Seeing everything that happened on the Internet, Lin Xuan's mood was not much better, especially when he saw that Microsoft and major software and hardware suppliers issued a boycott announcement, Lin Xuan was very angry. This is simply bullying their company Weak.

But are they really weak?

Perhaps Xuanyu Technology's influence is not as good as Microsoft's, its financial resources, material resources and manpower are not as good as Microsoft's, and its qualifications are not as good as Microsoft's, but in terms of technology, he is absolutely confident that it will blow up several blocks of Microsoft.

"Microsoft, you really think Lin Xuan is easy to bully, don't you?" Lin Xuan clenched his fists while sitting in front of the computer in the study. Do something, I'm afraid it will really make people think that Xuanyu Technology is a soft persimmon, you can pinch it casually!

Since Microsoft can frame him with a self-made virus program, why not let the virus in Microsoft's system go deeper.

"Microsoft, since you guys are playing disgusting with me, then don't blame me for reciprocating the other's way, so disgusting and disgusting you!" He muttered to himself, Lin Xuan immediately opened the programming software, but was about to write a virus program, and the phone Suddenly it rang, and seeing that it was Li Yanhong calling, he immediately connected the phone: "Hello, Mr. Li!"

"Mr. Lin, I really didn't expect Microsoft to use such a despicable trick. This is completely framed!" Li Yanhong said extremely angrily.

"That's right! They implanted a self-made virus program into the system. As long as it detects that the system is installed with Smart Security Master, it will automatically destroy the system. This trick is really despicable!" Lin Xuan said helplessly.

"Oh——" Li Yanhong also sighed helplessly, paused, and continued: "Mr. Lin, I have temporarily stopped the overseas advertisements, otherwise the more vigorous our advertisements are, the more negative impacts they may bring. The bigger it is!"

"Well, let's stop first, we have already offlined the foreign language version!"

"Well, what can you do to deal with this negative news?"

"Still thinking, does Mr. Li have any good suggestions?" Naturally, Lin Xuan couldn't tell his plan.

"Well, how about we adjust the foreign language version of the software, give up the security features, and let it go online as a voice assistant software, so that we will not threaten Microsoft's interests.

At that time, we will send the public relations department to negotiate with Microsoft, or bring Apple in, maybe this matter will turn around!

Of course, I know you must be very angry with Microsoft's actions this time, but for the sake of longer-term interests, we can only endure it temporarily. Although this incident has already caused an irreversible blow to our software and your company's reputation, as long as Microsoft Give up the boycott against us. In the future, we will definitely win the market again by virtue of the good user experience and reputation of the software! "

"Well, thank you Mr. Li for your suggestion, I will consider it!" Although he said so, Lin Xuan did not agree with Li Yanhong's way of giving in and forbearance, because he didn't want to be cowardly!

"Okay, then you should go to bed early, don't worry too much, after all, you may encounter any kind of business competition!" Li Yanhong comforted Lin Xuan, but he also knew that this incident would definitely cause Lin Xuan extremely A serious blow, I can only hope that this young man can grow up after this incident.

After finishing the call with Li Yanhong, Lin Xuan turned on the programming software and started writing virus programs, and did not go to bed until very late.


[Thank you for the reward of 588 coins for Tiansheng, thank you for the bubbling Yu 100 coins for the reward, and thank you to all the book friends who gave the reward. This week, I strongly recommended it. Continue to ask for collections and recommendation tickets! 】

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Early the next morning, when Lin Xuan came to the company, the atmosphere in the company seemed a bit dignified. After all, the negative news made these employees who have always been proud of Xuanyu Technology very angry and depressed, but they were helpless.

Not long after coming to the company, Lin Xuan held a high-level meeting to discuss the announcement made by Microsoft last night and the negative news on the Internet.

Everyone was holding back their anger, but after venting, they had to discuss the public relations crisis.

Everyone gave their opinions one after another, but they were basically similar to Li Yanhong’s proposal, and they chose to settle for the second best. After all, in their view, Microsoft is a big mountain, not to mention another big mountain like Intel, and they simply can’t get over it. , can only choose temporary forbearance.

After listening to everyone's opinions, Lin Xuan, who had been silent all this time, suddenly said: "Everyone is right, but you underestimated the strength of our Xuanyu Technology and overestimated the strength of our opponents. They are indeed rich and powerful, and they respond to everyone, but However, we have a technology far superior to theirs, so in this contest with Microsoft, it is not certain who will win in the end!"

Hearing Lin Xuan's words, everyone was at a loss. You look at me and I look at you. They don't understand why Lin Xuan suddenly said that.

They Xuanyu Technology has indeed mastered the technology ahead of Microsoft, Smart Security Master is an example, but so what, Microsoft's announcement almost drove their software into the abyss.

"Boss Lin, do we really have a chance to turn defeat into victory?"

"Yeah, now that our software is offline, the advertisements are suspended, and the negative news is almost driving our software into the abyss, it seems that we have lost this contest!"

Everyone said unconfidently, but they are not cowards who want others to destroy their prestige, nor are they cowards.

It's just that in their view, Microsoft's goal has been achieved. They have successfully prevented the expansion of Smart Security Master, and dealt a severe blow to the reputation of Xuanyu Technology, and even made their software almost lose its overseas market!

What else can they do to turn things around!

"No, this contest has just begun. Today, we will capture Microsoft!" Lin Xuan stood up suddenly, his eyes were piercing, and a confident smile appeared on his face, as if he had a chance to win!

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