About half an hour later, Nadella rushed to the company and urgently held a video conference of the company's directors through the computer, and then called Terry Myerson to his office to explain the situation.

Terry Myerson spent more than ten minutes explaining to the directors the technical content of the smart security master and the possible serious impact on Microsoft.

After listening to Terry Myerson's explanation, everyone's expressions seemed a little gloomy, and they didn't speak immediately.

But after a little silence, a bald, fat old man spoke first: "Mr. Myerson, with our technical reserves, can't we deal with the software developed by a small Chinese company?

This should be just a software that needs to be parasitic on our system to run. We Microsoft has so many top engineers, are they all idlers? "

"Mr. Meddy is right. This is simply a big joke. Yesterday we had the most advanced computer technology in the world, but today you told me that we were surpassed in the field we are best at. It is the most ridiculous What's more, this person who surpassed us is actually a Chinese? Hehe, a Chinese? I really doubt that they stole our technology again this time to develop this software?" Another long face, The middle-aged man with a big chin said with a look of disdain.

"Mr. Meddy, Mr. Smith, unfortunately, we have to admit that the technology used in this software has really exceeded our forty years of technical reserves. It uses more advanced computer languages, and more Written for advanced programming software and compiling software, even encryption algorithms are far ahead of us.

So far we only know that this kind of software replaces part of the kernel program and execution code of our Windows system through an unknown method to achieve the purpose of blocking the back door of our system. As for how this method is realized, we currently have the most Excellent engineers can't analyze it! " Myerson said helplessly.

"Hmph, can't figure it out? Microsoft invests a huge amount of money in technology research and development every year, but you gave us this answer. Can I understand that your entire research and development department is not as good as a young man in China!" That big chin The middle-aged man said unceremoniously.

"I'm sorry, directors, I can understand your feelings, this is not what we want to see, but sometimes, a genius's wisdom often really surpasses a team, just like Mr. Bill Gates back then, He used his own wisdom to create the technology that changed the world, and he founded a great company like Microsoft, and today, it may be that young man in China who wants to change this era!" Myerson said with a wry smile.

Hearing this, all the directors were silent, but their faces were even more gloomy. They also knew that often the appearance of a genius may really change an era.

"Everyone, why don't we try to acquire their technology for our use!" A blond-haired director suddenly said in the video.

Hearing this, several directors pondered for a while, then slightly nodded their heads in agreement: "This may be a feasible solution!"

"Mr. Paul's proposal is a good idea, but I don't think it will work for this Huaxia company!" Nadella, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said, "First of all, what we want to acquire is not this software, but its The technology behind it, these advanced technologies may not be measured by money, which is the same reason that Microsoft will never sell our Windows source code.

Secondly, judging from the results of negotiations between Apple and Google last year with Xuanyu Technology because of the intelligent voice butler software, it is even more impossible to acquire technology.

Otherwise, Google wouldn’t spend [-] million US dollars to buy back only [-]% of the shares of a subsidiary of Xuanyu Technology, and Apple even opened up its own AppStore authorization to this company. When Xuanyu Technology talks about acquisitions, the final result may not be much better than Apple and Google? "

"Mr. Nadella is right. Chinese people are very greedy and shameless. We don't need to talk to them about acquisitions. Since we can't suppress them technically, we can think of other ways. After all, we Microsoft Still has the largest windowing system market in the world! And this software must rely on our windowing system to survive, this is their biggest weakness!"

"Well, Mr. Smith is right. Just now, Mr. Myerson and I mentioned a solution—Mr. Myerson, tell me!" Nadella patted Myerson beside him and said.

"Okay Mr. Nadella, directors, I do have a way. Although it may not be glorious, it is the only feasible way right now!"


[Thank you for the reward of 100 coins, thank you for your rewards and recommendation tickets! 】

take a day off tonight

It’s like Si Kawen today. I sat in front of the computer all day and didn’t write a few words, because after the end of Microsoft’s episode, the Earth Protection Association’s episode will start immediately. This piece needs to be well thought out, and this book will be published next month It's about to go on the shelf, and I'm super nervous, I'm afraid that I can't arrange a plot well, and few people will subscribe by then, and I'm afraid that I'm sorry for everyone's expectations and support, so I've been thinking about it today, and I didn't write a few words.But tomorrow we will have a rest, if we will have two updates, we will start with one update today, sorry guys!It will definitely be updated after it is put on the shelves!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Okay Mr. Nadella, directors, I do have a solution. Although it may not be glorious, it is the only feasible solution at the moment!" Nodding, Myerson looked at the directors in the video and said Said.

"Oh? Let's hear it!" The eyes of the directors in the video lit up, and they all became interested.

For them, profit is the most important thing, no matter the way he obtains profit is glorious or not!

"This method is..." Myerson explained the method he thought of to the directors in detail.

"Well, I think this method is completely feasible. The software developed by the Chinese people is similar to rogue software. We don't need to be too noble to deal with these shameless Chinese people!" The middle-aged man named Smith said with a sneer.

"That's right, if this software is allowed to expand the market, our market order will be completely disrupted by it. At that time, it will undoubtedly be a disaster for us. We must stop its expansion even if we use any means!" Another director said.

"Yes, and our system is also responsible for political significance. We also do this for the benefit of the American government. This is not a disgraceful act, but a battle of honor!"

"Since the directors have unanimously agreed, it is so decided! Myerson, this is your suggestion, so this plan is up to you to operate. While this software has not fully occupied the market, we must implement it , otherwise it will be very difficult for all the back doors to fail!" Nadella asked.

"Okay Mr. Nadella, I will fulfill my mission!" Myerson said with a firm face.


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