"Chen Guohua must know Ma Changwei's identity, but if you ask him, it's not easy to ask him to take me to the birthday banquet. By the way, let's ask Zhang Qisheng first!"

Thinking about it this way, Lin Xuan immediately picked up his mobile phone and called Zhang Qihua, asking about Ma Changwei.

Just as he expected, Zhang Qihua really knew about Ma Changwei. According to what Zhang Qisheng said, this Ma Changwei was not an ordinary person.He is the fifth child in his family, so everyone in Taoism calls him Fifth Lord Ma.

But he is not the kind of gangster. His parents and brothers are all anti-Japanese heroes and founding fathers. They belong to the children of the real red family. Moreover, he also participated in the Vietnam War and made great military achievements. The position is detached.

It was only later that he was ordered by the government to manage the underground world for the government. After more than [-] years of hard work, he successfully controlled most of the underworld forces in China at that time, so it can be said that he has access to the sky and the earth, with a wide range of connections and vision, almost No one can match, now in Huaxia, no matter whether it is the Communist Party or Bai Dao, no one does not know the name of Ma Wuye, and no one disrespects him three points.

After listening to Zhang Qisheng's introduction, Lin Xuan had some understanding of Ma Changwei, but he felt that this was not enough. The system must have other purposes for him to gain Ma Changwei's trust. He must investigate Ma Changwei thoroughly this time. Be clear and clear.

So Lin Xuan immediately activated the hacking software, this time he wanted to turn over Ma Changwei's information.


But Lin Xuan didn't know that when he was investigating Ma Changwei's information, his own information had already been placed on the desk of the Prime Minister.

"This kid has a very ordinary background!" Looking at Lin Xuan's information, the Prime Minister said a little strangely.

"Yeah, even ordinary ones make people feel suspicious, but judging from this information, he did like computers since he was a child, and he showed a very good computer talent when he was in high school. The computer language matches, but regarding the graphene material, he doesn't seem to have shown any special talent." The person who spoke was Yin Changsheng, the head of China's security department.

"Huh!" The Prime Minister nodded, and continued to look down, "Huh? He still knows Xiao Xia's daughter?"

"Yes, they both studied at Binhai University and are very familiar with each other. It seems that because of Xia Xin's incident, Lin Xuan had a conflict with the son of Tian Hongwei, the former party secretary of Binhai City. Later, Tian Hongwei was reported anonymously. Lin Xuan was probably responsible for this incident, and I heard that Xia Xin seemed to have been kidnapped before, but this incident was resolved quietly afterwards, and it is said that it was also because of Lin Xuan!"

"Well, it seems that this little guy is really not simple, but judging from all the signs, he is still a very reliable person. Anyway, he can contribute the graphene preparation technology, which is enough to explain everything!"

Speaking of this, the Prime Minister put down Lin Xuan's information files, and suddenly thought of something, and changed the topic: "By the way, how is the investigation by Ma Changwei going?"

"Ma Changwei seems to have noticed the movement. He has hardly been out of the house recently, and the call records are not abnormal, and he has been busy with holding a birthday banquet for himself recently!"

"Well, let's continue to investigate. According to the news sent back by our intelligence personnel abroad, this so-called 'Earth Protection Association' is definitely not as simple as it seems on the surface. In the past year, the intelligence agencies of various countries have been secretly investigating this organization. It seems that Europe and the United States have secretly taken action against this organization, and they must have found something. And according to the current signs, this organization may have penetrated into our China through Ma Changwei, so the monitoring of him cannot be stopped , but we must do a good job of secrecy, and we must not startle the enemy! Our intelligence personnel in various countries will also do their best to collect definite evidence!" The Prime Minister said with a serious face.

"Yes, Prime Minister!"

... [Thanks to the old bookworm in Heishan for the reward, thank you for the reward of Zangtian Pavilion 灬圣天 1888 and 588, thank you for the reward of 588 in the era of saints, Camilla, Earl Ling, and book friends 150503151206842 for the reward of 100, and I won’t list many book friends who gave rewards one by one. I’m really grateful to all the book friends for their encouragement and rewards. This is my best gift for the Spring Festival. Everyone add more! 】

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"What is the Earth Protection Association?" Lin Xuan frowned slightly. Just now, he checked Ma Changwei's information thoroughly, and even turned Huaxia's intelligence agency database upside down. Finally, he found Huaxia The government seems to be secretly investigating Ma Changwei, and the reason is precisely because of this organization called "Earth Protection Association".

And from those materials, he vaguely felt that this organization was not as simple as the name suggested, and it made him feel that the task released by the system this time might also be related to this organization.

This made Lin Xuan a little curious, and let him see the breakthrough of this mission.

"Europe and the United States have already taken action. It seems that Europe and the United States have thoroughly investigated this organization!" Lin Xuan's eyes flashed. If he wanted to understand this organization, it seemed that he could only start with foreign intelligence agencies, and his first target Naturally the CIA.

"Dangdang..." Just then, there was a knock on the office door.

"Enter!" Lin Xuan closed the computer screen and responded.

The door was pushed open, and Li Qin led a tall and strong man in. Lin Xuan immediately recognized that this man was Chang Sheng!

"Boss Lin! Mr. Chang is here!" Li Qin said with a smile. Lin Xuan had already greeted her just now, saying that a man named Chang Sheng would come looking for him.

"Okay!" Lin Xuan smiled slightly, got up and shook hands with Chang Sheng, "Hello, Mr. Chang!"

"Hello, Mr. Lin, Minister Xia must have sent you my information, so I won't introduce myself!" Chang Sheng looked serious and serious.

"Well, Mr. Chang, please sit down!" Lin Xuan smiled slightly, and invited Chang Sheng to the reception sofa beside him, and Li Qin hurriedly made a pot of tea for the two of them.

Lin Xuan chatted with Chang Sheng briefly, then asked Li Qin to arrange an office for Chang Sheng, and went through the entry procedures as an assistant.

"By the way, sister Qin, help me refund the ticket first!" Lin Xuan suddenly thought that he would not be able to go home tomorrow, so he quickly stopped Li Qin.

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