"Damn Xuanyu Technology!" Nadella's eyes were about to burst into flames, and his heart was even more depressed. He thought that with his company's market share and influence, he could defeat this company. company.

But I didn't expect people to use technology to blow them up!

And this is what they have been emphasizing the significance of technological leadership, what could be more ironic than this!

But right now he doesn't have time to think so much, what he's worried about is how he will clean up the mess now that the whole world is in chaos.

So he hurried out of the office to inquire about the latest situation.

Fortunately, however, according to customer feedback from after-sales customers, the virus seems to only infect the computers of individual users, and has not infected the computer systems of other enterprises and governments except Microsoft headquarters. It didn't completely crash the computer system and make it completely unusable, it just crashed every twenty minutes.

But despite this, this crisis may become the biggest dilemma Microsoft has faced since its establishment.


[Thank you for the reward of 300 coins from the dance boy, thank you for the reward of 100 coins from Southwest First Mountain, and thank you to every book friend who gave the reward, continue to ask for recommendation tickets and collections! 】

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The reason why Lin Xuan didn't completely paralyze all the computers of Microsoft's individual users, nor let the virus infect the office computer systems of enterprises and governments, was that he didn't want to completely disrupt the normal order of the countries.

Because it is a commercial competition between him and Microsoft, if this incident causes chaos in the social order, it will rise to the national level. Once the country gets involved, it will really make a big fuss. He doesn't want to make trouble now !

Lin Xuan, who successfully released the virus, was in a good mood. He opened the programming software again and continued to write the Jarvis system code.

But they didn’t know that the Microsoft headquarters far away on the other side of the world was about to explode because of the virus. The after-sales calls of the headquarters and all branches had already been blasted, and the technicians were also trying their best to find a way to solve the virus incident. .

And the PR department is also busy dealing with all the negative impact of news and public opinion that may come next.

In the office, Nadella's phone is about to explode. He is exhausted to report the latest situation to the directors. An hour ago, he was praised by the directors, but now he is facing criticism and criticism. This is a big ups and downs. The change is really too dramatic.

Soon, the news about the snake-eating virus has attracted the attention of media from all over the world, and various reports spread rapidly, causing an uproar for a while.

And these news also spread to Huaxia through the Internet and the media. Before Huaxia netizens went to bed, they were given a dose of stimulants, which immediately caused a huge sensation.

After all, the news that Microsoft suppressed Xuanyu Technology the day before made the people of the country suffocate, and at this time, Microsoft had this incident, so it was natural for them to express their anger.

Of course, many people also speculate that this is what Xuanyu Technology did in its own way to treat its own body, but after all, there is no evidence for this matter, and they just talked about it on the Internet, and they all praised it strongly Xuanyu Technology has done a good job, and it must be more rogue than him in dealing with rogues!

And the major media reports only euphemistically linked this incident with the previous negative news about the smart security master, so stop.

However, in response to the speculation on the media and the Internet, Xuanyu Technology's public relations department also immediately issued a statement: saying that the virus incident has nothing to do with Xuanyu Technology.

Early the next morning, Xuanyu Technology Company held a high-level meeting. When talking about the news of Microsoft's virus incident last night, everyone's faces were full of joy, but they tacitly kept silent about where the virus came from.

Just discussing how to start a counterattack against this Microsoft suppression!

Finally, after some discussions, Lin Xuan came up with a plan that made everyone applaud.

After the meeting, everyone was full of energy and began to implement Lin Xuan's plan one after another.

Soon, Xuanyu Technology released another message: saying that Smart Security Master is committed to bringing the best protection to users' computers. It is very proud that Smart Security Master has resisted the invasion of Snake Virus and successfully Protected the computers of all users in their company and lived up to expectations.

At present, the new version of Smart Security Master has been fully launched and will become the most secure security software in the world.

The news first spread on the Internet, and soon the media also reported it one after another.

And Huaxia netizens also said that their computers have installed Smart Security Master, and indeed they have not been invaded by viruses.Even some foreign netizens who were the first to install Smart Security Master, after Microsoft issued a statement, had no time to uninstall it, and they also spoke out to confirm this point.

And these voices also became the booster of this news, so that the news that the new version of Smart Security Master can resist the snake virus spread like wildfire and spread rapidly.

After many users heard the news, they had no choice but to be dead horses. They downloaded the new version of Smart Security Master and tried it. Sure enough, after the installation was completed, the virus was cleared, and the computer returned to normal, and became smoother and more stable than before.

In this way, the smart security master who was originally called junk software by many people and resisted has now become a life-saving straw for those people, which makes them ashamed to recall the remarks they made on the Internet.

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