With that said, Shen Xinhua began a series of tedious operations.

While operating, he kept explaining the idea of ​​the intrusion, so that the media present could understand that he intruded through system vulnerabilities, software vulnerabilities, router vulnerabilities and other methods.

Of course, these are just repeating the operations he did when he first tested the smart security master, so the final result undoubtedly failed.

In fact, when Shen Xinhua was unable to successfully invade through the first two methods, the knowledgeable people in the audience had already started to discuss.

You should know that in the case of knowing the IP of the other party and being in the same local area network, ordinary technicians can quickly intrude successfully.

However, Shen Xinhua had been hacking for more than [-] minutes, but was unable to successfully hack, and those hacker masters sitting on the left side of the venue also looked dignified and kept shaking their heads. It was obvious that they had never succeeded in hacking.

As for the professionals who brought their own computer equipment in the audience seats, they were stunned. They couldn't help but be impressed by the security of the smart security master.

Gradually, the discussion among the audience became louder and louder, and even some industry leaders could hardly sit still. Even Gao Yunpeng, the president of Microsoft China, frowned and looked serious.

They all know that the security of Smart Security Master is beyond doubt. Just imagine, which commercial security software in the world can withstand the attacks of so many top hackers in the world. It seems that this software It really lives up to its name!

After a while, Shen Xinhua, who had tried all methods but failed to intrude, stopped, and the two hacking teams at the side also stopped their operations with disappointment.

"Everyone has seen that, logically, such a computer can be completely controlled by an experienced hacker in just a few minutes, but I have tried all the methods, but I have never been able to hack into this host. Presumably everyone here They didn't even succeed!" Shen Xinhua said again.

Everyone at the scene shook their heads, but their faces were full of shock and bewilderment.

"So, this is the power of this software. In fact, when I first got this software, I was as skeptical as everyone here, but then I tested it with my team. , but I have to be amazed by this cross-age security software!" At this point, Shen Xinhua involuntarily looked at Lin Xuan, gave a thumbs up, and his face was full of admiration.

Naturally, the reporters at the scene would not miss this scene. All the cameras recorded this moment, and everyone present was even more surprised.

As Shen Xinhua said, most of the people at the scene today know him, so they are naturally aware of his importance in the industry and his reputation in the hacker world.

The dignified president of the China Software Association, who used to be a top figure in the hacker world, actually gave Lin Xuan a thumbs-up admiration. This is a precious affirmation, and it once again proves the reliability of the smart security master.

What's more, there are those top technicians who have won the championship of the global hacker competition. More than a dozen people hacked together, and they failed to hack for nearly an hour, which is enough to prove how reliable the security of this software is!

No wonder the Chinese government and the Ministry of National Defense will order Smart Security Master!

However, it is precisely because many people at the scene are professionals in the industry that they feel that this smart security master is even more incredible.

How does a security software running on the basis of the operating system achieve such a level that even the back door reserved by the system itself is blocked.

"Perhaps everyone here finds it unbelievable, and can't understand how such a security software running on the basis of the operating system can achieve such a level, and even the back door reserved by the system itself is blocked?" Shen Xinhua expressed the confusion in the hearts of all the industry insiders present, "So let's ask our President Lin to answer this question for everyone!"


[Thank you for the reward of 200 coins for the rudder master of this book, Zantian Pavilion, Zantian, 588 coins for the reward, and 400 coins for the end of the world, and 100 coins for the reward from Xinxin, and thanks to the age of sages, Internet addicted teenagers, bubbling Yu, Gao Bo S, a few big rewards of [-] coins, thank you to all the friends who rewarded, and finally hope that everyone will bookmark and vote. Book friends who have not bookmarked please "add to the bookshelf" to bookmark! 】

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Okay, thank you President Shen again!" Lin Xuan walked onto the stage again, bowed slightly to Shen Xinhua, then looked at the audience, and said with a smile: "As for the safety performance of this smart security master, everyone should already know Well, but I think there will be people at the scene, or the outside world, who will doubt everything that happened on the scene, and even think that this is just a drama directed and acted by us at Xuanyu Technology!

So in order to prove the reliability of Smart Security Master, after the press conference, I will hang this laptop with Smart Security Master installed on the public network, and the public network IP of the computer will be released publicly. Anyone is welcome Come to hack this computer, as long as the hack is successful, leave evidence on this computer, and take a screenshot to prove that we will give out [-] million US dollars in cash as a reward! "

As soon as Lin Xuan's words came out of his mouth, there was an uproar in the audience!

It is indeed amazing to spend [-] million US dollars to prove the security performance of this security software!

"Of course we also have a time limit. The specific time limit is one month. I want to hack a computer that has announced its real IP. This time is enough!

Within a month, whoever succeeds in invading first will get this bonus, and he will never break his promise!

Of course, for the sake of fairness, Xuanyu Technology will take out [-] million U.S. dollars and put it in a third-party notary account, ensuring that as long as someone successfully hacks, they can get this bonus at any time! "Lin Xuan's words once again caused commotion and discussion in the audience.

Pausing for a while, Lin Xuan waited for the discussion in the audience to calm down a bit, and said again: "Okay, then I will answer your doubts just now!

This smart security master developed by our company is to improve the system performance by replacing part of the operating system source code and kernel program. At the same time, it also adds an independent firewall to the outer layer of the entire system program to completely block the system. Backdoor, and can automatically encrypt the information going in and out of the computer. "


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