First of all, let's talk about information security issues, which is also the main function of our software!

Today, with the rapid development of the Internet, our lives are inseparable from the Internet. Every day, there are massive amounts of information, which will spread to all parts of the world through the Internet.

So the question is, who will guarantee the security of this information?Especially when the information may involve personal privacy, commercial secrets, or even national information security?Presumably everyone must have heard of the Prism Gate incident! "

Lin Xuan's voice fell, and the whole venue fell silent.

Everyone focused on Lin Xuan on the stage, completely brought into thinking by his words.They know very well that while the Internet brings convenience to people, it also brings a lot of troubles, such as the leakage of personal information, which is a trouble that almost everyone faces.

After the Prism Gate incident, the issue of information security has become more urgent, and it has attracted more and more people's attention and attention.

But everyone is curious, can the smart security master completely solve all this?

Among the people present, there are many security software practitioners and technical engineers. They know very well that this is almost impossible to do. Even if they are not professionals in this field, people with some common sense know that domestic All kinds of security software were advertised as miraculous at the beginning, but they may not be able to achieve absolute information security, and even the software itself is stealing user information.

What's more, the Prism Gate incident let many people know that the root cause of the threat to information security is not only to fix a few loopholes, but to fix a few firewalls, it comes from the system itself.

Unless you develop a new system yourself, you will never be able to eliminate this most fundamental problem.

So these people felt that Lin Xuan was just bluffing here!

Of course, apart from those who are skeptical about this part, there are also many people who are willing to believe that the smart security master can really solve the problem of information security, so they are looking forward to his next speech.

... [Thank you Brother Liu Meng, Qingchen Tingyu for the reward of 100 coins, thank you to all the book friends who rewarded and voted, Rusi still needs favorites and recommendation votes for support! 】

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"The Smart Security Master developed by our company was born out of this!" After a brief pause, Lin Xuan said again, "Maybe many people will ask questions, can the Smart Security Master completely solve the information security problem?

Of course, this answer is not something I can just say casually, so today we specially invited Mr. Shen Xinhua, the president of the China Software Association and the leader of the China Independent Operating System Research Group! "

As soon as Lin Xuan's voice fell, Shen Xinhua, who was originally sitting in the guest seat, stood up, and then walked onto the stage amidst warm applause and flashing lights.

After shaking hands with Lin Xuan, he took the microphone from the host and said, "Hello, everyone. I am Shen Xinhua. Most of the people present here today are from the IT industry. I just took a look, and more than half of them are from the IT industry. I'm an old acquaintance, so I won't introduce myself too much.

Today I am very honored to be able to be the tester of Smart Security Master. Of course, due to my limited personal strength, Mr. Lin also specially invited the top members of the two teams that have won the championship in the global hacker competition through me. Those who sit in the special area to my left! "

Shen Xinhua stretched out his hand, and all the eyes and cameras at the scene were aimed at a special area on the left side of the venue. There were rows of computer desks, and there were more than a dozen men of different ages sitting inside.

Hearing Shen Xinhua's introduction at this time, they all stood up and gestured to everyone in the venue.

And many people present also knew them.

"They will test the security of this piece of software with me later! Of course, we also welcome everyone present to test with us!" Shen Xinhua continued.

Hearing this, everyone at the scene began to look forward to it. With such a strong lineup, it would be a matter of minutes to hack a computer.

It seems that Xuanyu Technology is very confident in its products!

However, some people in the same industry who were present were slandering in their hearts. If this software is breached in a while, how will this Xuanyu Technology end?

Shen Xinhua walked to a computer desk on the side of the stage. Two Lenovo laptops were placed back to back on the computer desk. Shen Xinhua first came to the computer on the outside and started to operate. The large screen in the background of the stage also switched to the desktop of this laptop.

"Let me take a look. This is an ordinary Lenovo laptop with the most common Windows 8 operating system installed on the market today, and the firewall is turned off. There is nothing installed on this computer except Smart Security Master. Any security software!"

Shen Xinhua showed the situation of the entire computer system to everyone in the audience through the big screen behind it.

"Currently this computer is connected to the public wifi in this hotel without any security measures. Let's see, the IP assigned by the router is It would be very easy to hack into this computer!"

Having said that, Shen Xinhua went to the computer on the other side to start operating, and the big screen on the stage was immediately split into two, showing the screens of the two computers.

"As you can see, the computer I'm using now has two of the most commonly used hacking software installed, one for scanning and the other for intrusion. Hacker software developed specifically for testing system security.

Next, I will use the normal intrusion method to intrude into that computer with Smart Security Master installed!And the two teams we invited will also carry out the invasion operation with me. Of course, everyone present is welcome to try the invasion! "

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