
[Thank you for giving Gou from your heart, I will definitely come back! 588 coins for the reward, thanks to the inspirational man °200 coins for the reward, thanks to 360_°盍盍琳, Zhu Baibai, and Xileiza for the 100 coins reward, and thanks to everyone Book friends who rewarded this book, thank you for your support and encouragement, Rusi must withstand the pressure, work hard to write this book well, and present a good-looking story to everyone!Finally, ask for a recommendation ticket! 】

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

[Sorry, book friends, the company temporarily notified the evening department dinner before work tonight, caught me by surprise, and said that I didn’t come back until after eleven o’clock, so the update was late, and when I came back and saw those scolding people in the book review area, I was angry, I can't bear it with the help of Jiu Jin. I will listen to and thank those who raise their opinions. If you are picky, try not to open your mouth. As for the scolding, fuck me. It is said that what people wrote is wrong, and the book reviews are well-spoken. Some kind of **** write me a try. I guess you will be full of loopholes if you write a fucking hundred thousand words. In addition, those who say that my book is only enough for two. For those who have just read it, I want to say that it is as if you have never had a second time, so I say this to you, you are a person with low EQ, and you don’t know how to control your emotions. Reading a novel can make you crazy Heap, if you are like this in life, you can have friends. Who the hell compares to the second? You are the only one who is smart. If you like to read it or not, if you don’t read it, fuck me. Stop scolding me here and scolding my readers, scolding me I just put up with it, and scolded my readers for being ineffective, and if you’re right, you’re half-crazy, half-missing!] In the afternoon, Lin Xuan, who was writing Jarvis’s code, received another call from the company’s front desk: “Boss Lin, Mr. Nadella is here!" "Well, let him come to my office!" Lin Xuan replied.But not long after putting down the phone, there was a knock on the office door, and Zheng Wenwen led two men in. One of them, Lin Xuan, had seen him before. Satya Nadella, the current CEO of Microsoft who has seen photos online. "Hi Mr. Lin, I'm Satya Nadella, nice to meet you!" Nadella walked to Lin Xuan's desk, stretched out his hand and smiled.But Lin Xuan didn't get up, but said with a cold face: "Mr. Nadella, maybe you don't need to be too happy!" Hearing Lin Xuan's obviously rude words, although Nadella was unhappy in his heart, his face Still smiling with a strong face, who made him ask for something, he can only lower his posture in front of this young Chinese man.Moreover, Lin Xuan's reaction was also within his expectations. After all, the two companies had just experienced a war without gunpowder before, killing each other to the death. Now it would be strange if Lin Xuan greeted them with a smile on his face.With an embarrassed smile, Nadella withdrew his hand, looked at Gao Yunpeng beside him, and then said again: "Mr. Lin, the previous matter was caused by our company's fault first. I came here today to represent the company. You extend my deep apologies!" Nadella suddenly bowed as he said that, but he was full of sincerity.But Gao Yunpeng on the side was shocked when he saw Nadella's actions. Although he is the president of Microsoft China, he is also from China. Seeing the world's largest computer software provider-the CEO of Microsoft, Even bowing and apologizing to a young Chinese man, I couldn't calm down for a while.If this scene gets out, it will definitely cause a huge sensation, and it will also make countless Chinese people feel proud and proud of Lin Xuan.With his own wisdom, he created software that made Microsoft fearful, and Microsoft had to use bad tactics to suppress it, but when everyone thought he was completely defeated.However, with his genius-like wisdom, he plunged the mighty Microsoft into a virus crisis, but he was helpless, turning this contest around and completely turning defeat into victory.It even forced Microsoft to come to the door to apologize, and had to bow its head to admit its mistake. What could be more exciting than this!So at this time, Gao Yunpeng was full of admiration for Lin Xuan, and even had a kind of pride in being a Chinese.The Chinese nation seems to have really risen! "I think Mr. Nadella is very clear about how much damage your Microsoft and Intel joint announcement has caused to our company and how much our reputation has been damaged!" Seeing Nadella bowing and apologizing, Lin Xuan's expression softened slightly, but The voice is still cold. "I'm really sorry for this, Mr. Lin, we at Microsoft will try our best to make up for the losses caused by this incident to your company. I'm here today, besides apologizing to you, I also want to talk to you about cooperation issues. According to the discussion of our board of directors, your company's Smart Security Master is completely tailor-made software for our Microsoft