Putting down his phone, Lin Xuan was in a complicated mood. He didn't bother to check the "Earth Protection Association". He leaned back on his chair and thought wildly for a long time, then suddenly stood up and left the company.

Now that his love is in crisis, he still has the mind to manage the crisis in this world.

Lin Xuan drove directly to Binhai University, and then called Yang Shuke, the phone rang several times before being connected: "Xiao Ke, I'm at school, if you're fine, let's meet now !"

"...Okay!" Yang Shuke said after being silent for a moment.

"I'll wait for you downstairs in your bedroom!"

After hanging up the phone, Lin Xuan drove the car downstairs to Yang Shuke's bedroom, which attracted the attention of many girls passing by.

Sitting in the car, Lin Xuan looked at the door of the bedroom where the girl came in and out, feeling a little mixed in his heart.

In the past, every time I waited here for Yang Shuke, I was full of anticipation and joy, but now I was worried and nervous, as if I was waiting for death, why couldn't I talk about a love without worrying about gains and losses!

Not long after, Lin Xuan saw Yang Shuke's figure walking out of the dormitory door. He was still so familiar, but today's Yang Shuke's face did not have the usual carefree and pure smile. Lin Xuan felt that something must have happened to Yang Shuke.

Yang Shuke lowered his head all the way, went straight to the passenger side, opened the door and got into the car.

"Xiao Ke!" Seeing Yang Shuke's familiar and kind cheeks, Lin Xuan showed a slight smile, most of the worries just now disappeared inexplicably, and his mood improved a lot.

"Lin Xuan!" Yang Shuke also looked at Lin Xuan, hesitated to speak, then lowered his head and fell silent for a while.

At this time, her heart was full of mixed feelings. She hadn't seen him for more than [-] days. In fact, she missed Lin Xuan very much. Seeing Lin Xuan's gentle eyes and kind face at this time, she really wanted to fall into his arms. I want to hug him tightly, don't care about anything, don't care about anything, just like that until the end of time.

But the burden of revenge, like an invisible shackle, imprisoned her impulse, so she still didn't do it after all, love and responsibility were so entangled and struggled in her heart, so she didn't know what to do.

"Xiao Ke, shall we go to the restaurant where we ate together for the first time?" Lin Xuan said with a smile. This short meeting between people.

"No more, Lin Xuan, let's just say a few words here!" Yang Shuke lowered her head and said, she didn't dare to look Lin Xuan directly in the eyes, because she was afraid that she wouldn't be able to calm down and say those words.

"Hehe, that's good!" Lin Xuan smiled wryly, and his heart raised again. He seemed to have sensed that Yang Shuke was about to say something to him.

"Lin Xuan..." After another brief silence, Yang Shuke bit her lips as if she had made up her mind, and said again, "We, let's break up!"

Perhaps it was because he was mentally prepared, or because he saw the difficulty when Yang Shuke said this, so when Lin Xuan heard the word "break up", Lin Xuan was not as sad as he imagined, on the contrary, he was very sad. calm down.

"Xiao Ke, what happened, why didn't you tell me for sure?" Lin Xuan grabbed Yang Shuke's wrist and asked worriedly.

"Lin Xuan, please stop asking, we really can't be together anymore, I'm sorry, let's separate!" After saying this, Yang Shuke broke free from Lin Xuan's hand, suddenly opened the door and ran out of the car .

But the moment she turned around, tears rushed down like a flood that broke a bank, and her sadness also drowned in an instant.

She didn't dare to think about anything, she didn't dare to listen to anything.

She covered her ears, afraid that she would hear Lin Xuan's call, and that her determination would be broken again.

"Xiao Ke!" Lin Xuan rushed out of the car, but stopped after a few steps.

He didn't believe that Yang Shuke would really leave him, so this time he was very calm, and he was not as sad, lost, or at a loss as last time.

He felt that something must have happened to Yang Shuke. If Zhou Qingya changed his mind by leaving him, then Yang Shuke had no choice but to leave him!

So what I have to do now is not to persuade Yang Shuke to stay, but to find out what happened to Yang Shuke, otherwise, no matter how much I say to persuade him to stay, it may be just scratching the surface, which will not help.

Thinking about it this way, Lin Xuan got back into the car again and drove away from the school.

After returning to the company, Lin Xuan immediately entered the server of the smart voice manager. Through the registration code he gave Yang Shuke before, he retrieved the smart voice manager installed by Yang Shuke, and then wrote a communication monitoring plug-in, which was automatically installed. Arrived in Yang Shuke's intelligent voice butler.

"Xiao Ke, I won't let you leave me!" Lin Xuan's mood suddenly calmed down as he said something to himself.

But Lin Xuan didn't know that the scene where he and Yang Shuke broke up in front of the dormitory door was photographed by someone with a heart and uploaded on the Internet.

Overnight, gossip news about Lin Xuan and Yang Shuke's breakup went viral all over the Internet.

Early the next morning, a large group of media people crowded downstairs of Xinyuan Building, wanting to interview Lin Xuan and confirm the gossip news on the Internet.

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