Seeing this, everyone's hearts were moved. Although they didn't understand what Lin Xuan meant by capturing Microsoft, they were still slightly excited and looking forward to seeing Lin Xuan's confident look.

Why don't they want to see the situation of turning defeat into victory.

"Boss Lin, what should we do?" Chen Yu asked the question everyone wanted to ask.

"You will know later, but remember, this is a company secret, and no one is allowed to disclose it. As for the specific implementation plan, I will operate it alone. Your next task is to fully upgrade the software and do it. Good public relations work, we must minimize the influence of this negative news!" Lin Xuan said confidently.

"Yes, Mr. Lin!"

Although Lin Xuan didn't explain, seeing his appearance of winning, their fighting spirit was rekindled in their hearts. They all wanted to believe that Lin Xuan would be the one who would surprise them!

After the company's high-level meeting was over, all departments immediately began to get busy to deal with this crisis, while Lin Xuan returned to his office and began to implement his plan.

Time is running out, the working hours of the day are over, and the wave of hidden dangers of smart security masters on the Internet has receded slightly. This war without gunpowder seems to have ended with Microsoft's victory.

But no one knows that this war has just begun.


Microsoft headquarters in Redmond, Washington, USA.

Nadella, who just came to the company, immediately reported the good news to the directors of the company through video.

The directors were very satisfied with his results this time and gave him high praise, which made Nadella feel very good.

But before the meeting was over, the office door was interrupted by a hasty knock on the door, and soon Myerson ran in anxiously.

"Mr. Myerson, what happened, so flustered?" Nadella said with some dissatisfaction.

"Mr. Nadella, I'm sorry to bother you! But I have something urgent to report. Just an hour ago, a new type of virus invaded our server without our awareness, and passed through our The system backdoor program has infected all user computers connected to the Internet, and even our company's computers have been infected!" Myerson said anxiously.

"What?" Nadella jumped up from his chair, looking at Myerson in shock.

Myerson continued to report: "Just an hour ago, we received a complaint call from a customer, saying that within [-] minutes after their computer was turned on, the computer suddenly went black and all operations failed, and then the screen A greedy snake will appear on the screen, eating Doudou continuously, eating more and more, and finally the computer will shut down automatically after it fills up the screen.

After restarting again, it was still normal, and then it took about [-] minutes, and this happened again, and the cycle repeated, even reinstalling the system did not help, and all anti-virus software could not detect the virus at all.

Almost at the same time, the after-sales calls of all our branches were blown up, and all the complaints were exactly the same. "

As Myerson was talking, the screen of the computer Nadella used for video conferences with the directors suddenly went black, and a white snake appeared on the screen, constantly eating peas and growing longer.

Seeing this scene, the expression on Nadella's face can be described as wonderful and wonderful.

Myerson, who was on the side, also looked livid, and looked at Nadella, who was also ugly.

Invading their server, infecting the user's computer through a backdoor program, what a joke, this is too big!

"Are all the people in the technical department dead? They don't even know that a virus has invaded our server!" Nadella was so angry that he was about to jump up, and roared in a gaffe.

"Sorry Mr. Nadella, this virus is not an ordinary virus, and it did not cause any abnormality after invading our server.

Just now the technology department has found out the reason for the first time, but the current situation is that the technology used by this virus is far superior to ours, even more advanced than the technology used by the smart security master. It uses unknown methods to completely control After destroying our system, we have completely lost control over the system, and there is no way to clear it. We have tried almost all methods so far, but it is of no avail! "

Hearing this, Nadella felt his head buzzing. As the world's largest PC software supplier, they were helpless in the face of a computer virus. What joke is funnier than this in the world? If you go out, you will be ridiculed by people all over the world!

Of course, what worries Nadella is not just the issue of being ridiculed, but what kind of disaster this virus will bring to them, Microsoft, and even the entire United States.

Microsoft's system software can be said to be spread across more than half of the world's government, enterprise servers, office computers, and personal computers. If all these systems cannot be used normally, one can imagine what will happen. I am afraid that the whole world will be in chaos!

"Mr. Nadella, we speculate that this virus is probably created by Xuanyu Technology!" Myerson said again.

However, there is no difference between what he said and what he didn't say, and Nadella can naturally guess that Xuanyu Technology did it.

So what if they just guessed, they don't even know when or how they invaded, and even now that they don't even have the authority to control their own server, they can't find evidence at all, and anything without evidence is bullshit.

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