In the elevator car between the twenty-fifth and twenty-sixth floors of the Peace Building, a woman in formal attire, with a melon-shaped face and pretty facial features, was sitting slumped on the ground with a sluggish expression, calling for help weakly.

The emergency lights in this elevator are very dim, and there is still a strong pungent smell inside, which makes the woman feel like she is about to suffocate, but her desire and belief in life are still supporting her last breath of strength, looking forward to With the emergence of miracles.

This woman's name is Zhang Nan. She just graduated from university last year and works in a very good company in Binhai. But not long ago, she resigned from that unit in a fit of anger because she couldn't stand the repeated harassment from the company's leaders. So she has been busy these days. look for a job.

Today, she received an interview notice at [-]:[-] p.m., so she came to the Heping Building not long ago and took the elevator to a company on the [-]th floor for an interview.

Unexpectedly, there was a sudden power outage midway, and she was trapped in the elevator. Although she immediately called for help through the emergency phone of the elevator, the other party promised to deal with it immediately, telling her not to worry.

But she waited for a long time, and no one came to rescue. Instead, she smelled a strong smell of smoke, and later she heard someone shouting that it was on fire.

She immediately knew that something was wrong, and slammed on the elevator door desperately, hoping that someone could save her, but no one cared after shouting for a long time.

She also tried to open the elevator door, but the door was very tight, and as a girl, she had limited strength and couldn't open it at all.

In the end, she could only struggle desperately in this airtight elevator alone. She was very scared, but she did not cry, nor did she give up hope of escape, but she exhausted all kinds of methods, but in exchange for an even more desperate situation .

And the choking gas became thicker and thicker, until finally she felt that she could not breathe, and her body gradually lost strength, and finally she couldn't support her body to stand, so she could only sit on the ground paralyzed, from time to time She uttered a cry for help, but the bursts of dizziness made her feel that she would pass out at any time, and the result of waiting for herself would also be death.

"Ahem——" In the building filled with smoke, Lin Xuan, who was searching for survivors, coughed from time to time, and his breathing was somewhat difficult.

After all the tossing just now, he had already inhaled a large amount of poisonous gas, and felt severe pain and burning in his lungs and respiratory tract. If it wasn't for his own self-healing ability that was stubbornly resisting the attack of the poisonous gas, he might have been poisoned by the poisonous gas now. Smoked to death.

But even so, he still felt the extreme lack of oxygen in his brain, he felt dizzy from time to time, and his body was not as flexible as before.

So right now he has no time to search for survivors from floor to floor and every room. He can only rely on his wolf-like hearing to follow the cries for help to find survivors. The wolf's super self-healing ability can't hold on anymore.

At this time, the building seemed to be dead silent, except for the constant whistling wind downstairs and the crackling sound of burning, there was basically no sound of calling for help.

But Lin Xuan still listened carefully on each floor and took a look to determine if there were any survivors.

After a while, when he came to the twenty-fourth floor, he suddenly heard an extremely weak voice. His heart skipped a beat, and he immediately ran away following the sound, and finally found that the voice came from an elevator car Yes, obviously people are trapped inside.

Without further ado, Lin Xuan quickly opened the elevator door, only to see that the elevator car was stuck between two floors.


In the elevator, Zhang Nan felt that she really couldn't hold on any longer, her sanity was gradually blurred, and her breathing became more and more difficult. A shadow of death enveloped her whole body, and the appearance of her parents and family could not help appearing in her mind.

"Dad, Mom, I miss you so much!" Tears welled up in the corners of Zhang Nan's eyes. For the sake of her career, she hasn't returned to her hometown for a long time, and she didn't even go back for the Spring Festival this year. Thinking about it now, she regrets it.

How much she wanted to eat another meal of pot-packed meat made by her mother, how much she wanted to see her father's kind smile again, how much she wanted to spend another Spring Festival with them, and how much she wanted to see the world again, but everything seemed impossible. !

"Farewell to Mom and Dad!" Zhang Nan said sadly in his heart.

But at the moment when she almost gave up the last ounce of faith, she suddenly heard the sound of the elevator door, and then it opened slowly, and then saw a figure appearing in her slightly blurred vision.


Zhang Nan was stunned for a moment, and then smiled bitterly in his heart. He thought that he really had hope, but he didn't expect it to be just an illusion!

It's just that the one who came to save me in this illusion was Spider-Man?Instead of both professors?

Zhang Nan closed her eyes again, she had no extra energy to think about these things, the extreme fainting feeling had gradually swallowed her last trace of sanity, death seemed to be coming.

But at this moment, she suddenly felt that she was being picked up by someone, and then she moved quickly. It didn't take long before she felt a feeling of falling at a very high speed.

Zhang Nan thought this was the feeling of death, but soon she felt that the light in front of her eyes was a bit dazzling, but the air was extremely fresh, and the noise of cheers and roaring cars came from her ears.

Zhang Nan was surprised, and opened his eyes with the last bit of strength, but saw the face wrapped in the Spiderman mask, and the Helou building with thick smoke and flames rising from the back and above the cheek.

Isn't it hallucination?

Zhang Nan was startled, and immediately turned her head slightly, but saw the excited onlookers around, as well as the busy firefighters, public security personnel and medical staff.

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