"Is there any good movie coming out recently?"

"A love movie "Encounter in the Same City" was just released yesterday. On the 18th, the horror movie "Chopsticks Fairy" and the martial arts movie "The Archer Willow White Monkey" will be released..."


[Thank you for the reward of 100 coins for the rudder master of this book, Zantian Pavilion 灬天, 588 coins for the end of the world, and 100 coins for the bubbling Yu and Brother Liu Meng, thank you everyone, continue to ask for recommendation tickets and collections, Please log in to your account to collect it! 】

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After watching a series of demonstrations by Lin Xuan, everyone has been completely convinced by the voice search capability of this software. Unless the software itself has set the questions and answers, the intelligent voice search capability of this software is really almost perfect. up.

This powerful voice search is indeed a brand-new experience, which makes many people in the industry see how broad the market prospect of this software will be in the future. When people are used to this search method, who will use the old-fashioned search method? How to search?

It seems that after today, the search method will open a new era!

And those bigwigs who are also in the security software industry present have very bad expressions. They were lucky at first, but they just finished watching the on-site software security performance test and the brand-new voice search function. Completely desperate, they have even seen the decline of their company's traditional security software.

As for Gao Yunpeng, president of Microsoft China, he can't calm down anymore. He can naturally see how terrible the prospect of this software will be. If this software is promoted for free, it will quickly occupy the entire PC market in China, and even one day it will be impossible. It will be popular all over the world, and it will be a disaster for Microsoft at that time!

The buzzing discussion in the audience was getting louder, even interrupting Lin Xuan's words, but Lin Xuan was not angry, he knew that such a strong reaction just proved the success of this software's intelligent voice search .

So he paused for a while with a smile, and said again: "Hehe, it seems that everyone is very interested in the intelligent voice search method, but please be patient, and after the press conference is over, you can go to the experience area to experience this A whole new way to search!"

Hearing Lin Xuan's words, everyone in the venue turned their attention from the software to Lin Xuan, and the discussion gradually subsided, but there was still a hint of surprise on their faces.

"Okay, let's start the last topic of today's press conference - human-computer interaction. When it comes to human-computer interaction, what pictures do you think of?"

Lin Xuan raised a question, and everyone present could not help thinking of it, but the first images that came to their minds were all scenes from Hollywood sci-fi movies.

Seeing that everyone in the audience seems to be in a state of thinking, Lin Xuan smiled slightly, obviously this is a topic that everyone is very interested in.

After a short pause, he said again: "I think everyone must think of the holographic computer operation scenes in sci-fi movies! But in my opinion, the era of human-computer interaction in sci-fi movies is far away from us. Not far away.

The voice search I just showed is a kind of human-computer interaction, which belongs to the category of data interaction. In addition, there is another type of image interaction, that is, we often see scenes in movies. Computers can recognize human expressions, Movement, line of sight, etc., and make accurate judgments on them, so what I want to show you next is this kind of image interaction! "

With that said, Lin Xuan walked to the laptop and smiled at the computer camera.

"Sir, you seem to be in a good mood today!" The voice of the software came from the computer again.

Lin Xuan didn't answer, but suddenly his face turned cold, and he frowned, showing an angry look.

"Sir, why are you suddenly unhappy? Did I do something wrong?"

Lin Xuan still didn't speak, but laughed again, and the software immediately said: "It's good to see your smile!"

After laughing for a while, Lin Xuan suddenly turned cold again, showing an angry look again.

"Sir, being moody is not a good habit!" the software said again, causing everyone in the audience to burst into laughter, but everyone has already seen the intelligence of this software and the ability to recognize faces, and its nature has become more intense. The flashing lights are also more and more frequent.

Afterwards, Lin Xuan began to demonstrate the gesture recognition capability of the software. It was similar to Shen Xinhua's initial software testing process. He first found a picture through voice search, and then gestured to zoom in and out in front of the camera with one hand or two. Or gesture operations such as rotation, and the pictures on the big screen immediately and accurately respond to Lin Xuan's operations, the process is smooth and there is no lag.

Then he gestured with both hands to knead the picture into a ball, and the picture on the big screen would also be kneaded into a ball. Lin Xuan continued to gesture to throw, and the software immediately automatically prompted whether to delete image.

After testing the gesture operation of the image, Lin Xuan found another video to play. He quickly swipe left or right in front of the camera with his finger, and the video will automatically rewind or fast forward.

Seeing this, everyone in the audience couldn't help but began to discuss, the so-called layman watching the excitement, and the insider watching the doorway, many people present are experts, naturally it is very clear that a software can be accurate only through the computer camera. How difficult it is to judge these gestures technically.

But this software once again brought them surprises and shocks, and made them feel that the era of human-computer interaction that Lin Xuan just mentioned seems to be really not far away.

And the person who started this era will undoubtedly be the young man on stage who is full of vigor and vitality.

After demonstrating the gesture operation, Lin Xuan began to demonstrate the software's ability to recognize some commonly used sign languages.

"Xiao Ming, do you know what this means?" Lin Xuan stretched out his index and middle fingers and made a scissors hand gesture, asking with a smile on his face.

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