After finishing speaking, Ma Xinyang invited Lin Xuan and Chen Guohua into the banquet hall, and then quickly walked to the door of a private room in the innermost part of the banquet hall with the folder. Before entering the private room, he specially asked someone to open the folder to check For a moment, I was afraid that there was something in this document that would be detrimental to Ma Wuye.

But there are only three A4 sheets in this folder, two of which are photos of a middle-aged man, and the other is the personal information of a man named Bruce Lee.

Seeing this, Ma Xinyang was overjoyed. Although he didn't know who Bruce Lee was, he knew the photo because he was the murderer of his younger brother.

So he didn't dare to neglect, and immediately walked in quickly with the documents.

This private room is very spacious and looks like a small banquet hall, with a large dining table on one side and a small reception area on the other.

At this time, the sofa in the reception area was full of people, drinking tea and chatting. An old man in a red Tang suit sat in the middle with a smile on his face. It was Ma Changwei, the protagonist of this birthday banquet.

After Ma Xinyang walked into the private room, he went straight to the reception area, first greeted everyone on the sofa briefly, then came to Ma Changwei, and handed the folder to Ma Changwei: "Father! This is a young man Let me give it to you!"

"En!" Ma Changwei took the folder with a normal expression, then opened it and looked at it.

When he saw the photo inside, his eyes widened suddenly, and he jumped up from the sofa. Although his face was calm, there was a hint of excitement in his eyes.

"Where is the sender?" Ma Changwei stared at Ma Xinyang, his voice trembling slightly.

"It's outside, he and Chen Guohua came to celebrate your birthday!" Ma Xinyang replied quickly.

"Okay!" Ma Changwei nodded, then looked at the people on the sofa, and said with a smile: "Everyone sit down first! Excuse me Ma!"

After finishing speaking, Ma Changwei couldn't wait to get out of the private room and came to the banquet hall outside.

At this moment, most of the dining tables in the banquet hall were full. Seeing Ma Changwei suddenly came to the banquet hall, the guests present were a little surprised, and immediately stood up and handed their birthday wishes. Ma Changwei also smiled back. Finally, under the curious eyes of everyone, Came to the dining table where Lin Xuan and Chen Guohua were.

"Father, this is the distinguished guest!" Ma Xinyang pointed to Lin Xuan and said with a smile, and Lin Xuan also knew that Ma Changwei was looking for him, so he stood up with a smile on his face.

"Young man, thank you for your gift, can I take a step to speak!" Ma Changwei looked at Lin Xuan slightly, and then said with a smile.

As soon as his words came out, everyone in the hall was amazed, and they looked up and down curiously at Lin Xuan. Those who didn't know him were wondering who he was, but those who knew him were wondering what gift he gave, and they asked Ma Changwei to come over in person. thank.

"No problem!" Lin Xuan smiled slightly, then left his seat and followed Ma Changwei to the corner of the banquet hall.

"What's your surname, young man?" Ma Changwei asked with a pleasant face.

"Xia Linxuan is a good friend of Mr. Chen Guohua!"

"It turned out to be Guohua's friend. I saw the gift you just sent. Do you know the whereabouts of this person?" Ma Changwei looked at Lin Xuan with some expectation. He has been investigating the whereabouts of the murderer of his son all these years. But all he knew was that this person was a spy of the United States. He fled back to the United States after killing his son. He had tried all means over the years, but he had never been able to find the whereabouts of this person, and he didn't even know the other party's real name in the United States.

But today Lin Xuan brought him hope.

"Of course, I know the detailed address of his current residence, but it is related to the confidentiality of the CIA, so I didn't directly put the information in that folder just now, please forgive me!" Reaching into his clothes, he took out a folded piece of paper and handed it to Ma Changwei, "This is the information Ma Wuye wants!"

Ma Changwei's eyes lit up, and he quickly reached out to take the paper from Lin Xuan, opened it and looked at it, his eyes were filled with murderous aura and a cold light flickered, and he said to himself: "This bastard is hiding here, the CIA is really good at protecting him! "

Putting away the paper that Lin Xuan gave him, Ma Changwei calmed down, looked at Lin Xuan again and said, "This gift is very good, I will thank you Ma later!"

"Hehe, Ma Wuye is serious. I'm here to celebrate your birthday. This is my birthday gift. How can I ask you to thank me again! But if there is anyone or something that Ma Wuye can't find in the future, you can contact me at any time." Find me, there is almost no information in this world that I can't find!" Lin Xuan said confidently, and looked at Ma Changwei meaningfully while speaking.

Hearing this, Ma Changwei's eyes lit up, and he looked at Lin Xuan in a little surprise, but his mind was full of thoughts.

He knew very well that Lin Xuan had something to say, and he felt that Lin Xuan definitely did not just come to the birthday banquet today, and he probably had another purpose in presenting this special birthday gift.

Since he was able to find out things that he couldn't even find out, it is very likely that he also found out some of his own secrets.

But if he knows his secret, but comes to show his favor, what is the purpose?

Ma Changwei was puzzled, but he didn't say much, but showed an unpredictable smile, nodded and said, "Okay, no problem!"

"This is my business card!" Lin Xuan looked calm, took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Ma Changwei, then cupped his hands, turned and returned to Chen Guohua's side again.

And the eyes of everyone in the hall followed him all the way back to his seat, each with their eyes flickering with different expressions.

"This kid is interesting!" Ma Changwei looked at Lin Xuan meaningfully, then put away Lin Xuan's business card, and walked back to the private room again.

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