Windows system. Therefore, we hope to bundle your Smart Security Master with our Microsoft Windows system for sale, and we will also re-issue the statement, Proving the reliability of Smart Security Master, I think in this way, all the reputation crisis of your company will be solved by itself. And this kind of bundled sales can also share our huge and fixed user base of Microsoft with your company , I think in this way, you don’t need to invest another penny in advertising fees!” “Bundled sales?” Lin Xuan’s heart moved, it seemed that he had indeed completely convinced Microsoft this time, and even took out Bundle such a policy to seek a settlement.This is naturally a very tempting proposal for Lin Xuan. Just imagine, once it is bundled and sold, no matter how many sets of operating systems Microsoft sells in the future, it is equivalent to how many sets of software it sells itself, and he does not need to worry about developing it at all. What about overseas markets.However, Lin Xuan will naturally not let go of this opportunity to slaughter Microsoft easily. Over the years, Microsoft has made a lot of money from China by relying on its technological monopoly.Now that he is the knife and Microsoft is the fish, how can he not kill them and get back some of the money they earned. "Your suggestion is not bad, but I think after this virus incident, users have seen the security of Smart Security Master. At present, our software has more than 100 million foreign users. Whichever Windows system cooperates with will win them more market share and bring opportunities, for example, Apple, which we have cooperated with before, is a very good choice!" Lin Xuan continued.Nadella could hear what Lin Xuan meant, so he pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "Hehe, of course, but I think the cooperation between our two companies is more suitable and can maximize the benefits. Moreover, our company is also willing to pay your company [-] billion US dollars to purchase the exclusive cooperation rights of Smart Security Master!" Hearing this, Lin Xuan was overjoyed, but his face was expressionless, and he nodded noncommittally, although he had He is very satisfied with Microsoft's sincerity, but he is very clear that this is definitely not Microsoft's bottom line. "Could it be that Mr. Lin is not satisfied with my proposal?" Seeing that Lin Xuan did not reply, Nadella asked again. "I heard that Microsoft's stock market has fallen in the past few days, and tens of billions have been evaporated. I don't know if it falls again, it will waste tens of billions!" Lin Xuan said suddenly after a little silence.Hearing this, Nadella frowned, and naturally knew the meaning of Lin Xuan's words in his heart. He couldn't help but secretly scolded this greedy young man, but with a smile on his face, he asked, "Mr. Lin, what about the exclusive cooperation right?" , How much money do you think is appropriate?" "Two billion dollars, if it is less than this figure, there is no need for us to continue the discussion!" Lin Xuan stopped making detours, directly raised two fingers, and said firmly. "This!" Nadella looked a little ugly, [-] billion US dollars, which is almost equivalent to one-third of their Microsoft's annual income, and such a huge sum of money, but only bought the exclusive cooperation right, this is probably the world's The most expensive exclusive cooperation right on the Internet!But even though he knew that Lin Xuan was a lion opening his mouth and slaughtering them, Nadella could only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach. "Well, [-] billion is [-] billion!" Nadella gritted his teeth and nodded, "However, Mr. Lin, your company's smart security master has blocked all the backdoors of our system, which is very important for us to the market. Control will have a very serious impact, can we discuss it and keep some backdoor programs for our company!" "How can this be, this is my promise to customers, if your backdoor exists, then I'm afraid I can't guarantee user information It is absolutely safe, and I heard that the snake virus that appeared this time seems to infect the user's computer through the back door of your company's system!" Lin Xuan said resolutely.Hearing this, Nadella was silent again. This kind of negotiation really made him extremely aggrieved. He was almost the same as when the Huaxia Qing Dynasty faced the Eight-Power Allied Forces. One unequal treaty. "You're right, since that's the case, why don't we change the way, can you leave us a backdoor program with Smart Security Master to manage the system!" "Well, it's possible!" Seeing Nadella backed down again and again, and Lin Xuanli secretly agreed that he would open a back door for Microsoft to manage the system market. After that, Microsoft's lifeblood would be in his own hands.Sure enough, technological leadership is capricious!This is the same reason that during the Qing Dynasty, capitalist countries bullied the Qing Dynasty with advanced technology!It's just that now the feng shui is turning, and the one who masters advanced technology has become Huaxia! ...

