Although Lin Xuan and the others expected that this software would be very popular and the number of downloads would be astonishing, but in his opinion, this is only a free software after all, and it is not something that is sold in a limited time or that needs to be snapped up. Who would have expected it? So many people will be online at the same time, waiting for the moment when the software goes live.

Of course, this also shows the high expectations of this software. Sure enough, I am not afraid of not having users, but I am afraid of not having good products!

Fortunately, Lin Xuan optimized the company's server system at the beginning, and its computing speed was greatly improved, and for emergency, he also prepared a lot of spare servers, which had to be turned on at this time.

Otherwise, after eight o'clock, I'm afraid the server will crash directly.

Sure enough, when the time came to [-] o'clock in the morning, the number of IPs on the website had exceeded [-] million. Fortunately, although the server's speed slowed down, it did not crash.

And the smart security master has also been successfully launched in anticipation!

Almost instantly, the number of downloads of the software exceeded [-] million, and then increased by several thousand every second. By [-]:[-], the number of downloads had exceeded [-] million, and this figure was still on an upward curve.

If such an astonishing amount of downloads is placed in other companies, everyone in the company will definitely dance with excitement, but there has been a precedent for the astonishing downloads of intelligent voice butlers, and many old employees of Xuanyu Technology are not too excited. Only some new employees were excited and kept applauding.

But at the same time, there is a group of people in Kyoto City who are more excited than the people from Xuanyu Technology Company.

They formally search for all employees of the business department of Baidu.

Looking at the data monitoring port that Xuanyu Technology opened for them, and the real-time download data sent back, these people cheered excitedly.

This naturally included Li Yanhong, although because of his status, Li Yanhong didn't show any signs of losing his composure, but the excitement in his heart was beyond words.

He knows that the new era of Baidu has opened!


[Thanks to The Age of Saints, Shuying Yuqingyanzui, and Fengxixia for rewarding 100 coins! 】

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Microsoft headquarters in Redmond, Washington, USA.

Although it was already night, the Windows R&D department at Microsoft headquarters was still brightly lit. Terry Myerson, executive vice president of Microsoft, director of the operating system division, and the entire R&D department were working overtime collectively.

Because just before that, at [-]:[-] Beijing time, after Smart Security Master went online, they immediately downloaded the software and conducted a technical analysis on it.

For a while, the entire R&D department was busy.

But as time went by, everyone's faces became more and more ugly, and each software engineer began to walk around and discuss with each other.

"George, how's it going?" Terry Myerson walked out of his office and asked behind several engineers who were having a heated discussion around a computer.

"Oh, sorry Mr. Myerson, the situation is worse than we imagined. As you said before, this software replaces part of the kernel program of the system without affecting the stability and compatibility of the Windows system itself. And execute the code, causing all the backdoor programs reserved by our system to fail! What's worse, this software is not written in any computer language we are familiar with, but it is more advanced than existing computer languages , so we tried to disassemble this software just now, but the result was..." The person who spoke was George Soros, one of the top engineers in Microsoft's Windows department, who had participated in the research and development work from Windows XP to Windows 10 now , an absolute veteran employee.

It's just that such a top-notch software engineer, facing the intelligent security master at this time, can only do nothing, shrugging his shoulders helplessly.

"Not only that, Mr. Myerson, this software does not use any known program building blocks! I think the developer of this software must have compiled software that is far more advanced than ours!" A person sitting in front of the computer The engineer spoke.

Hearing what these two people said, Terry Myerson frowned. What he was most worried about happened. Huaxia really has mastered more advanced computer technology than them.Although the advancement of technology will drive the upgrading of the operating system, this is a good thing for human society.

But the problem is that these technologies are not in the hands of their Microsoft.

As the world's largest system and software provider, they are more aware of the importance of maintaining technological superiority to Microsoft.

And right now there is another problem that makes him even more troublesome!

According to what Nadella said, they can upgrade the Windows system so that the system no longer supports this software, and then completely defeat the expansion momentum of this software.

But the premise is that they must thoroughly research this software before they can find a way to make the system incompatible with this software.

But now they can't do it at all. It's like you know that there is treasure in the safe, but you have no way to open the safe!

"George, you continue to think of a way, I will notify Mr. Nadella!" After leaving a sentence, Terry Myerson hurried back to the office. He did not dare to neglect, and immediately called Nadella.

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