"This is the number 2, and it's also the scissorhands! But from the owner's expression, it should be the scissorhands!" the software replied.

And his answer once again amazed everyone present. The facial recognition and gesture recognition of this software can cooperate with each other to help the software judge what the user wants to express.

It is surprising that a small piece of computer software can make a computer completely comparable to an intelligent robot.

"Then what does this mean?" Lin Xuan made another OK gesture.

"Most of the time, this means OK, and some people use this gesture to indicate the number three..."

At the end of the demonstration, the people in the audience were once again deeply shocked by the power of this software, and the discussion was surging in the venue like a tide.

But Lin Xuan did not stop, but almost repeated the whole process of Shen Xinhua's original testing of the software, fully proving the software's gesture recognition ability and facial recognition ability to everyone present, and also made all industry insiders present thoroughly I was overwhelmed by Lin Xuan's wisdom.

They even feel that this software should not belong to this era!

"Okay, let's stop here for the demonstration. Presumably everyone should have felt the new human-computer interaction experience brought to us by this software. Of course, due to the limitations of current computer hardware and systems, this software can only satisfy some simple images. Interaction can’t reach the level of science fiction movies, but I think even this simple human-computer interaction will bring you a different operating experience and fun!”

At this point in the press conference, Lin Xuan began to make a final concluding speech.

"And our Xuanyu Technology will also be committed to changing the traditional operation method. I think that in the near future, Xuanyu Technology will definitely lead everyone into the era of real human-computer interaction!"

When it came to the end, Lin Xuan's voice was a little passionate, which also deeply infected many people present, and their hearts surged.

For a long time, human-computer interaction seems to exist only in science fiction movies, or those immature technologies in modern scientific laboratories.

But today, a rookie on the Internet, a young man in his early twenties, has promised them the best wishes and made them really see hope.

They are willing to believe that Xuanyu Technology will realize this wish in the future and start a new era of human-computer interaction!


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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"The three main functions of Smart Security Master have been roughly demonstrated to everyone, and the functions of this software are not only that, for example, it also inherits the ability of Smart Voice Manager to optimize the system, as well as many humanized small functions, these I won't introduce it here, and you can discover it by yourself when the time comes!

But when it comes to this, I think everyone will definitely ask, when will this software be officially launched?And is it true that the news that this software will be downloaded for free is reported on the Internet? "

Speaking of this, Lin Xuan deliberately paused to whet everyone's appetite. Everyone looked at Lin Xuan with anticipation, especially those industry bosses present, their hearts almost stopped beating at this moment, and they were nervous. Looking at Lin Xuan.

They know very well that if this software chooses to charge, then their security software may still have a little room for survival, but if this software also chooses to be free, then their software will be completely eliminated in a short time.

"The launch time of this software is set at [-] o'clock tomorrow morning. At that time, Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Russian and other major language versions will be launched at the same time. Among them, the Chinese dialect version needs to be downloaded and upgraded by itself. That's it.

Users can download it through our official website of Xuanyu Technology, and the previous news reports are true. In response to the call of the country, this software will be permanently free for domestic individual users, and foreign users will be charged $50 for each set of software. Trial for three months! "


Lin Xuan’s voice hadn’t finished yet, the audience was like a frying pan, and there were many discussions. Most people’s eyes were full of joy, and there was an inexplicable pleasure in their hearts. It’s free at home, but 50 dollars is charged abroad, which is simply cruel. A resounding slap to the foreigners.

You must know that in recent years, those countries in Europe and the United States have relied on technology monopoly, but they have not lost money from the pockets of the Chinese people. Now Huaxia finally has such a counterattack opportunity.

But some people are happy and some are worried, but the bigwigs in the same industry in the venue all have ugly faces and their heads are buzzing. What they are most worried about is still happening. A great software that transcends the times, but instead of charging to make money, it chooses to be free.

Of course, they also know in their hearts that Xuanyu Technology will choose to free, there must be a reason for government intervention.

But no matter what they think, the wheels of the new era are coming, and they can't hide. The only way is to carry out technological innovation, or be completely submerged by this torrent!

"Okay, that's all for today's product introduction. Thank you for your support and love!" Lin Xuan bowed deeply again, and the audience burst into applause, and the host of the press conference also appeared again...

Just as the Smart Security Master's press conference was in full swing, Ma Changwei was sitting in a study room in a certain manor in Kyoto City, listening to Peking Opera and making tea, looking very leisurely.

"Dangdang——" The door was knocked suddenly, and a deep voice came from outside the door: "Fifth Master!"

"Come in!" Without raising his head, Ma Changwei casually tossed all kinds of tea utensils on the tea tray.

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