Naturally, Lin Xuan didn't know that Microsoft had already started to take action against the Smart Security Master. At this time, he was listening to Chen Yu report the latest download data to him.

After a whole morning of precipitation, the download volume of Smart Security Master has exceeded [-] million, of which about [-] million are from China, and the remaining [-] million are basically users from Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Europe and the United States.

And this is because Smart Security Master has not started to promote it in overseas markets, otherwise the download volume will be even more astonishing.

When we talked about cooperation with Baidu, Baidu promised to be responsible for the promotion and publicity of the software in overseas markets. After all, Baidu has more experience than Xuanyu Technology in the development of overseas markets, and the market share of this software is two For matters of mutual benefit to the company, Lin Xuan naturally handed them over to Li Yanhong with peace of mind, and wanted to have a leisurely time.

And according to the original plan, Baidu will start a comprehensive promotion tomorrow, presumably there will be an even more amazing download peak tomorrow.

As for those foreign users who downloaded the software today, they must have learned the news through the Internet to try it out.

The next day, with the rollout of overseas promotional advertisements of Smart Security Master, Smart Security Master ushered in a new wave of download peaks. However, due to the different time zones of various countries, the advertising time is also different, so the website However, there has never been such a phenomenon of congestion at the same time as yesterday.

However, Lin Xuan is very confident in his software. He believes that with the continuous publicity period, good user experience and word of mouth, the number of downloads will continue to rise. One day, his software will be spread all over the world. .

After closing the background data system, Lin Xuan calmed down and continued to write the Jarvis system code.

But just before the company was about to leave work, Chen Yu suddenly rushed into Lin Xuan's office with an anxious expression on his face: "It's not good, Mr. Lin! Just an hour ago, we received complaint calls from overseas users one after another, saying After installing our software, the computer freezes, or even the system crashes. And there are more and more complaint calls, and now the customer service calls are almost overwhelmed!"

"What?" Lin Xuan's complexion changed, he stood up quickly, walked out of the office quickly, went to the customer service department to inquire about the situation, and sure enough, he saw the phone ringing constantly, and more than a dozen customer service staff in charge of foreign languages ​​in different languages ​​were very busy. , obviously the complaints are basically overseas users.

Later, Lin Xuan went to the technical department to inquire about the situation, but the technical department concluded that there was no problem with their software, and the reason should not be from their software.

"How could this happen? It was fine yesterday, why did something go wrong today, and it's all foreign users!" Chen Yu frowned, looking anxious, but he suddenly thought of something, and immediately looked at Lin Xuan, who was beside him with a solemn face, was about to speak when he heard Lin Xuan say, "It seems that Microsoft has made a move! I never thought that a company as big as them would use such disgusting methods!"

Hearing Lin Xuan's words, everyone's eyes lit up, and they all nodded in agreement.

"Well, it must be that Microsoft secretly tampered with the systems of all users before our overseas promotion!" Chen Yu said angrily.

"Old Wang, find a computer immediately, reinstall the latest version of Windows, and then install our software for a try!" Lin Xuan said in a deep voice.

"Okay!" The man called Old Wang moved quickly, and other members of the technical department also assisted. Soon, they reinstalled the system, and then installed Smart Security Master.

Sure enough, after the installation was completed, the computer system seemed to be infected with a virus, and it started to freeze, and even many drivers failed to work, and finally completely crashed with a black screen.

Seeing this, everyone is already aware of Microsoft's methods.

"It seems that before the overseas promotion of our software, Microsoft has implanted a virus-like plug-in in the system through a backdoor program. As long as it detects that the system has installed our program, it will automatically attack the system, making the system seem to be infected with a virus. Average." The engineer known as Old Wang said.

"Damn, isn't this playing hooligans? This Microsoft actually used such low-handed methods!" Another programmer cursed out of righteous indignation.

"Hmph, what is this? As long as the interests involved are big enough, they can even be completely shameless!" Another programmer said angrily.

"Microsoft is really shameless. This is forcing users to make a choice!"

"Isn't it? It's disgusting, he's bullying us with his own influence!" Everyone commented angrily.

They all know that Microsoft is completely relying on its own market share and influence on the operating system to force users to give up Smart Security Master.

This kind of behavior is no different from playing hooligans, but it also makes them helpless!

"Boss Lin, what shall we do next?" Lao Wang asked, and everyone's eyes also focused on Lin Xuan with a dignified face.

"You first check what plug-ins Microsoft has installed in the system, and then upgrade and adjust our software as soon as possible for this plug-in!" Lin Xuan said in a deep voice.

In fact, he was also very angry in his heart. He never thought that a big company like Microsoft would use such a shameless method.

Of course, although I was angry, there was nothing I could do. After all, my software had to run on Microsoft's operating system, so I could upgrade and adjust the virus designed by Microsoft this time.

But it still treats the symptoms but not the root cause, and it cannot prevent Microsoft from continuing to be shameless, unless it directly develops an operating system to replace the Windows system, but that is obviously not a task that can be completed in a short time.

And Lin Xuan is very clear that Microsoft will never just make a plug-in to disgust them. They will definitely make use of the problem and hype the security risks of Smart Security Master to combat the expansion of Smart Security Master.

With Microsoft's global influence, it will really deal a heavy blow to Xuanyu Technology's reputation and software promotion.

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