However, Lin Xuan will naturally not let go of this opportunity to slaughter Microsoft easily. Over the years, Microsoft has made a lot of money from China by relying on its technological monopoly.

Now that he is the knife and Microsoft is the fish, how can he not kill them and get back some of the money they earned.

"Your suggestion is not bad, but I think after this virus incident, users have seen the security of Smart Security Master. At present, our software has more than [-] million foreign users. Whichever Windows system cooperates with will win them more market share and bring opportunities, for example, Apple, which we have cooperated with before, is a very good choice!" Lin Xuan continued.

Nadella could hear what Lin Xuan meant, so he pondered for a moment, then smiled and said, "Hehe, of course, but I think the cooperation between our two companies is more suitable and can maximize the benefits. Moreover, our company is also willing to pay your company 100 billion US dollars to purchase the exclusive cooperation right of Smart Security Master!"

Hearing this, Lin Xuan was overjoyed, but his face was expressionless, and he nodded noncommittally. Although he was already very satisfied with Microsoft's sincerity, he knew very well that this was definitely not Microsoft's bottom line.

"Could it be that Mr. Lin is not satisfied with my proposal?" Seeing that Lin Xuan did not reply, Nadella asked again.

"I heard that Microsoft's stock market has fallen in the past few days, and tens of billions have been evaporated. I don't know if it falls again, it will waste tens of billions!" Lin Xuan said suddenly after a little silence.

Hearing this, Nadella frowned, and naturally knew the meaning of Lin Xuan's words in his heart. He couldn't help but secretly scolded this greedy young man, but with a smile on his face, he asked, "Mr. Lin, what about the exclusive cooperation right?" , how much money do you think is appropriate?"

"Two billion dollars, if it's less than this figure, we don't need to continue the discussion!" Lin Xuan stopped making detours and directly raised two fingers, saying with a firm expression.

"This!" Nadella looked a little ugly, [-] billion US dollars, which is almost equivalent to one-third of their Microsoft's annual income, and such a huge sum of money, but only bought the exclusive cooperation right, this is probably the world's The most expensive exclusive cooperation right on the Internet!

But even though he knew that Lin Xuan was a lion opening his mouth and slaughtering them, Nadella could only smash his teeth and swallow it in his stomach.

"Well, [-] billion is [-] billion!" Nadella gritted his teeth and nodded, "However, Mr. Lin, your company's smart security master has blocked all the backdoors of our system, which is very important for us to the market. Control will have a very serious impact, can we discuss and reserve some backdoor programs for our company!"

"How can this be? This is my promise to customers. If your backdoor exists, I'm afraid I can't guarantee the absolute security of user information. Moreover, I heard that the snake virus that appeared this time seems to have passed through your company's system. The backdoor infects the user's computer!" Lin Xuan said firmly.

Hearing this, Nadella was silent again. This kind of negotiation really made him extremely aggrieved. He was almost the same as when the Huaxia Qing Dynasty faced the Eight-Power Allied Forces. One unequal treaty.

"You're right. Since that's the case, why don't we change the way? Can you leave us a backdoor program with Smart Security Master to manage the system!"

"Well, it's possible!" Seeing Nadella backing down again and again, Lin Xuanli was secretly pleased that he would open a back door for Microsoft to manage the system market. After that, Microsoft's lifeblood would be in his own hands.

Sure enough, technological leadership is capricious!

This is the same reason that during the Qing Dynasty, capitalist countries bullied the Qing Dynasty with advanced technology!

It's just that now the feng shui is turning, and the one who masters advanced technology has become Huaxia!


[Thanks to ZXCASD123 book friends for the reward of 300 coins, thanks to the inspirational man ° for the reward of 200 coins, thanks to 360_° Xi Qilin for the reward of 100 coins, thank you to all the book friends who tipped and voted for recommendations, thank you for your support and encouragement, I am really happy to have you guys as servants. This book must have shortcomings. After all, it is just writing a book. It is impossible to have so much energy to choose words and sentences carefully. Thank you! 】

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Just as Nadella signed a series of cooperation contracts on behalf of Microsoft and Xuanyu Technology.

The news that Nadella took the initiative to visit Xuanyu Technology to seek reconciliation quickly spread on the Internet.

Taking advantage of the crowds of news about the battle between Xuanyu Technology and Microsoft, this news quickly occupied the headlines of major portal websites as soon as it appeared, and spread rapidly on major mobile new media, causing a huge sensation for a while.

Everyone also understood Xuanyu Technology's intention to suddenly stop the service of Smart Security Master in overseas markets, and immediately applauded Xuanyu Technology's move. This is simply a slap in the face for Microsoft, forcing Microsoft to stop Not taking the initiative to come to the door to seek reconciliation, it is really pleasing to the hearts of the people, and the Internet was applauded for a while!

Xuanyu Technology did a great job!

Xuanyu Technology, the pride of Chinese people!

Xuanyu technology is domineering and mighty, overthrows the old beauty, promotes the prestige of our country, and revitalizes our country!

Of course, while applauding, many people are also speculating on the outcome of the negotiation between Microsoft and Xuanyu Technology, and many people shouted on the Internet that Microsoft must be ruthless, and they must not be soft!


After Nadella was sent away, Xuanyu Technology was boiling. This time, the battle between their company and Microsoft ended in a complete victory. This is an extremely exciting thing!

And Lin Xuan was also in a very good mood. He got 200 billion US dollars for no reason. What could be better than this in the world, so he promised to double the company bonus for all employees this month, which immediately made everyone in the company excited!

Back in the office, Lin Xuan checked the news and comments about Nadella's visit. The reason why these news were posted on the Internet so quickly was because he had asked someone from the company to secretly film Nadella walking into the company. , and then passed to the media.

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