"Well, this company is a well-known construction company in Kyoto, and it belongs to the Dacheng Group!" A man with a short cut who was sitting on the interrogation chair said in a deep voice. This man was the contractor who took Lin Xuan's father away - Lu Qingfeng .

"How did you get in touch with them?" Lin Xuan asked in a deep voice.

"When I was working in engineering, I met a project manager named Tang Yuanming. He later switched to Chengtai Construction. This time he took the initiative to contact me!"

"What did they tell you then?"

"He said he asked me to help recruit a group of migrant workers. At that time, he paid a high salary, and I thought Chengtai Construction was a big company with a reputation. Tang Yuanming was also very reliable, so he helped recruit a group of migrant workers here. People passed by, who knew that these people went and never came back, I called later, Tang Yuanming told me not to worry about this matter, otherwise it might lead to death, and then he lost contact with me!"

"Well, I also received a call from a leader of the provincial government, telling me to suppress this matter! But that person died shortly after being invited to drink tea by the Commission for Discipline Inspection last year!" Hu Yongquan also interjected.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan frowned even tighter, and was shocked in his heart. Even a fool can tell that this matter is definitely not as simple as he thought at first, and it seems that there are forces beyond his imagination involved behind it.

"Mr. Lin, I've heard of the Dacheng Group, and indeed there is a group with an official background!" Chang Sheng leaned into Lin Xuan's ear and whispered.

Lin Xuan nodded, his expression became more solemn. He never expected that this matter would involve a company in Kyoto, and it was a large group with an official background, so it would be troublesome to investigate by himself.

It seems that I have to ask Minister Xia for help!

Lin Xuan was helpless. After all, it was obviously difficult for him to thoroughly investigate his father's whereabouts with his own strength.

Moreover, he felt that this incident seemed to be very difficult, and it seemed that a greater force would be involved, so his best choice was to ask Xia Weiguo for help.


[Thank you for the reward of 1888 coins from Heishan old bookworm, the rudder of this book, thank you for the reward of 588 coins for Gou, thank you for the reward of 200 coins for the intoxicated and sinner, thank you for the 1 coins reward from Zhenge 100 and zytjk, and thank you for all the rewards Book friends who voted for support, thank you everyone, continue to ask for recommendations and collections in the new week! 】

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After leaving the Annong County Police Station, Lin Xuan immediately called Xia Weiguo and asked him to help investigate the matter.

Xia Weiguo was also very surprised to hear the news, and immediately agreed, and Lin Xuan could only wait patiently for Xia Weiguo's investigation results.

In the afternoon, Lin Xuan and Chang Sheng flew back to Binhai City together.

Lin Xuan thought a lot on the way, and his mood was rather complicated. He thought that he would be able to find out the result when he returned to his hometown this time, but he didn't expect that this matter would involve the Dacheng Group in Kyoto City, and this matter was far from what he wanted. as simple as that.

When he returned to the company, Lin Xuan found that there was a strange woman in his office, cleaning his desk. This woman looked to be in her twenties, with a sweet appearance, and her professional attire made her curves The outline is graceful and moving.

"You are?" Lin Xuan looked at the woman in surprise.

"Mr. Lin, I'm your secretary Zheng Wenwen!" Seeing Lin Xuan walking in, the woman was a little startled, but she immediately reacted, her beautiful eyes lit up, she leaned forward and smiled, and two cute faces appeared on the corners of her mouth. small pear vortex.

"Secretary?" Lin Xuan was stunned.

"I think you need a secretary!" Chen Yu's voice suddenly came from behind, "I'm sorry Mr. Lin, I hired a secretary for you without your consent! But I think you really need a secretary. Sister Qin is very busy with work now and cannot take good care of you. You just forget to eat and sleep every day as soon as you enter the office. A secretary can help you arrange your work and rest time at any time, so I can help you!"

"Well, it's good to have a secretary!" Lin Xuan nodded and smiled. What Chen Yu said was indeed reasonable. Thinking about it, I really need a secretary. He forgot everything, and sometimes he couldn't even drink his saliva all morning, so he could only occasionally come over to help him pour a glass of water or make a cup of coffee when Sister Qin was not busy.

Moreover, the company's affairs are getting more and more busy now, and there are too many receipts and various documents to be signed every day, which makes him a little busy. Having a secretary to help sort them into categories and arrange them reasonably according to the urgency can indeed save him a lot of time.

Lin Xuan and Chen Yu sat down on the sofa in the office, and Zheng Wenwen immediately made two cups of coffee for them and brought them over.

After receiving the coffee, Lin Xuan took a sip and asked casually, "What's going on in the past few days? Has the bidding for the project started?"

"Immediately, the blueprints for the planning and construction of the factory building have been completed, and I'm waiting for you to come back and review and sign them!" Chen Yu replied, and immediately took a sip of coffee.

"Didn't I say that you are responsible for it all? What are you waiting for me to do?"

"You are the boss, of course you must sign this matter yourself!"

"Then let's start the bidding as soon as possible in the next few days. In a few days, there will be a press conference for the launch of our smart security master. We still have to prepare for the conference!"

"Well, but this press conference doesn't need us to bother, Li Yanhong has already done everything for us!"

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