"President Li?" Lin Xuan frowned, then smiled, "It seems that he is more active than us!"

Lin Xuan can also understand that this press conference is of great significance to Baidu, which is why Baidu is so active, but having Baidu help arrange it saves him a lot of trouble.

"Yes, Mr. Li is very active. Regarding the specific details of the press conference, Mr. Li has sent you an email. You can take a look at it later. If there is anything that needs to be changed, just contact Mr. Li!"

"it is good!"

After Chen Yu left, Lin Xuan returned to his desk, turned on the computer, and checked the email sent by Li Yanhong. As for the preparation and arrangement of the press conference, Baidu Company is naturally more experienced than Lin Xuan and the others, so the entire press conference There are basically no problems in material preparation, personnel arrangement, process details, etc.

The location of this press conference is in the banquet hall on the 8th floor of the Sheraton Hotel in Binhai City. In addition to inviting reporters from various media, the press conference also invited Director Wang and a person named Shen Xinhua. According to the introduction in the email, this Shen Xinhua is A god-level figure in the Huaxia IT circle, the president of the National Software Industry Association.

In addition, many of the industry's top network security experts and engineers were invited to intrude and attack the computers installed with Smart Security Master on site to prove the security of the software to the media.

After reading the email, Lin Xuan nodded in satisfaction, and then replied to Baidu to confirm that there was no problem with the process.

Just after Lin Xuan finished sending the email, he received documents and pictures from Chen Yu, which were about the planning and architectural drawings and renderings of the factory building.

At this time, Zheng Wenwen knocked on the door and walked in with a stack of documents.

"Mr. Lin, this is the factory design document that Mr. Chen asked me to hand over to you!" Zheng Wenwen leaned over and put the document in front of Lin Xuan.

"Yeah!" Lin Xuan nodded, and then roughly looked at the design drawings and renderings of the factory building. After confirming that there was no problem, he signed the document.

Zheng Wenwen also left Lin Xuan's office with the documents again.

After dealing with the company's affairs, Lin Xuan activated his own hacking software to check whether the virus he released was rewarding.

Lin Xuan upgraded his own virus this time in order to find out the relevant information of the "Earth Protection Association". As long as the CIA's internal network is connected to the external network or electronic devices carrying the upgraded virus, the virus will invade the CIA The server automatically retrieves the data and materials with the English name of "Earth Conservation Association", copies and transmits them to Lin Xuan's computer, and then automatically cleans up the operation traces without leaving any traces.

"Yes!" As soon as he started the software, Lin Xuan saw the data record of the virus feedback, and was overjoyed immediately, so he quickly checked it.

Sure enough, just yesterday, the CIA's internal network was connected to the external network, and the virus released by Lin Xuan successfully invaded, and all data and materials with "Earth Protection Association" and similar words within the service period were copied and transmitted back to Lin Xuan's among computers.

Lin Xuan clicked on the information file stolen by the virus, and used the translation software to translate it.It's a pity that the existing translation software has poor translation accuracy and is not smart enough.

This made Lin Xuan suddenly come up with an idea that he could develop a translation software in the future, and use the powerful speech recognition engine of the intelligent voice manager to get a software that can perform simultaneous interpretation, which will definitely have great market potential .

Of course, this was just a fleeting thought. He didn't think too much, but focused on translating the information, and then carefully looked at it to find the answer he wanted.

Gradually, Lin Xuan finally saw some clues, and the mysterious veil of the so-called "Earth Protection Association" was slowly unraveled, revealing the tip of the iceberg.

But the more Lin Xuan watched it, the more frightened he became. The more he watched it, the more incredible he felt. He even felt like he was watching a script of a Hollywood blockbuster, but all this seemed to be happening in this world.

"This so-called Earth Protection Association is simply an anti-human organization. If this information is true, then their plan is to bring human society into the rhythm of the end of the world. No wonder governments of all countries are investigating this organization-it seems that the system's mission It's really likely to be related to this organization!" Lin Xuan thought in his heart, unable to calm down for a while.

But when he was shocked, his mobile phone rang suddenly. He picked it up and found that it was Yang Shuke who called.


[Thank you for the reward of 588 coins for liking you, thank you Gao Bo S, who became independent and independent, and the uncle can stand it, hehhhh, 100 coins for the reward, thank you for your support! 】

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Lin Xuan was overjoyed, and quickly connected the phone. He had been holding back a lot of words, but now he only said one sentence: "Xiao Ke, are you back?"

"Lin Xuan!" Yang Shuke's voice sounded a little low, as if he had something on his mind, he hesitated to speak.

"What's wrong?" Lin Xuan's heart tightened, and a bad feeling emerged spontaneously.

"Let's meet at seven o'clock in the evening! I'll wait for you at your house!" Yang Shuke said in a low voice.

"Xiao Ke, did something happen? I feel like you have something on your mind?"

"It's okay, let's talk about it in detail when we meet!" After speaking, Yang Shuke hung up the phone.

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