Back in the office, Lin Xuan sat in front of the computer, frowning, thinking about how to deal with the crisis. If it was just a problem with the market development of this software, it would be nothing. He still has many other ways to make money.

What he is most afraid of is that his company's image and reputation in the hearts of users will have problems, and he is really unwilling to suffer this dumb loss like this!


[Thanks to God Killing No. 100, Age of Saints, Tutu SAE [-] coins for the reward, and thank you to all the book friends who gave rewards and voted for recommendations! 】

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

While Lin Xuan was thinking about the solution, foreign advertisements continued. Smart Security Master became more and more famous and downloaded more and more, but the number of complaints that followed also rose sharply. In the end, the entire customer service system It just crashed.

Soon, various negative news about the potential safety hazards of Smart Security Master, causing system crashes, crashes, and file loss, also began to spread on foreign networks, causing quite a stir for a while.

Although Xuanyu Technology urgently issued a statement, saying that the cause of the system crash was not caused by the Smart Security Master, but someone maliciously targeted the Smart Security Master. The installation program of the master will attack the system, causing the system to freeze and crash. The statement also lists the technical analysis report, condemns the malicious planting of implanting Trojan horse programs, and apologizes to the majority of users.

Subsequently, Xuanyu Technology also offlined the foreign language version of Smart Security Master, announcing an emergency software upgrade.

Although Xuanyu Technology released this statement in time, it still failed to prevent the spread of negative news.

At [-]:[-] p.m., that is, around [-]:[-] a.m. in the United States, Microsoft also made a statement. Microsoft issued an announcement saying: After the test and analysis of Microsoft Research Institute, the smart security master maliciously replaced the original kernel program and execution code of the Windows system. It will cause the system to crash and crash, and even cause damage and loss of stored files.

Microsoft strongly recommends that users prohibit the installation of Smart Security Master.

From now on, Microsoft will not provide technical assistance to any users who install Smart Security Master, nor will it bear any losses caused by users using Smart Security Master.

This announcement undoubtedly fueled the negative news on the Internet and instantly caused an uproar.

Not only Microsoft, but also major software and hardware manufacturers in the United States soon issued announcements to jointly boycott Smart Security Master.

Among them, the most influential one is Intel, the world's largest manufacturer of personal computer parts and CPUs.

Intel said in the announcement: After their technical tests, the unknown code used by Smart Security Master may cause irreversible damage to the internal logical operation unit of the Intel series CPU.

Intel Corporation shall not be liable for any losses caused by users using Smart Security Master!

This statement almost brought this matter to the forefront, and also brought the overseas expansion of Smart Security Master to the bottom.

The repercussions it caused were like a monstrous wave, sweeping across the world in an instant.

Although Xuanyu Technology has also issued a statement before, their influence is not comparable to international giants such as Microsoft and Intel.

Therefore, almost all public opinion is on the side of these big companies. In an instant, there was a lot of scolding on the Internet: "The things developed by Huaxia people are really unbelievable!"

"Products produced by Huaxia must be fakes, Huaxia software get out of Ridao!"

"Boycott Huaxia Software!"

"Garbage software, cheating consumers, Huaxia people have no integrity!"

The curses of users in Japan, South Korea, Europe and the United States have almost swept the entire overseas Internet. Of course, there are also Internet trolls controlled by Microsoft.

However, amidst the flood of scolding, some loyal users who have used the intelligent voice butler have stood up to speak for Xuanyu Technology. They expressed their confidence and expectations in Xuanyu Technology's technology, thinking that this incident Caused by a software bug, I believe Xuanyu Technology will solve the problem as soon as possible.

Moreover, some users who saw the root cause of the scandal also suggested that Xuanyu Technology should give up software security functions and focus on voice search and gesture operations.

Of course, there are very few knowledgeable people in the comments. It can be seen that this is Microsoft's advantage of almost monopolizing the operating system market to suppress Xuanyu Technology, which may pose a threat to him, so they all look at this issue rationally. Comments are also more pertinent and objective.

However, domestic users in Huaxia are unanimously supporting the Smart Security Master, claiming that no similar situation occurs when the Smart Security Master is installed on their computers, and the system is smoother and more stable.

Of course, many of them saw that this was Microsoft's deliberate hacking of Xuanyu Technology, so domestic netizens spontaneously began to denounce Microsoft, boycott Microsoft products, and started an online scolding war with foreign netizens.

This incident even aroused the anger of some domestic hackers. They spontaneously organized and launched an attack on Microsoft's official website. In less than an hour, they actually captured Microsoft's website and posted a statement on Microsoft's malicious hacking of Smart Security Master.

Of course, these behaviors did not cause any substantive effect except to vent their anger. Instead, they let Microsoft make use of the topic, saying that Xuanyu Technology jumped the wall and used hacking methods to attack their website, and strongly condemned Xuanyu Technology for this illegal and immoral behavior. .

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