In the morning, just as Lin Xuan woke up, he received a WeChat message from his secretary Zheng Wenwen: "Boss Lin, there are a lot of reporters downstairs, probably because of the gossip about your breakup with Ms. Yang on the Internet last night!"

Seeing this WeChat message, Lin Xuan couldn't laugh or cry, and suddenly understood the distress of those celebrities. The personal matter of breaking up was even exposed by someone, and it was uploaded on the Internet, which attracted the attention of the media. Netizens are really keen on it. Gossip business ah!

However, Lin Xuan is also glad that his popularity has not reached the level of public knowledge, otherwise he went back to his hometown to investigate his father's disappearance, and he would probably have been exposed on the Internet, so he really didn't know if it was a good thing or a bad thing.

But Lin Xuan was not afraid of those media people, so he washed up as usual, and then drove to the company by car, but just after arriving at the company, his car was surrounded by those reporters.

Fortunately, both Lin Xuan and Chang Sheng were very powerful people, and soon broke through the encirclement and entered the arrival building, and those reporters were also stopped by the building's security.

After coming to the company, Lin Xuan immediately asked Zheng Wenwen to send a message on his private **: Thank you all the netizens for their concern for me, Miss Yang and I just had some small conflicts, please don’t worry, and please People don't make a big deal out of a molehill, spreading rumors and making troubles, and I hope that all media people will respect my private life, thank you!


[Thank you for the reward of 1888 coins for the two rudder masters of this book, Zantian Pavilion and Heishan Old Bookworm, and thank you for the reward of 1888 coins for Jing Ting Lonely, and thank you for the bubbling Yu and Zhenxin who gave Gou and the age of sages 100 coins Thank you, thank you to all the big rewards, thank you for your encouragement! 】

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

As the days passed, Yang Shuke's cell phone was almost silent, except for occasional wechat messages with her roommates, which were also about some things in school.

Lin Xuan can only wait slowly, he believes that he will be able to find out the reason why Yang Shuke broke up with him, and at this stage he has to be busy with the launch conference of the smart security master, for this conference, Lin Xuan Xuan also made some special preparations, so he didn't have time to think about these children's personal affairs for a while.

On the Internet, the gossip news about Lin Xuan and Yang Shuke's breakup gradually subsided, but the news about the launch of Smart Security Master quickly became popular because of Baidu's promotion.

In particular, the fact that the Chinese government and the Ministry of National Defense placed tens of millions of orders in the news has aroused great attention from the industry, and the brand-new voice search experience provided by the software, as well as the completely free policy, have also made the majority of netizens pay attention to this This software is full of expectations, making this software a hit before it comes out.

It even caused a major earthquake in the domestic security software industry. Well-known domestic security software companies such as 360, Kingsoft, Rising, etc. all urgently held high-level meetings to discuss how to deal with this possible imminent market crisis.

Although they don't want to believe that the smart security master is as amazing as advertised, after all, even the Chinese government and the Ministry of National Defense have placed orders, so the security performance of this software is basically beyond doubt. Coupled with the market influence of the smart voice steward, and a new voice search feature.

So what a terrible industry impact this software will bring, they are fully able to meet it.

Not only that, this news also reached the ears of Microsoft headquarters through Microsoft Huaxia, and it even attracted the attention of Microsoft's top management.

After all, this software is a gimmick to block all system backdoors, and Xuanyu Technology has used the intelligent voice butler to play the two giants of Apple and Google, so even if Microsoft is unwilling to admit that a Chinese emerging company strength, but this time, an urgent high-level meeting had to be held for this matter!

However, after high-level discussions at Microsoft, they all agreed that this is just a hype gimmick, and they don't need to pay too much attention to it. They don't believe that a security software that needs to be parasitic on their operating system to run can block the backdoor left by the system itself. Not scientific at all!

As the news of Smart Security Master became more and more popular, various comments and opinions were raging on the Internet. Some people even linked the news of Smart Security Master's launch with the news that Xuanyu Technology President Lin Xuan broke up with his girlfriend not long ago. I think the previous news is the hype of Xuanyu Technology, which is to warm up the launch of Smart Security Master.

When these remarks reached Lin Xuan's ears, he really couldn't laugh or cry. He was very confident in his company and products, so there was no need for such inferior hype, but Lin Xuan didn't care!

On this day, Xuanyu Technology finally ushered in the product launch conference of Smart Security Master.

Standing in the background, Lin Xuan's mood can be said to be slightly nervous amid excitement.After all, this is Xuanyu Technology's first product launch conference, which is different from the press conference when it opened last time.

Today Lin Xuan was wearing a brand-name suit with a little makeup on his face. Li Qin and Zheng Wenwen were helping Lin Xuan straighten his tie and check his appearance.However, Chen Yu and other company executives are busy directing the work of various departments.

At this time, the entire meeting place was already full of people, including CEOs and technicians of various domestic security software companies, and the reporter area was quite spectacular. Almost all the well-known domestic and local media were present. Ready to go, just waiting for the start of the press conference.

And on the big screen on the stage, the promotional video of the smart security master is also playing in a loop, and the staff on site are also making final arrangements and preparations.

It is worth mentioning that Gao Yunpeng, the president of Microsoft China Region, also came to the press conference, which caused a little commotion in the venue just now, and also made the reporters at the scene very excited. is full of expectations.

After a while, the background music of the live video gradually quieted down, the lights came on, and a host in a well-suited suit stepped onto the stage to express his gratitude to the guests and media present on behalf of Xuanyu Technology Co., Ltd. and Lin Xuan.

And the scene also burst into applause, many people began to whisper, and the flashlights in the media seats also began to flash non-stop.

After the applause subsided, the host said again: "Now I announce that the Binhai Xuanyu Technology Co., Ltd. Intelligent Security Master product conference will officially begin!

Now let us invite today's protagonist - Mr. Lin Xuan, to introduce this intelligent software that will open a new chapter in Internet information security - Intelligent Security Master! "

Before the host finished speaking, there was thunderous applause at the scene, and everyone's eyes focused on Lin Xuan who was strolling onto the stage. The sound of shutters in the media area was like a storm, and the lights flickered non-stop.

On the stage, Lin Xuan calmed down, and after the applause stopped, he smiled and said: "Hi everyone, first of all, thank you for being able to participate in the intelligent security masters of Xuanyu Technology Co., Ltd. during your busy schedule. Product conference, today's conference will focus on three major themes: information security, intelligent voice search, and human-computer interaction.

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