For a moment, Zhang Nan was stunned!

She didn't know what happened, but at this moment, the Spider-Man who saved her put her on the ground, then grabbed the spider silk with his right hand, and rushed towards the burning building again.


In the office of Xuanyu Technology, almost all the employees gathered by the window, watching the situation at the Peace Building, and they all saw the scenes that just happened at the Peace Building.

Like everyone at the scene, when they saw the scene of Spider-Man saving lives, they were first shocked, then excited, and finally excited.

Of course, they didn't forget to take out their mobile phones to capture the incredible picture, and then posted it on Moments, which caused quite a stir for a while.

After a long time, the fire in the Peace Building was gradually brought under control, and the figure of Spider-Man never appeared again, as if he disappeared out of thin air.

The employees of Xuanyu Technology returned to their respective posts one after another and continued to work, but their mood was hard to calm down for a while.

Spiderman appeared in Huaxia, and the fictional characters in the movie actually appeared in reality, and they were also witnessed by them. This is really hard for people to keep calm!

Especially their own WeChat circle of friends has almost exploded, and many people directly sent WeChat to inquire about the situation and authenticity.

Not only that, but they also discovered that the news about the fire in the Peace Building and Spiderman's rescue has begun to spread wildly on the Internet. Even the Fujin news pop-up window has reported this incident, and there is even a video of the scene inserted in it. I'm afraid that Huaxia Network and the media tonight are not destined to be peaceful!

Gradually, the sky outside became dark and smoke was still rising from the Peace Building, but the fire seemed to have been basically brought under control, and most of the onlookers had dispersed, leaving only the police and firefighters still at the scene to carry out the rescue. .


[Every book friend, Rusi wishes everyone a happy Chinese New Year in advance!Then talk about the update problem during the Spring Festival.

Please forgive Rusi for being lazy. Rusi is going home this afternoon for the New Year, and will be back on the fifth day of the new year. During this period, I can hardly code words, so I can only use the saved manuscript to update.If you are handicapped, there are only a few chapters in the manuscript, so you can only temporarily change it once a day during this period, and resume two changes after returning from the fifth day of the new year.And Rusi will definitely work hard to get more.

Finally, I would like to sincerely thank Naiitang for donating 1888 coins, thank the inspirational man° for donating 588 coins, and thank you for the reward of 100 coins if I don’t go to the brothel, this is my New Year’s gift. Every one who rewarded this book, and those who silently voted for Rusi.

To be honest, it is because of you that this book has come to this day. I also firmly believe that as long as there is your support, this book will go further. Finally, I wish you all the best in the Year of the Monkey, all the best, and your thoughts Cheng, happy every day! 】

Chapter 95 Sensation

After rescuing Zhang Nan, Lin Xuan returned to the Heping Building and searched around from the twenty-fourth floor to the top floor. After seeing that there were no more survivors, he left the Heping Building from the back of the building, and finally came to The roof of a building in the distance.

Lying on the roof of the building, Lin Xuan breathed a long sigh of relief, but the excitement could not be calmed down for a long time. Everything that happened just now was like a dream to him. It is a lot to become a superhero. The boy's childhood dream was also Lin Xuan's disappearing dream.

But today he personally experienced the feeling of a superhero. I have to say, it feels really cool!

However, this superhero is not so easy to be. When I just rescued people, I inhaled a lot of poisonous gas, and my whole body was in chest pain. If I didn't have a super self-healing ability, I'm afraid I would be lying in the hospital right now up.

And after this incident, there will definitely be an uproar in the whole of China, and even the whole world. I will become the object of investigation by various forces in the future, and I will not be able to casually expose my superpowers in front of people in the future. , otherwise it would be no fun to expose your identity and be arrested by some organization for experimentation!

But Lin Xuan is not particularly worried. First of all, he is wearing Spider-Man's clothes this time, no one will recognize him at all, let alone capture his whereabouts.

And even if his identity is revealed one day, he still has a way to deal with it!

What's more, he now has the graphene preparation technology, and there will be more advanced technologies in the future. For the country, he is the key to the future national defense force of the country, and even the resurgence of China.

So even if one day my identity is exposed, the country will spare no effort to protect itself!

"Ding——" Just as Lin Xuan was thinking, the voice of the system suddenly sounded, "Save human beings and get 8 hero points! It's still 4 points away from being promoted to the next level!"

"8 o'clock, quite a lot!" Lin Xuan was overjoyed, he never thought that he would get so many hero points for saving people, which is much faster than completing system tasks.

Now I only need to get 4 more hero points or merit points to exchange for Mystique's superpowers.

As long as you have exchanged Mystique's ability, you will be afraid of revealing your identity in the future. As long as you use your superpower, you can change into someone else's appearance, or even someone who does not exist. You can say how you want to change How to change!

This ability is comparable to Brother Monkey's Seventy-Two Transformations!

Lin Xuan even maliciously wanted to become the Prime Minister of Hishima, and then smashed the Yasukuni Shrine. Wouldn't that be great!

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