Of course, more people have started to see Microsoft's jokes. Just imagine that the day before, Microsoft was still uniting with other companies to boycott Smart Security Master.

As a result, they were troubled by the virus the next day and could do nothing, but the smart security master became the only hope to solve their troubles.

What could be more dramatic in this world than this transformation!


At the Microsoft headquarters, after testing by engineers in the R&D department, Smart Security Master can indeed remove the Snake virus, which also made Nadella more sure that Xuanyu Technology did it.

But despite this, they have no evidence to pursue the legal responsibility of Xuanyu Technology. Instead, they have to rely on other people's software to deal with this huge crisis.

So they didn't make any noise about the news released by Xuanyu Technology. Instead, they deleted the announcement they had issued earlier to boycott the smart security master.

Even all the after-sales customer service of the company, when they receive complaint calls from users, recommend them to use Smart Security Master.

For a while, the download volume of Smart Security Master once again showed an astonishing growth momentum. In just two days, it exceeded 6 million, and this number is still growing rapidly.

And as more and more users began to use Smart Security Master, Microsoft's after-sales calls finally slowly stopped.

However, the voices mocking Microsoft on the Internet are getting louder and louder. Many people think that Microsoft has shot itself in the foot this time, and it has become the laughing stock of the industry!

For these mocking voices, Microsoft can only remain silent, hoping that this virus storm will subside as soon as possible.

But to everyone's surprise, it was just the third day after Xuanyu Technology released the new version of Smart Security Master.

Xuanyu Technology suddenly released another piece of news like a blockbuster: After testing by Xuanyu Technology's technical department, there are still codes in the Microsoft system kernel that conflict with the new version of Security Master software, which may cause damage to Smart Security Master, or even cause instability in the computer system.

For the consideration of the majority of users, Xuanyu Technology will suspend the service of the foreign language version of Smart Security Master from now on, and will upgrade and adjust again.

The announcement of Xuanyu Technology has almost confused everyone. Xuanyu Technology, which has successfully taken advantage of the Microsoft virus crisis to counterattack Microsoft and occupied the overseas market, suddenly wants to suspend its services. Is it a source of wealth?

However, Microsoft and some people in the industry are well aware of the intention of Xuanyu Technology. Xuanyu Technology is disgusting Microsoft and them. First, they let Microsoft know that only smart security masters can save them, but they refuse to use them.

If you want to continue to use it, then it depends on Lao Tzu's face, who makes Lao Tzu's skills better than yours!

This is simply a slap in the face of Chi Guoguo!

Of course, it’s not a rough idea. Lin Xuan actually has this purpose. The joint statement of several major software and hardware manufacturers such as Microsoft and Intel brought not only a market crisis to Xuanyu Technology, but also a blow to its reputation.

This time, if Microsoft does not lower its profile and publicly prove the innocence of the smart security master, how can he give up so easily.

So soon, analyzes and speculations about Xuanyu Technology's announcement began to appear on the Internet, and the guesses were almost indistinguishable. Xuanyu Technology did not make a clear response to this, but just waited for Microsoft's next move.


[Thanks to the inspirational man °200 coins for the reward, and thanks to all the book friends who rewarded and voted for recommendations! 】

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the conference room of the Microsoft headquarters in Redmond, Washington State, USA, Microsoft’s senior executives and most of the directors were present, sitting around the oval conference table on both sides, and even the founder of Microsoft, Bill, who had retired for many years, Gates even rarely attended the meeting.

The topic they are going to discuss today is the virus crisis and Xuanyu Technology's announcement to suspend the Smart Security Master service.

"Xuanyu Technology's intentions are already obvious. Obviously, they are waiting for us to apologize for the boycott of their company's products last time, and even compensate them!" A director said.

"Hmph, Huaxia people really have no moral bottom line, to use such despicable means!" A director with a long face and a big chin said sullenly.

"Mr. Smith, it is not the time for us to discuss moral issues. The current situation has left us with no choice. Let's discuss how to end this battle with Xuanyu Technology as soon as possible and minimize our losses! "Another director suddenly said, in his opinion, now is not the time to talk nonsense that can't solve practical problems, and the methods they used before are not very noble, scolding others is not the same as scolding themselves.

"Hmph, of course I know. A group of idiots in the R&D department have not found any solution so far. I really don't know what value the company spends tens of billions of dollars on technology research and development every year!" Smith still looked unhappy. Said.

Hearing Smith's words, Myerson and the chief engineer of the R&D department lowered their heads in disgrace and said nothing. After all, they really disappointed everyone this time.

But Bill Gates, who had been silent all the time, spoke up: "Mr. Smith, the development of technology is often unexpected. Sometimes it is not that you pay the most to create the best technology.

Therefore, we should not put all the responsibility on the engineers in the R&D department. Perhaps the reason for Microsoft's embarrassing situation today is the narrow-mindedness of the decision-makers and the reason for being self-styled.

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