"Oh my god, I'm not dreaming. There really is a Spider-Man in this world, and it's still in China!"

"I read it right, it turned out to be Spider-Man!"

The people who came back to their senses exclaimed one after another. If they hadn't seen the two men who had just been rescued in front of them, they would even have thought that everything that had just happened was an illusion.


"Great, Little Liu and the others are saved!" Li Chao was overjoyed when he came back to his senses. Although he hadn't seen any "Spider-Man", his children worshiped Spider-Man very much, so he also knew about Spider-Man. Xia, a superhero from abroad.

But he never believed that there were really any Spider-Man or superheroes in this world before, but now seeing the three people who had just been rescued one after another, his inherent thinking began to shake, but is there any Spider-Man in this world? He doesn't care about superheroes, what he cares about is that his subordinates finally have a glimmer of hope of survival.

"It's unbelievable. Now our news is going to shock the whole world. Brother Chen, did you catch it just now?" Song Lingling, a reporter from Binhai Daily, said excitedly to a man next to him carrying a DSLR.

"Well, let me take a look!" Hearing Song Lingling's voice, the man called Brother Chen came back to his senses, and quickly checked the photo taken by the SLR in his hand, and his face immediately beamed, "I got it, I got it !"

"Great, hurry up and send the photos back to the company with the computer, we must grab the first release of this news!" Song Lingling's face was full of excitement, and she even thought of the headline: Binhai Peace Building caught fire, and a real-life Spider-Man appeared on the scene !

She is very clear that once this news is reported, it will definitely be like a blockbuster, causing a sensation in the whole world in an instant.

Real Spider-Man!

And it still has superpowers, almost exactly the same as the superhero in the movie Spider-Man!

Although she seemed to be very calm just now, until now, she has not completely recovered from the shock, and even feels that all this is extremely unreal, like a scene in a dream.

At this moment, Song Lingling couldn't help feeling like this, and almost everyone present felt this way.

But the shock was the shock, the firefighters and public security personnel present still did not forget their responsibilities, those who put out fires, those who rescued people rescued them, those who dealt with the dead dealt with the dead, those who maintained order still maintained order, and each performed their duties.

Soon, the exclamation of the scene surged again like a tide, and the Spider-Man who had just disappeared appeared again, which was almost the same as the scene just now. It rushed out of the smoke, and finally hovered on the fifth and sixth floors. After putting the three people on the ground, they rushed to the roof of the building wrapped in thick smoke again.

This time, although everyone also exclaimed, the exclamation quickly turned into cheers, and many people spontaneously clapped their hands.

Although everyone present felt that everything in front of them was so unreal, the excitement and excitement in their hearts at this moment was extremely real, and even those who were usually extremely calm could not help applauding at this moment!

Even the firefighters present were infected. They were full of energy, holding high-pressure water guns, and fighting the "flame behemoth" with all their strength.

"Brothers, work harder! Be sure to suppress the fire!"


Amidst the bursts of passionate shouts, more than [-] fire trucks and nearly a hundred firefighters fought with all their strength, thick jets of water crazily shot at the smoldering flames, and gradually suppressed the fire .

At this time, Lin Xuan was also working hard, going upstairs and downstairs, saving survivors one after another, and every time he saved a survivor, there would be thunderous applause and cheers from below, This made him very excited.

Suddenly feel the pride and glory of the superhero in the movie!

Soon, more than [-] people were rescued by Lin Xuan, and some of them were unconscious. After being rescued, they were immediately carried into the ambulance for rescue.

And the few firefighters who were trapped upstairs were quickly rescued.

Seeing the safe return of several children under his hands, Li Chao was so excited that he was about to shed tears.

Although he is the captain of the fire brigade, he usually has strict requirements on the fire officers and soldiers under his hands, but he is a man with a sharp mouth and a bean curd heart. Those firefighters also know this. Although they are sometimes afraid of him, but more Sometimes he was treated as his own family.

What's more, they often go through life and death together, and their relationship with each other is already extremely deep.

"Captain Li!" The rescued firefighters hugged Li Chao, crying uncontrollably.

Although they were firefighters, they were only around nineteen or twenty. Facing the almost desperate situation just now, they were also afraid. They thought they were going to die and leave their loved ones forever.

But they didn't expect that just when they were extremely afraid and desperate, the Spider-Man they had seen in the movie appeared and rescued them from the roof!

... [Thanks to Naiitang for another 588 reward, thank you very much! 】

Chapter 94 Spiderman?

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