Soon, seven fire trucks drove downstairs quickly. Dozens of fire officers and soldiers immediately got out of the cars to carry out rescue operations. They spread water pipes, assembled high-pressure water guns, and erected ladders. Several firefighters rushed into the building directly. It should be preparing to guide the people in the building.

After a while, several police cars drove over, and immediately helped to clear the crowd around, maintain order, and set up a cordon, but more and more people gathered outside the cordon, and the adjacent roads were blocked for a while. It's leaking.

The firefighters quickly assembled the water gun and raised the ladder. The high-pressure water gun sprayed water jets into the burning floor, and the fire seemed to be slightly suppressed.

At the same time, there was a constant flow of people at the door of the building, and they escaped under the guidance of firefighters.

For some reason, seeing this scene of fire, Lin Xuan also became worried and nervous, especially at this time he could clearly see that there were still figures shaking in the twenty-story building of the Peace Building. Those who did not escape in time.

At this time, there was probably thick smoke billowing in the building. They didn't know the situation downstairs, so they didn't dare to escape, thinking that it would be safer to stay upstairs.

After all, most people have never experienced this kind of scene, and their knowledge of self-rescue in fire is even shallower. Even if they have received some relevant knowledge training, they are probably completely stunned when faced with such an amazing scene. know how to escape.

Unless there are fire officers and soldiers rushing up to guide them to escape, once the fire is out of control, there will be only a dead end waiting for them.

But just when Lin Xuan was thinking this way, the suppressed flame suddenly became violent again, and a large group of fireballs and tongues of fire suddenly spewed out from the window on the [-]th floor of the Peace Building. The strong air wave directly broke through the glass, It even came out with some burning objects.

Seeing this scene, everyone in Xuanyu Technology suddenly exclaimed.

Lin Xuan's complexion also changed. The secret passage is not good. There must be a lot of flammable objects on the twelfth floor, which have already been ignited. It seems that the fire is really going out of control!

The thick smoke quickly engulfed the upper part of the building, Lin Xuan couldn't help but raised his heart, thinking that those people just now really had no way out.

But at this time, Lin Xuan's eyes vaguely saw that there seemed to be a figure on the roof of the building, struggling in the smoke.

"Why did these people run to the rooftop? Did they think a helicopter would come to rescue them?" Lin Xuan looked anxiously.

If there is a fire downstairs, you should take advantage of the fact that the fire was not completely uncontrollable before and escape downstairs. Now you run upstairs and miss the best time to escape, which is tantamount to suicide. They were fumigated.

Moreover, there are more than [-] floors in this building, and the ladder can't reach it at all, and the domestic police station and fire station are not equipped with helicopters. They really have only a dead end there.

"Ah, someone jumped off the building!" Just as Lin Xuan was worried about those people on the roof, there was a sudden exclamation from outside the door. Lin Xuan's heart tightened, and his eyes immediately saw a figure falling from the building at an extremely fast speed. I don't know if I stumbled and fell, or because of extreme fear, I panicked and didn't choose the way, and I didn't care about jumping down, which is also a dead end, or I was too afraid of being burned to death, and wanted to end my life like this.

What is the reason, no one knows!

But seeing this scene, Lin Xuan's whole heart trembled, especially when he saw the man fall down heavily at the end, and the blood instantly stained the ground red, it was really shocking!

At this time, Lin Xuan's wolf-like hearing could also clearly hear hoarse cries for help coming from the windows on the [-]th floor of the building. There were men and women, about six or seven people, and through the windows There was thick smoke, and a few figures were vaguely seen, lying on the window of the building, desperately calling for help.

Lin Xuan is very clear that if these people are in extreme despair, they may step into the footsteps of that person at any time. After all, when people are in extreme fear, they can do anything irrational, and they don't think about themselves at all. Will they fall to their death by jumping, or they would rather fall to their death than burn to death.

In an instant, Lin Xuan felt a strong impulse - he should do something!

To save, or not to save?

Help, I fully have this ability now, but then my superpower will be exposed.

Don't save!

But the conscience can't make it through, but if a person with a little emotion knows that he has the ability to rescue but fails to rescue, his heart will be condemned by his conscience.

Lin Xuan knew very well that as long as he took action himself, he might be able to save a fresh life and save a family.

He has experienced the disappearance of his father. Although he does not want to believe that his father is gone, he can understand the pain of losing a loved one.

So seeing those figures struggling in the thick smoke, he really couldn't bear it. If he had the ability to make a move, but sat here and waited for death, then he would sit in this office in the future, and he would definitely think of those who were in the office. A desperate soul in the raging fire will surely be condemned by conscience!

"Ah—someone jumped off the building again!" Just as Lin Xuan was hesitating, there was another exclamation outside the door, and another figure jumped down from the building, and his whole body was burning with flames, looking extremely horrified people.

Seeing the second figure, Lin Xuan's heart trembled, and he had no time to worry about the consequences of this matter.

Damn, never mind, who will recognize who I am in a Spider-Man suit!


[Thank you for the reward of 588 coins for this demon who has not yet become a master, and the reward of 100 coins for the immortal chrysanthemum, thank you for not calling Taotao for the reward, thank you everyone, so happy! 】

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