"Okay!" Li Qin nodded without asking any further questions and left the office with Chang Sheng.

And Lin Xuan also returned to the computer, continuing to investigate the information of the "Earth Protection Association".


Two days later, Lin Xuan arrived in Kyoto by car. After meeting with Chen Guohua, they went to a big hotel in Kyoto to attend Ma Changwei's birthday banquet.

On the way, Lin Xuan heard Chen Guohua say something about Ma Changwei's birthday banquet.According to what Chen Guohua said, in the past, Ma Wuye's birthday banquets were held in the best private clubs in Kyoto.

Moreover, the birthday banquet will definitely have three banquet halls at the same time. Different banquet halls entertain people of different status. For example, Chen Guohua, who used to be a gangster and Daoist, and today's business tycoons can only be in the most ordinary banquet hall. During the process, you can't even see Ma Wuye himself. Usually, Ma Wuye's children, grandchildren or cronies come to toast.

Only some big figures in the upper class of Huaxia are eligible to dine in the same banquet hall as Ma Wuye.

But now the country opposes extravagance and waste, so the birthday banquet of Ma Wuye has been very low-key in the past two years. The birthday banquet is only held in ordinary big hotels. People who have a very good relationship with him.

After arriving at the hotel, Lin Xuan and Chen Guohua met many dignitaries who also came to the birthday banquet at the door. Some of them knew Chen Guohua and greeted each other. One even recognized Lin Xuan.

"Hey, Guohua, does this young man look familiar?" The speaker is a middle-aged man who is about the same age as Chen Guohua, but his appearance is not surprising. If he is not wearing a famous brand suit, walking in the crowd is completely normal. same as people.

"Oh, let me introduce, this is Lin Xuan, the founder of Xuanyu Technology—Lin Xuan, and this is Xu Guorui, chairman of Huawei Group!"

"It turned out to be Chairman Xu, who has admired his name for a long time!" Lin Xuan's eyes lit up, and he shook hands with Xu Guorui with a smile. If it wasn't for Chen Guohua's introduction, he would never have thought that this plain-looking middle-aged man in front of him was actually a member of Huawei Group Chairman, although the name Xu Guorui is a little unfamiliar to him, he knows Huawei Group very well. It is a domestic communications giant, and its Huawei mobile phone has also become a benchmark for domestic smartphones. It has gained momentum in recent years.

"Hello, Chairman Lin, why do you look so familiar? Chairman Lin is the hottest young talent in the IT industry!" Xu Guorui looked at Lin Xuan with admiration and smiled.

He has been paying attention to Xuanyu Technology and Lin Xuan recently. After all, this young man has made a lot of money with an app, and even pulled giants like Apple and Google into his chariot, which made them, like the same industry, All the bosses have to admire, and their company has also conducted a technical analysis of the intelligent voice butler, and also appreciates the advanced technology contained in it, which makes him feel that Xuanyu Technology is very promising to enter the mobile phone operating system market in the future. Xu Guorui also Lin Xuan is very optimistic, and even intends to discuss cooperation with Xuanyu Technology.

"Chairman Xu is overwhelmed! Compared with you, I am just a newcomer, and I still have a lot to learn from seniors like you!" Lin Xuan also said politely.

After exchanging greetings like this, they took the elevator up to the sixth floor, and only felt the atmosphere of the birthday banquet at the entrance of the banquet hall.

There is a reception area at the entrance of the banquet hall, and two middle-aged men in suits and leather shoes are welcoming the guests present. After listening to Chen Guohua's introduction, Lin Xuan knew that they were Ma Changwei's two sons, the eldest son Ma Xinyang and the second son Ma Xinguang.

At this time, the guests present first signed in at the reception area, presented generous gifts prepared by themselves, then shook hands with Ma Xinyang and Ma Xinguang, and walked into the banquet hall under the guidance of the reception lady.

The same was true for Chen Guohua. After signing his name, he put the gift he had prepared on the table at the welcome desk, then shook hands with Ma Xinyang and Ma Xinguang, and exchanged a few pleasantries.

"Mr. Ma, I have a special gift. May I trouble you to deliver it to Mr. Ma in person right now!" Lin Xuan suddenly took out a folder from his handbag and handed it to Ma Xinyang.

Ma Xinyang looked at the folder in Lin Xuan's hand in some surprise, and a slight displeasure flashed in his eyes. Those who came to celebrate his father's birthday today, even if they didn't send money, would also send valuables such as jewelry, jade, celebrity calligraphy and paintings, but this person gave You bought an ordinary folder, even if it contained money, you should at least get a decent package, what does this broken folder mean?

If he didn't see that this person came with Chen Guohua, he might have kicked this person away immediately.

"Thank you for the gift, just put it here, I will send these gifts to my father myself later!" Although he was a little unhappy, Ma Xinyang forced a smile and said.

……………… [Thank you for the reward of Zangtian Pavilion 灬天1888, thank you for the reward of 100 cats who have come and gone, and thank you to all the book lovers who have given rewards, and those who silently voted for support , Rusi will be back tomorrow, two shifts will be resumed, I've been lazy these days, everyone forgive me! 】

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Mr. Ma, this gift of mine is different from other people's. This gift..." Seeing that Ma Xinyang didn't understand what he meant, Lin Xuan explained again, but he was interrupted by the sneer of the guest who had just put down the gift before he finished speaking. The man looked at the folder in Lin Xuan's hand with a little contempt, and said sarcastically: "This gentleman's gift is really different from ours!"

When this person said this, several people who were walking with him also smiled slightly.

Glancing slightly at the speaker, Lin Xuan was not angry, and continued, "My gift is related to Mr. Ma Xinming!"

"What?" Ma Xinyang's complexion changed. Ma Xinming was his third brother, and he was killed many years ago. His father has been investigating the whereabouts of the murderer all these years but failed. The young man said that the gift was related to Ma Xinming. Does he know the murderer's whereabouts?

Thinking of this, Ma Xinyang immediately invited Lin Xuan aside, which also made the expressions of those who had chuckled before stiffen, and then walked into the banquet hall with some embarrassment.

"Sir, you said that your gift is related to my third brother, can you elaborate!" Ma Xinyang asked in a low voice with a serious expression.

"The details are all in this document, I think Mr. Ma will know after reading it!" Lin Xuan said with a smile.

Seeing that Lin Xuan didn't intend to say anything, Ma Xinyang didn't ask, but took the folder in Lin Xuan's hand and said, "Please, sir, I'll give it to my father right now!"

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