After the car stopped, Lin Xuan got out of the car, followed the man who met him into the three-story villa, and finally came to a study on the second floor.

The study room is quite spacious and bright. The furniture inside is antique, with all kinds of porcelain on it, and famous calligraphy and paintings hanging on the walls. Ma Changwei is sitting in front of a tea table making tea. When he sees Lin Xuan coming in, his face There was a smile on his face.

But Ma Changwei is not the only one in this study. On the left and right sides of the study, there are also a handsome fair-skinned man in a white suit, and a man in a black suit with a rough face and dark skin.

These two formed a stark contrast!

"Fifth Master, I'm glad we met again!" Walking into the study, Lin Xuan said with a smile, but he also glanced slightly at the two people, one black and one white.

He could clearly feel that the aura of these two people was very similar to that of Chang Sheng, and they must not be ordinary people.

"Hehe, come here, sit here!" Ma Changwei stretched out his hand, and after Lin Xuan sat down on the chair next to him, he put a cup of freshly brewed tea in front of Lin Xuan, and said, "Come, have a cup Tea!"

"Thank you Fifth Master!" Lin Xuan smiled slightly, and took a sip from the teacup without hesitation.

Seeing that Lin Xuan did not hesitate at all, Ma Changwei was very satisfied, but the expression on his face did not show the slightest fluctuation.

"How about this tea?" Ma Changwei asked with a smile.

"Well, the taste is very good, but I don't know much about tea, it's a pity that Master Wu has this cup of good tea!"

"Hehe, it won't be a pity to drink it in your stomach!" Ma Changwei laughed, and then changed the topic, "The birthday gift last time was very good, it seems that you are indeed very capable!"

"Fifth Master, I'm overwhelmed! But today, I brought another gift to Fifth Master." Lin Xuan smiled slightly, and immediately took out a stack of documents from his bag.

"Oh?" Ma Changwei took the document from Lin Xuan with some curiosity, opened it and looked at it, his expression gradually became serious.

Because the documents that Lin Xuan gave him were about some action materials of Huaxia's investigation of the "Earth Protection Association", which also included some plans of Huaxia's secret investigation of Ma Changwei.

"Why did you help me? How much do you know about our organization!" Ma Changwei suddenly looked at Lin Xuan with a serious face, and asked in a deep voice.


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"Because I want to exchange for my family's living quota!" Lin Xuan's face suddenly became serious.

Lin Xuan's answer moved Ma Changwei's heart, and he secretly thought that his guess was right, this kid really did it for this purpose, but...

"How did you know about our organization?" Ma Changwei's expression also became serious, and the atmosphere in the room seemed to be a little different.

"You should know that I am a computer genius, so as long as there are computers in the world, I can penetrate everywhere.

This naturally includes the internal computers and servers of the world's major intelligence agencies. Regarding the Earth Protection Association, I also accidentally discovered it when I hacked into the CIA's internal servers.

The CIA is indeed very difficult. It has already investigated the plan and purpose of your organization very clearly, but I know that they only know your plan, but they have not yet found a way to stop your plan, but this does not rule them out Will it be found in a while.

But I don't care who wins or loses in this contest, I just want my family and I to live in this world safely!That's all! "Lin Xuan said seriously.

Hearing Lin Xuan's words, Ma Changwei was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Lin Xuan could even get information from the CIA. No wonder he would find out the whereabouts of his enemy.

But he didn't doubt Lin Xuan's words too much.

"It's that simple?" After a little silence, Ma Changwei spoke again.

"That's right!" Lin Xuan said firmly.

"But why should I trust you!"

"You don't need to believe me, I just want you to give me and my family a place, and in exchange, I can be your eyes, I think you should need me!" Lin Xuan said neither humble nor overbearing.

Hearing this, the corner of Ma Changwei's mouth curled into an intriguing smile, and he looked at Lin Xuan. He admired Lin Xuan's talent and courage. No wonder he was able to start a company at such an age, win high-ranking officials, and quell the civil strife in Tianyuan Group.

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