The door of the room was pushed open, and a man in a white suit with a handsome appearance and an extraordinary bearing came in, came up to Ma Changwei, and said in a deep voice, "Fifth Lord, the target has been eliminated!"

Hearing this, Ma Changwei's hand pouring tea suddenly paused, immediately put down the teapot, nodded, and said, "Very good!"

Although Ma Changwei's expression did not change, he felt a sense of relief in his heart. Bruce Lee was eliminated, and the vengeance that had been pressing on his heart for several years was finally avenged!

But since Bruce Lee was eliminated, it means that the information Lin Xuan provided to him at that time was really accurate!

It seems that this kid really has some skills!

Ma Changwei sighed inwardly, then changed the subject and asked, "Bai, how is the investigation of Lin Xuan's information going?"

"Well, it's still under investigation, but judging from the current investigation, the identity of this person seems a bit strange!" The man named Bai said with a frown.

"Oh? How do you say it?" Ma Changwei frowned.

"Judging from the information displayed in the public security system, Lin Xuan seems to be just a very ordinary person. He was born in a very ordinary family in the northeastern countryside, and he was admitted to Binhai University just last year.

But since he went to university, his life trajectory suddenly changed. He developed mobile phone software, started a company, and once single-handedly brought down Tian Hongwei, the former party secretary of Binhai City.

Later, he helped Chen Guohua of the Tianyuan Group to resolve the internal strife in the group, and he and Zhang Qisheng were also close friends. From these aspects, he seems to have a very strong background, and he may have a relationship with Chen Guohua or Liu Zhao that outsiders do not know Relationship.

But recently, he has gotten very close to the government. Although it is said that the government has always been optimistic about the technology he possesses, it still does not rule out that he has an official background.

That's why I just said that Lin Xuan's identity is very strange!

Today I am planning to send people to his hometown to inquire about his origin, and I will also send people to Tangshan City to see if we can find out the relationship between Lin Xuan and Chen Guohua. As for the government, we will continue to investigate ! "

"En!" Ma Changwei nodded, but his brows were tightly furrowed, wondering which identity was Lin Xuan's real identity, and what was his purpose of approaching him?

"He said that there is no information in the world that he can't find. It should be implying that he knows some information about our organization. If he is our enemy, he will definitely not be so stupid as to startle the snake like this, so..."

"Perhaps as Fifth Master guessed before, he may have found out about our organization, so he also wants to join our organization in exchange for a place to survive in the new era of the earth!"

"Well, this is the most likely possibility, but it doesn't rule out that he is the government's eagle dog!"

"So Mr. Wu still needs to be careful about this person, and I just heard that the government is investigating the disappearance of those construction workers, and now it is secretly investigating the Dacheng Group. Fortunately, everyone who intervened in this matter was arrested If we get rid of it, they probably won't find anything, but it can be seen that the Huaxia government has already begun to investigate our organization with all its strength!"

"Well, I don't know how much information they have now, but he hasn't touched me so far, maybe there is no evidence, maybe he doesn't want to scare the snake!" Ma Changwei said with a serious face, but he suddenly thought of something, and changed the subject, "By the way , Bai, you ask Lin Xuan to come see me later!"

Hearing Ma Changwei's words, the man named Bai blinked his eyes, nodded and said, "Yes, fifth master!"


After the press conference of the Smart Security Master, Gao Yunpeng rushed back to the company and reported all the things about the Smart Security Master to the headquarters.

And all kinds of news about the smart security master quickly swept the entire Internet and new media like a flood, causing huge repercussions once again.

Especially when many netizens watched the live video of the press conference and intuitively felt Smart Security Master, they instantly became loyal fans of this software. I am full of hope for the future of Lin Xuan's battle network in the press conference.

The traffic of Xuanyu Technology's official website grew like a volcanic eruption. Fortunately, Xuanyu Technology had expected it and made sufficient preparations, so that the website's server was not directly overwhelmed.

Of course, what makes netizens so enthusiastic is not only the unparalleled security displayed by this software, but also the brand-new voice search and human-computer interaction experience. mode, which is undoubtedly the best benefit for the majority of netizens.


[Thank you for the reward of 588 coins! PS: The last few chapters are all about the science and technology line, which may be a bit boring for those who like to watch fights and passion, but at the same time as the science and technology line, I am also paving the way for the "Earth Protection Association" task line. When the time is ripe, I will naturally There is a fighting plot, I hope everyone can continue to support Rusi! 】

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In Redmond, Washington State, USA, Satya Nadella, the current CEO of Microsoft who just fell asleep, was woken up by a phone call from Orlando Aya, Global Vice President of Microsoft Group pull.

Although he was woken up, Nadella was not angry, because he knew that Orlando Ayala called at this time, and there must be something very urgent to report.

Sure enough, when he got on the phone, Orlando Ayala told him about the situation reported by York Gao, the president of China Region not long ago.

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