiting for for a long time!

... [Thanks to the inspirational man ° for another 588 reward, and thank you to all the book friends who supported this book. Your encouragement is the motivation for me to write it down! 】

Chapter 91 To save or not to save?

After the cooperation with Baidu was reached, Lin Xuan could only temporarily change the plan of the smart security master to go online. After all, to connect with the Baidu search engine, he needed to add a new search function module to the smart security master, and then connect with the Baidu search engine .

After the software is modified, a stage of internal testing and debugging is required, so the original press release can only be postponed temporarily.

In this way, Lin Xuan and the company's technical department began to get busy again, and he also postponed the date of the launch of Smart Security Master and the press conference to March 3.

Because before that, he planned to go back to his hometown to investigate the disappearance of his father.

In the office today, Lin Xuan, who had just finished writing the code, was leaning on a chair to take a rest.He looked at the calendar on the desktop, it was almost late February, and Binhai University was about to start school, but there was no news from Yang Shuke.

Since the Spring Festival, Yang Shuke's cell phone has been turned off, and he does not reply to text messages. Thinking of Yang Shuke's weirdness years ago, Lin Xuan can't help but feel a little worried, and it also reminds him of Zhou Qingya back then.

But Zhou Qingya left her because she felt that she had no future, but what was the reason for Yang Shuke?

Lin Xuan really couldn't figure it out!

During this period of time, Lin Xuan basically forgot about it because of his busy work, but whenever he took a break, he still remembered it occasionally and had to think about it.

"My God, it's on fire!"

Just when Lin Xuan's thoughts were spinning, there was a sudden exclamation outside the door, followed by a commotion.

Lin Xuan was shocked and jumped up suddenly, thinking that the office building he was in was on fire, but he heard the exclamation of the company employees outside the door: "It seems to be the Peace Building!"

"It's the Peace Building!"

"Fuck, the fire is not small!"

"Peace Building?" Lin Xuan immediately turned his head and looked through the floor-to-ceiling windows of the office, and saw an office building diagonally opposite, about tens of meters away, billowing thick smoke, and faint flames could be seen.

It is the Peace Building!

And judging from the location where the fire was on the ninth to tenth floors, the thick smoke had completely engulfed the twelfth and third floors.

Lin Xuan hurriedly walked to the window and looked carefully. There were already many people gathered downstairs, and crowds poured out from the gate of the building. Their faces were full of panic, and there was a fire alarm not far away. The sound of the whistle.

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