[Thanks to ZXCASD123 book friends for the reward of 300 coins, thanks to the inspirational man ° for the reward of 200 coins, thanks to 360_° Xi Qilin for the reward of 100 coins, thank you to all the book friends who tipped and voted for recommendations, thank you for your support and encouragement, I am really happy to have you guys as servants. This book must have shortcomings. After all, it is just writing a book. It is impossible to have so much energy to choose words and sentences carefully. Thank you! 】

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

[Sorry, book friends, the company temporarily notified the evening department dinner before get off work tonight, caught me by surprise, and said that I didn’t come back until after eleven o’clock, so the update was late, and when I came back and saw those scolding people in the book review area, I was angry, I can't bear the breath of alcohol.

I will listen to and thank those who raise their opinions. If you are picky, please try not to open your mouth. As for the scolding, please fuck me. If you don’t read the book seriously, you will say that the writing is wrong, and you will post a book review. Straightforward, some kind of **** write me a try, it is estimated that if you write a fucking hundred thousand words, it will be full of loopholes.

In addition, those who say that my book is only read by Xiaobai who is good enough, I want to say that it is as if the **** has never passed, so I say this to you, you are a person with low emotional intelligence, and you don’t know how to control My own emotions, reading a novel can make a lot of pressure, you can have friends in life like you, no one is fucking smarter than you, you are the only one.If you like to read it or not, if you don’t read it, fuck me, stop scolding me here and scolding my readers, I will bear with scolding me, readers who scold me are not easy to use, yes, just call you half-crazy, half-crazy Missing!】


In the afternoon, Lin Xuan, who was writing Jarvis's code, received another call from the company's front desk: "Mr. Lin, Mr. Nadella is here!"

"Well, let him come to my office!" Lin Xuan replied.

But not long after putting down the phone, there was a knock on the office door, and Zheng Wenwen led two men in. One of them, Lin Xuan, had seen him before. Satya Nadella, the current CEO of Microsoft who has seen photos online.

"Hi Mr. Lin, I'm Satya Nadella, nice to meet you!" Nadella walked to Lin Xuan's desk, stretched out his hand and smiled.

But Lin Xuan didn't get up, but said with a cold face: "Mr. Nadella, maybe you don't need to be too happy!"

Hearing Lin Xuan's obviously rude words, although Nadella was unhappy in his heart, he still had a forced smile on his face. He could only lower his posture in front of this Chinese young man who made him ask for anything.

Moreover, Lin Xuan's reaction was also within his expectations. After all, the two companies had just experienced a war without gunpowder before, killing each other to the death. Now it would be strange if Lin Xuan greeted them with a smile on his face.

With an embarrassed smile, Nadella withdrew his hand, looked at Gao Yunpeng beside him, and then said again: "Mr. Lin, the previous matter was caused by our company's fault first. I came here today to represent the company. You are deeply sorry!"

Speaking, Nadella suddenly bowed, but he was full of sincerity.

But Gao Yunpeng on the side was shocked when he saw Nadella's actions. Although he is the president of Microsoft China, he is also from China. Seeing the world's largest computer software provider-the CEO of Microsoft, Even bowing and apologizing to a young Chinese man, I couldn't calm down for a while.

If this scene gets out, it will definitely cause a huge sensation, and it will also make countless Chinese people feel proud and proud of Lin Xuan.

With his own wisdom, he created software that made Microsoft fearful, and Microsoft had to use bad tactics to suppress it, but when everyone thought he was completely defeated.

However, with his genius-like wisdom, he plunged the mighty Microsoft into a virus crisis, but he was helpless, turning this contest around and completely turning defeat into victory.

It even forced Microsoft to come to the door to apologize, and had to bow its head to admit its mistake. What could be more exciting than this!

So at this time, Gao Yunpeng was full of admiration for Lin Xuan, and even had a kind of pride in being a Chinese.

The Chinese nation seems to have really risen!

"I think Mr. Nadella is very clear about how much damage your Microsoft and Intel joint announcement has caused to our company and how much our reputation has been damaged!" Seeing Nadella bowing and apologizing, Lin Xuan's expression softened slightly, but The voice is still cold.

"I'm really sorry for this, Mr. Lin, we at Microsoft will definitely try our best to make up for the losses caused by this incident to your company. I'm here today, besides apologizing to you, I also want to talk to you about cooperation issues.

After discussion by our board of directors, your company's Smart Security Master is completely tailor-made software for our Microsoft Windows system.

Therefore, I hope that your Smart Security Master will be bundled with our Microsoft Windows system, and we will re-issue the statement to prove the reliability of Smart Security Master. I think this way, all the reputation crises of your company will be eliminated self-defeating.

And this kind of bundling sales can also share our huge and fixed user base of Microsoft with your company. I think that in this way, you don't need to invest a penny in advertising fees! "

"Bundled sales?" Lin Xuan's heart moved. It seemed that he had indeed completely convinced Microsoft this time, and even came up with a policy of bundled sales to seek a settlement.

This is naturally a very tempting proposal for Lin Xuan. Just imagine, once it is bundled and sold, no matter how many sets of operating systems Microsoft sells in the future, it is equivalent to how many sets of software it sells itself, and he does not need to worry about developing it at all. What about overseas markets.

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