In an instant, everyone's hearts rose to their throats, and they unconsciously let out another exclamation, and even saw the picture of this person's tragic death in their minds.

But at this critical moment, a red figure that seemed to descend from the sky drew an arc in the air in the astonished eyes of everyone, and went straight to the figure who fell from the building.

In the next second, the falling figure seemed to be pulled by an invisible force, the speed of falling suddenly slowed down, and finally almost stopped when it was about to approach the ground, and then slowly landed on the ground. On the ground, there seemed to be a white filament attached to the body.

And the figure in the sky continued to slide for a certain distance, then suddenly rushed upwards, and finally disappeared in the thick smoke.

In an instant, everyone present was stunned, looking in disbelief at the direction where the figure disappeared, and then blinked vigorously, thinking that they were dazzled.

"What was that just now?"

"Like one person!"

"That's right, it's a person dressed in red, just like Spider-Man in the movie!"

After the shock, everyone let out exclamations one after another, and the jumper who had just been rescued slowly got up from the ground, and his whole face was confused.

Lin Xuan was dragged by the spider silk, quickly rushed into the thick smoke, followed the sound of calling for help, spit out the spider silk again, and slid over quickly, and soon saw several people standing by the window in despair , shouting desperately, and coughing violently from time to time, several of them looked a little sluggish.

Lin Xuan spit out the spider silk again, and with a pull, his body quickly leaned over. Finally, he tapped his feet on the wall a few times, and came to the window like flying over the wall, and then shot out the spider silk and stuck to the window. With a pull, the body accurately jumped in from the window.

But the few people standing at the window were startled, especially when they saw that the person who came was exactly like the Spiderman in the movie, they were completely stunned, and even thought it was because they inhaled too much poisonous gas, I'm hallucinating.

"I'm here to save you!" After explaining a sentence, Lin Xuan still looked shocked when he saw the people, so he stopped talking nonsense, and immediately spit out a spider thread, entangled and tied the two of them together, and then quickly kicked them to pieces. He lifted the glass, lifted the two people, and jumped out of the window.

"Ah—" The two men who came back to their senses suddenly let out a burst of exclamation and screams.

Lin Xuan didn't have time to care about these two people, his left hand tightly grasped the spider silk that bound the two, while his right hand continuously spit out the spider silk and stuck to the wall of the building to slow down.

But when he was about to get close to the area where the flames were strong, Lin Xuan stared at the wall with both feet. Tongues of Flame.

At this time, the two people who were held by Lin Xuan were completely frightened and stupid, with their eyes closed, they couldn't even utter a sound.

... [Happiness is cats eat fish, dogs eat meat, Ultraman fights little monsters, my happiness is collections soaring, and there are rewards every day (fuck it rhymes quite a bit)!Hehe, thank you Naiitang for the reward of 588 coins, thank you for the reward I want to see your sister, and thank you for your recommendation tickets! 】

Chapter 93 Spiderman?

Downstairs of the Peace Building, fire trucks roared in the distance, followed by several 120 ambulances. The onlookers also gave way to the fire trucks and ambulances under the command of the police at the scene. path of.

Moreover, reporters from major media outlets in Binhai have already arrived at the scene and are reporting on the fire, as well as interviewing the on-site personnel, public security and firefighting officers.

But at this moment, the surrounding audience exclaimed again. Everyone at the scene shuddered and looked over, and suddenly saw three figures flying out of the thick smoke.

How could the reporters on the scene miss this kind of scene, and immediately aimed all kinds of long guns and short cannons at the three figures and took crazy shots.

But before everyone could react, the three falling figures suddenly slowed down and finally stopped completely.

"It's that person just now!"

"Oh my god, that, isn't that Spider-Man!"

Accompanied by bursts of exclamations, the hundreds of pairs of eyes on the scene suddenly widened, staring in shock at the red figure hanging on the fifth and sixth floors of the building. The man was dressed in a Spiderman suit, and his muscles were perfect. , under the outline of the clothes, it is exactly the same as the Spiderman in the movie.

He held the extremely slender spider silk in one hand and stopped in mid-air, while the other hand held the two tied men.

Just when everyone was astonished, the two men were pulled by another spider thread, quickly fell towards the ground, and finally landed smoothly.

And the figure in the Spider-Man's coat suddenly pulled the spider silk, and the whole person jumped up, and then shot out another spider silk, and stepped on the wall with both feet a few times, and then he was pulled by the spider silk. The power drew an arc in the air, then bypassed the back of the building and disappeared from everyone's sight.

Seeing this scene, everyone downstairs was even more shocked. They all stared at the direction where Spider-Man disappeared, which was almost exactly the same as in the movie, and didn't come back to their senses for a long time.

Even the reporters present pointed their guns and short cannons at the air, and even forgot to press the shutter.

"Just now, was that Spider-Man just now?"

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