"Okay, okay, don't talk so much nonsense, you are the director here?" Chang Sheng said coldly.

"Yes chief, my subordinate Hu Yongquan, please give instructions!"

"You allow your subordinates to abuse their power, are you guilty?"

"Yes, guilty!" Hu Yongquan's heart sank. How could he dare to say that he was not guilty? He was really afraid that if he continued to quibble, he would be shot and killed, which was more important than official life!

"It's good to know the crime, now I'll give you a chance to make up for it!"

Hearing this sentence, Hu Yongquan was overjoyed. Just now, he thought that he would lose his official position this time, but he didn't expect that there would be a turning point: "Okay, okay, sir, please tell me!"

Chang Sheng didn't speak, but looked at Lin Xuan who was on the side. Lin Xuan took a step forward and said, "You should still remember the disappearance of migrant workers in Anxi Town in 2012, right?"

Hearing this, Hu Yongquan's heart sank just now, and he complained endlessly. He was really afraid that something would happen. These two great gods came to investigate the incident back then. This is terrible!

"Yes, yes, yes, I, I remember!" Hu Yongquan replied hastily, although he was complaining in his heart.

"I heard that someone reported the case back then, but you didn't file the case!"

Hu Yongquan thumped again in his heart, and said with a bitter face: "Well, this thing did happen. I was not in the institute at the time, and I heard about it later, so I gave those subordinates..."

"All right, all right, don't need to explain so much to me, I don't want to hear it!" Lin Xuan was too lazy to talk nonsense with this person, raised his hand and raised three fingers, "I'll give you three days to investigate this matter thoroughly, after three days I just want to hear the results, not excuses!"

"Okay, okay, no problem, we promise to complete the task!" Hu Yongquan nodded repeatedly.

Hou Yuan and Hou Jing on the side were stunned. Although they knew that Lin Xuan was no longer an ordinary person, they didn't expect him to know a chief. No wonder he just said that these people would obediently let them go, and said This time I came back to investigate the disappearance of my father.

However, they were surprised to see that Hu Yongquan agreed to investigate the disappearance case, and they were also overjoyed, because the disappearance of their father was also a heart problem for their family, and now the police are finally able to file a case for investigation and give them a Clear results too.

"Then let's violently resist the law..." After a short pause, Lin Xuan said again.

"Misunderstanding, misunderstanding, it's all a misunderstanding!" Hu Yongquan said with an apologetic smile.

"Well, since it's a misunderstanding, let's take our leave first!" Lin Xuan nodded and said.

"Two chiefs, go slowly! You guys send the chief back!" Hu Yongquan hurriedly said to the police on the side.



After returning to Hou Jing's booth again, Lin Xuan drove the color steel shed back to the place where Hou Jing and the others rented, and then went to have a meal with Hou Yuan and Hou Jing.

For the next three days, Lin Xuan basically stayed in the hotel in Annong County, and also went back to his hometown in Pinghe Village, Anxi Town, to visit his uncles.

Anxi Town's economy is very backward. There are no pillar industries there, and the economy is mainly maintained by the most primitive agriculture. This is especially true in Pinghe Village where Lin Xuan's hometown is located. Apart from farming, the people there have almost no other sources of income.

Therefore, many young people in the village choose to go out to work, which also leaves many left-behind children, women, and the elderly in the village without care. Reuniting their families has become a luxury for most families.

When Lin Xuan saw all this in the past, he only had one thought, that is to go out and leave here forever, but now that he came back again and saw his poor and backward hometown, his thoughts changed.

He felt that he should do something for his hometown.

Build a factory in your hometown!

This was the first thought that came to Lin Xuan's mind!

He is very clear that his company will involve many industries in the future, and he can build one of the factories here, which can drive economic development and employment in his hometown, so that those young people can earn money at home without having to go out to work .

The so-called teaching a man to fish is not as good as giving him a fish. This is exactly the truth!

Three days are fleeting...

This morning, Lin Xuan and Chang Sheng came to the Annong County Police Station again to inquire about the investigation of his father's disappearance, but the result disappointed Lin Xuan.

"Chengtai Construction Company?" In the interrogation room, Lin Xuan said solemnly.

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