If we had maintained awe of technology and tolerance towards our opponents from the very beginning, perhaps we would not have the situation we are in today.

Of course, I don't want to blame anyone here, and please stop complaining and blaming others.

The only thing we have to do right now is to find a solution to this crisis as soon as possible, otherwise, the longer it drags on, the greater the impact on our Microsoft. Now our Microsoft stock market has been seriously affected, and tens of billions of dollars have evaporated in an instant. I think everyone here does not want to see worse results! "

In fact, Bill Gates has not been involved in the company's affairs for a long time, but as a technical consultant, he had to come out in person this time.

But when he saw the snake-eating virus and the advanced technology used by the smart security master, even he, the former computer genius, was deeply shocked.He had to admit that the technology they were proud of had been surpassed by others.

And this may be the changing of the times, and he can't stop it.

A few decades ago, he might have been very unconvinced, believing that he would create even better technology, but now that he is over [-], he already has more than enough energy.He even faintly felt that in his lifetime, he might see another technology company comparable to Microsoft rise on the other side of the earth. He no longer wanted to think about what Microsoft would be like at that time!

Hearing what Bill Gates said, everyone nodded. Although Smith was still upset, he could only remain silent.

At this time, a female director said: "I think the best way to solve this crisis is naturally to seek reconciliation. Obviously, our competition with Xuanyu Technology has failed this time, and we have lost completely. Perhaps the best way is to reconcile with the other party and seek common development. After all, their software still needs to rely on our system to run. As long as we show enough sincerity, there should be room for relaxation!"

"Well, what Ms. Winnick said is very correct, I agree with Ms. Winnick's proposal!" A director nodded and said.

"I agree too!" Everyone nodded, and Bill Gates also nodded slightly, but did not speak.

"Ms. Winnick, I will go to Huaxia in person later to meet Lin Xuan of Xuanyu Technology and see if we can make a settlement!" Nadella said in a deep voice.

Although he was reluctant to bow his head to Xuanyu Technology to admit his mistakes, but for the sake of the company, he had to let go of all his dignity and face.

"Well, okay, but has Mr. Nadella thought about how to make a settlement with Xuanyu Technology?" Director Winnik asked again.

"Well, my initial thought is to visit Xuanyu Technology in person, seek a settlement, promise to bundle Smart Security Master with our system, and clarify the reliability of Smart Security Master through the media, and the worst result may be that we We have to pay a huge sum of money as compensation!" Nadella said in a deep voice.

Hearing Nadella's words, everyone's faces were not very good-looking. This is almost like paying compensation to the defeated country, but I'm afraid their situation is indeed the same now, so no one raised any criticism.

"If it is bundled, how to solve the problem of our system backdoor is of great significance to Microsoft and the government!" Another director suddenly said.

"I also know Mr. Bell, but the first priority right now is to meet Lin Xuan first. As for how to solve the problem of the system backdoor program, we can only discuss it after the meeting! But please rest assured, I will try my best to deal with it. Okay, I will give you a satisfactory answer!" Nadella said with a firm face.

He is very clear that a big reason for Microsoft's crisis today is also due to his decision-making mistakes, so he must make up for it!

But although he already had a reconciliation plan, he was still full of worries about this visit.

"Well, then I'll leave this matter to you. As long as the requirements are not particularly excessive, we can try our best to satisfy them!" Bill Gates said again.

"Okay Mr. Gates!" Nadella nodded.


In Binhai City, in the office of Xuanyu Technology.

Lin Xuan just used hacking methods to manipulate a private computer located in the United States as a broiler, and then anonymously sent the intelligence personnel information he had stolen from the CIA to Xia Weiguo via email.

But as soon as he closed the hacking software, the landline on the desk rang, and he connected the phone, and a nice female voice came from inside: "Mr. You talk, do you answer?"

Lin Xuan frowned, and a smug smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he said immediately: "Well, help me get through!"

"Okay Mr. Lin!" The woman responded, and immediately transferred the call, and a middle-aged voice came from the receiver: "Hi Mr. Lin, I am the president of Microsoft China, Gao Yunpeng, I'm sorry excuse me!"

"Is there anything Mr. Gao wants from me?" Lin Xuanwu pretended to be confused.

"That's right, Mr. Lin, the CEO of our company, Mr. Nadella, wants to meet you and apologize for the previous incident. I don't know when you will have time. We will visit you in the past!" Gao Yunpeng said sincerely Said.

Hearing this, Lin Xuan secretly laughed in his heart, and after pondering for a while, he said, "Then come to our company in the afternoon!"

"Okay, okay, thank you Mr. Lin, we will leave later!" Gao Yunpeng's voice was a little excited, maybe he didn't expect Lin Xuan to agree to see them so easily.

After a "hmm", Lin Xuan didn't say anything, but hung up the phone directly, with a meaningful smile on his face again.

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