"They really developed this kind of software?" Nadella was completely awake, sat up from the bed, frowned, and said solemnly.

"I think so, Mr. Nadella, maybe we really underestimated that Chinese man!" Ayala said in a heavy voice on the other end of the phone.

Hearing this, Nadella frowned even tighter. If what York Gao said was true, then this software would pose a great threat to their Microsoft, not to mention the technological content contained in the brand-new intelligent voice search and human-computer interaction. , What kind of impact will they have on Microsoft.

Just because this software can block the back door of their system, it has seriously threatened their fundamental interests of Microsoft!

You know, the Windows series of window systems have always been the pillar products of Microsoft. Although Microsoft has successively opened up new markets in recent years, such as the x-box launched by the home entertainment sector, business solutions, and Microsoft Mobile, etc., but The commercial competition in these industries is too fierce, so they are basically in a state of loss, and in the best case, they are barely making ends meet.

And Microsoft has been relying on the profits of the most profitable window system, office software, and server departments to subsidize the development of these newly developed markets.

Among them, the quarterly revenue of the Windows system accounted for [-]% of the company's total revenue.

However, if the smart security master completely shields the Windows system background detection program of the Windows series, they will not be able to manage the Windows system market, and they will not even be able to deal with users using pirated Windows systems through technical means.

From this, it can be imagined that this will bring terrible harm to their most profitable window system revenue. If there is even a problem with the income of the window system, it may affect the entire Microsoft company.

Not to mention the political significance of these backdoor programs to Microsoft!

So before that, they must have a deeper understanding of this software. However, this smart security master still has to be parasitic on their system to run, so it is entirely possible to find a solution to this disaster from a technical level.

For example, after thoroughly researching this software, it is enough to immediately upgrade the existing Windows version so that it no longer supports this smart security master.

"Let York Gao send this software to the company's R&D department for testing immediately!" After a little silence, Nadella said hastily.

"Sorry Mr. Nadella, the software is not yet online. According to York Gao, this software will be online at 8 o'clock Beijing time tomorrow!"

Hearing this, Nadella sighed helplessly. Obviously, he is in no hurry now. If he wants to study this software, he can only wait for it to go online.

After finishing the call with Ayala, Nadella couldn't fall asleep either. He walked out of the bedroom alone and sat on the sofa in the living room for a while, thinking about what Ayala said just now.

Human-computer interaction, intelligent voice search, security software that can automatically replace system source code and kernel programs?

"Could it be that Huaxia's technology has far surpassed ours?" Nadella really couldn't believe that the best technology was surpassed, and the person who surpassed them was Huaxia.

You must know that advanced technology is the foundation of Microsoft, so Microsoft invests huge sums of money in technology research and development every year, which also includes more advanced technologies such as intelligent systems and quantum computers.

It is a pity that these technologies are still in the laboratory stage and cannot be commercialized at all.

But now, a newly emerging company in China has already gone ahead of them in terms of intelligent programs, and even the technology they have mastered may have far surpassed them, which makes him really hard to believe!

And he finally understood why Google was willing at the beginning, and Apple even opened up its own AppStore authorization. At that time, he heard the news and laughed at Cook and Page behind his back.

But I didn't expect how long it had just passed, and I was also troubled because of this company.

Therefore, this night is destined to be sleepless...


Just when Nadella was tossing and turning, Lin Xuan, who was in China, was in a good mood.

The upsurge caused by Smart Security Master on the Internet allowed him to see the popularity of his software and how broad the future market will be.

Besides, there was one more thing that made him very happy.

Just now, he also received a call from a stranger, saying that Ma Changwei wanted to see him, which showed that his plan had succeeded in the first step.

And now he has already thought of the second step, so after making some preparations, he quietly left the company and took a plane to Kyoto.

After getting off the plane, Lin Xuan saw a man who met him, and followed him into a black BMW 530i sedan.

The car drove all the way, and gradually left the bustling urban area full of high-rise buildings, entered a quiet villa area, and then passed through this villa area, and came to the gate of a three-story villa built on the mountainside. Surrounded by high walls, and there is a guard room at the door, it looks similar to Zhang Qisheng's mansion.

After the car stopped in front of the gate of the manor, a muscular man who looked like a bodyguard walked over and greeted the man who answered Lin Xuan. Then he opened the gate and let the car drive in.

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